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Toncoin Trades At Its Highest Since 2022 – What Prompted The Surge?

Toncoin 交易量創 2022 年以來最高水平——是什麼推動了價格飆升?

發布: 2023/11/09 20:18 閱讀: 900



  • Toncoin has reached its highest level in almost a year.
  • Toncoin 已達到近一年來的最高水平。

  • Price has increased to overbought levels, indicating that a reversal is imminent. 
  • 價格已升至超買水平,顯示逆轉即將到來。

Toncoin [TON], the cryptocurrency associated with the popular messaging service Telegram, has risen to its highest value since February 2022, according to Coinstats data.

根據 Coinstats 的數據,與流行訊息服務 Telegram 相關的加密貨幣 Toncoin [TON] 已升至 2022 年 2 月以來的最高值。

At press time, the altcoin was trading at $2.76, up nearly 50% in the previous month. While the it’s value has consistently increased over the last month, the most of the increases have occurred in the last two days. 

截至發稿時,山寨幣交易價格為 2.76 美元,較上個月上漲近 50%。雖然它的價值在過去一個月持續增長,但大部分增長發生在過去兩天。

The cause of this might be traced to Pavel Durov, the inventor of Telegram, who announced a giveaway of 10,000 premium memberships for his messaging app on November 7th.

造成這種情況的原因可能要追溯到 Telegram 的發明者 Pavel Durov,他於 11 月 7 日宣佈為其訊息應用程式贈送 10,000 名高級會員。

Durov stated in his announcement that he obtained the premium accounts with TON tokens worth roughly $200,000.

杜羅夫在公告中表示,他使用 TON 代幣獲得了價值約 20 萬美元的高級帳戶。

As a result, TON’s price jumped by 8.4% during the intraday trading session on November 8th, temporarily overtaking leading meme coin Dogecoin [DOGE] in terms of market capitalization. 

結果,TON 的價格在 11 月 8 日盤中交易時段上漲了 8.4%,在市值方面暫時超過了領先的模因幣狗狗幣 [DOGE]。

As expected, Durov’s statement increased demand for TON. According to Santiment data, the daily count of unique addresses involved in TON transactions has increased by 46% since November 6th.

正如預期的那樣,杜羅夫的聲明增加了對 TON 的需求。 Santiment 數據顯示,自 11 月 6 日以來,每天涉及 TON 交易的唯一地址數量增加了 46%。

Similarly, the number of new addresses created to trade TON everyday has climbed by more than 70% over the same time period.

同樣,同期創建的用於 TON 交易的新地址數量增長了 70% 以上。

This demonstrated that, in addition to increased demand for TON from existing addresses, there has been a bigger volume of fresh demand for the altcoin in recent days, resulting in the price surge.

這表明,除了現有地址對 TON 的需求增加之外,最近幾天對山寨幣的新需求量也更大,導致價格飆升。

Read Also: SUI Gains 12% While Chainlink and Polygon Keep Alt Rally Rolling

另請閱讀:SUI 上漲 12%,而 Chainlink 和 Polygon 保持 Alt 反彈勢頭

A TON-around Imminent?


A daily chart analysis of TON’s price movements revealed that heightened trading activity in the last two days drove the token’s main momentum indicators to overbought highs.

對 TON 價格走勢的每日圖表分析顯示,過去兩天交易活動的增加推動該代幣的主要動量指標達到超買高位。

Its Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Money Flow Index (MFI) were 80.11 and 87.75, respectively, at the time of publication. 


Overbought levels are often defined as an RSI reading above 70 and an MFI rating above 80. This suggests that the asset’s price has increased too quickly, and that a reverse or correction is imminent.

超買水準通常被定義為 RSI 讀數高於 70 且 MFI 評級高於 80。這表示資產價格上漲過快,即將出現逆轉或調整。

Following Durov’s announcement, the gap between the upper and lower bars of TON’s Bollinger bars indicator grew.

在杜羅夫宣布這一消息後,TON 布林線指標的上下柱之間的差距擴大了。

An increasing gap between the upper and lower bands usually indicates that price fluctuations are highly volatile. Traders frequently interpret this to suggest that the market is becoming more volatile. There is also the possibility of huge price swings. 


Disclaimer: The information provided is not trading advice. Bitcoinworld.co.in holds no liability for any investments made based on the information provided on this page. We strongly recommend independent research and/or consultation with a qualified professional before making any investment decisions.

免責聲明:所提供的資訊並非交易建議。 Bitcoinworld.co.in 對根據本頁提供的資訊進行的任何投資不承擔任何責任。我們強烈建議在做出任何投資決定之前進行獨立研究和/或諮詢合格的專業人士。

The post Toncoin Trades At Its Highest Since 2022 – What Prompted The Surge? appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

Toncoin 的交易量達到 2022 年以來的最高水平——是什麼促使了價格飆升?首先出現在比特幣世界。


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