首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2024 年 9 月最值得投資的 3 種山寨幣以及為什麼您需要遠離狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Top 3 Altcoins to Invest in September 2024 and Why You Need to Stay Away from Dogecoin (DOGE)

2024 年 9 月最值得投資的 3 種山寨幣以及為什麼您需要遠離狗狗幣 (DOGE)

發布: 2024/09/10 20:40 閱讀: 716

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


2024 年 9 月最值得投資的 3 種山寨幣以及為什麼您需要遠離狗狗幣 (DOGE)

2024 presents new opportunities for investors seeking to capitalize on the emerging altcoin landscape. While cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin have enjoyed their spotlight, others are surfacing as potential leaders with promising futures. In this article, we'll delve into three top altcoins worthy of consideration for investment in September 2024: Toncoin, Rexas Finance (RXS), and Shiba Inu (SHIB). We'll also highlight why Dogecoin (DOGE) may not be the optimal investment choice going forward.

2024 年為尋求利用新興山寨幣格局的投資者提供了新的機會。雖然像狗狗幣這樣的加密貨幣備受關注,但其他加密貨幣也正在成為前景光明的潛在領導者。在本文中,我們將深入研究 2024 年 9 月值得考慮投資的三種頂級山寨幣:Toncoin、Rexas Finance (RXS) 和 Shiba Inu (SHIB)。我們也將強調為什麼狗狗幣(DOGE)可能不是未來的最佳投資選擇。

Rexas Finance (RXS)

雷克薩斯金融 (RXS)

Rexas Finance ascends as a prominent player in the realm of Real-World Asset (RWA) tokenization. Its platform's core mission revolves around democratizing asset ownership, empowering users to tokenize assets like real estate, artwork, and beyond, without the need for extensive technical expertise. The platform's intuitive interface, coupled with robust tools like the Rexas Token Builder and QuickMint Bot, facilitates effortless creation, management, and trading of asset-backed tokens for individuals and businesses alike.

Rexas Finance 成為現實世界資產 (RWA) 代幣化領域的傑出參與者。其平台的核心使命圍繞著資產所有權民主化,使用戶能夠將房地產、藝術品等資產代幣化,而無需廣泛的技術專業知識。該平台直覺的介面,加上 Rexas Token Builder 和 QuickMint Bot 等強大的工具,有助於個人和企業輕鬆創建、管理和交易資產支援的代幣。

A key differentiator of Rexas Finance, making it a worthy investment prospect for 2024, is its commitment to accessibility in asset tokenization, while maintaining the highest standards of security and compliance. This fusion of innovation, security, and user-friendliness positions Rexas Finance as a game-changer in the digital finance realm.

Rexas Finance 的一個關鍵區別在於其致力於資產代幣化的可訪問性,同時保持最高的安全性和合規性標準,使其成為 2024 年有價值的投資前景。創新、安全性和用戶友好性的融合使 Rexas Finance 成為數位金融領域的遊戲規則改變者。

The ongoing Rexas Finance presale, currently in its initial stage, has garnered significant interest, with market experts anticipating a potential 6x return for early investors. The tokenomics of Rexas Finance feature a total supply of 1 billion RXS tokens, with 42.5% allocated for the presale. In the initial phase, RXS is priced at $0.030, with projections of a $0.040 price in the subsequent stage. Given the growing demand for asset tokenization and Rexas Finance's unique value proposition, this altcoin is primed for substantial growth in the years to come. By the end of 2024, experts forecast impressive price gains for RXS, particularly as the platform gains traction.

Rexas Finance 正在進行的預售目前處於初始階段,引起了極大的興趣,市場專家預計早期投資者可能獲得 6 倍的回報。 Rexas Finance 的代幣經濟學特點是 RXS 代幣總供應量為 10 億枚,其中 42.5% 用於預售。在初始階段,RXS 的定價為 0.030 美元,預計後續階段的價格為 0.040 美元。鑑於對資產代幣化的需求不斷增長以及 Rexas Finance 獨特的價值主張,這種山寨幣有望在未來幾年實現大幅增長。專家預測,到 2024 年底,RXS 的價格將出現可觀的漲幅,特別是隨著該平台越來越受歡迎。

Toncoin (TON)

東幣 (TON)

Toncoin emerges as the native cryptocurrency of the TON Blockchain, a platform built upon a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. A compelling aspect of Toncoin lies in the active involvement of the Telegram messaging service in its development. Telegram, with its vast user base exceeding 800 million, has seamlessly integrated Toncoin into the app, allowing users to access their Toncoin wallet directly from the Telegram menu.

Toncoin 作為 TON 區塊鏈的原生加密貨幣出現,TON 區塊鏈是一個基於權益證明共識機制構建的平台。 Toncoin 的一個引人注目的方面在於 Telegram 訊息服務積極參與其開發。 Telegram 擁有超過 8 億的龐大用戶群,已將 Toncoin 無縫整合到應用程式中,允許用戶直接從 Telegram 選單存取他們的 Toncoin 錢包。

This integration has positioned Toncoin as a potential powerhouse in the crypto space, owing to its potential reach and adoption by Telegram's extensive user base. The TON Foundation has set ambitious goals, aiming to capture 30% of Telegram's user base for Toncoin by 2028. Such a move could significantly boost Toncoin's demand and utility, making it a strong contender for investors seeking long-term growth opportunities.

由於 Telegram 廣泛的用戶群的潛在影響力和採用率,整合使 Toncoin 成為加密貨幣領域的潛在強者。 TON 基金會制定了雄心勃勃的目標,旨在到2028 年佔領Telegram 30% 的Toncoin 用戶群。者。

Market analysts suggest that by the end of 2024, Toncoin's minimum price could reach $4.31, with a maximum of $5.83. On average, the trading price is projected to hover around $7.34, offering promising growth potential for investors in 2024. If Toncoin capitalizes on Telegram's vast user base, it has the potential to emerge as one of the top-performing cryptocurrencies in the coming years.

市場分析師預計,到 2024 年底,Toncoin 的最低價格可能達到 4.31 美元,最高可達 5.83 美元。平均而言,交易價格預計徘徊在7.34 美元左右,為投資者提供了2024 年廣闊的成長潛力。之一。

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

柴犬 (SHIB)

Shiba Inu made a splash in the cryptocurrency market upon its debut in 2020, positioned as an experiment in decentralized community building. Despite its origins as a meme coin, Shiba Inu has evolved into a fully-fledged ecosystem, encompassing its native ShibaSwap decentralized exchange, a SHIB burning portal, and ventures into NFTs and the metaverse. The Shiba Inu ecosystem is fueled by three tokens: SHIB, LEASH, and BONE.

Shiba Inu 於 2020 年首次亮相,就在加密貨幣市場引起轟動,定位為去中心化社區建設的實驗。儘管它起源於模因幣,但 Shiba Inu 已經發展成為一個成熟的生態系統,包括其原生的 ShibaSwap 去中心化交易所、SHIB 燃燒門戶以及 NFT 和元宇宙的冒險。 Shiba Inu 生態系統由三種代幣推動:SHIB、LEASH 和 BONE。

A distinctive feature of Shiba Inu, setting it apart from other meme coins, is its devoted community known as the "Shib Army," which continues to drive the project's growth. Additionally, the 2023 launch of Shibarium, a layer 2 scaling solution for the Shiba Inu network, significantly enhances the network's efficiency by reducing transaction fees. This upgrade positions Shiba Inu as one of the most promising altcoins under one cent for 2024.

Shiba Inu 與其他迷因幣的一個顯著特徵是其被稱為「Shib Army」的忠誠社區,該社區繼續推動該計畫的發展。此外,2023 年推出的 Shibarium(Shiba Inu 網路的第 2 層擴展解決方案)透過降低交易費用顯著提高了網路效率。此次升級使 Shiba Inu 成為 2024 年最有前途的 1 美分以下山寨幣之一。

Looking ahead, 2024 holds immense potential for the Shiba Inu ecosystem. Price projections indicate highs of $0.000135, lows of $0.000025, and an average trading price of $0.000080, suggesting that SHIB could experience considerable gains as its ecosystem continues to expand.

展望未來,2024 年柴犬生態系擁有巨大潛力。價格預測顯示最高價為 0.000135 美元,最低價為 0.000025 美元,平均交易價為 0.000080 美元,這表明隨著生態系統的不斷擴大,SHIB 可能會獲得可觀的收益。

Why You Need to Exercise Caution with Dogecoin (DOGE)


While Toncoin, Rexas Finance, and Shiba Inu present compelling investment cases, Dogecoin poses significant risks that potential investors must acknowledge. Despite its popularity and meme status, Dogecoin faces various challenges, including technological limitations, adoption hurdles, and regulatory uncertainties.

雖然 Toncoin、Rexas Finance 和 Shiba Inu 提出了令人信服的投資案例,但狗狗幣帶來了潛在投資者必須承認的重大風險。儘管狗狗幣很受歡迎並具有迷因地位,但它仍面臨著各種挑戰,包括技術限制、採用障礙和監管不確定性。

Technologically, Dogecoin relies on an antiquated codebase derived from Litecoin. It lacks the advanced features prevalent in other cryptocurrencies, such as smart contracts and scalability solutions. This technological stagnation raises concerns about Dogecoin's long-term viability, especially as the market continues to evolve.


Furthermore, Dogecoin struggles with being recognized as a legitimate financial asset. Many perceive it as a speculative or novelty coin, which has hindered its broader adoption among merchants and institutions. Unless it overcomes this perception, Dogecoin's growth and utility may remain constrained.


Finally, regulatory scrutiny is intensifying worldwide, and Dogecoin's lack of a clear use case, coupled with its association with speculative trading, could invite unwelcome regulatory attention. Should governments implement stricter cryptocurrency regulations, Dogecoin could face significant challenges that could impede its growth.




In summation, Toncoin, Rexas Finance, and Shiba Inu present promising opportunities for investors in September 2024, each with strong fundamentals and growth potential. However, Dogecoin's technological limitations, adoption challenges, and regulatory risks render it a significantly riskier investment. Investors should approach Dogecoin with caution and prioritize assets with a clearer path to success.

總而言之,Toncoin、Rexas Finance 和 Shiba Inu 在 2024 年 9 月為投資者帶來了充滿希望的機會,每一個都具有強勁的基本面和成長潛力。然而,狗狗幣的技術限制、採用挑戰和監管風險使其成為一項風險顯著的投資。投資者應謹慎對待狗狗幣,並優先考慮具有更清晰成功之路的資產。

For additional information regarding Rexas Finance (RXS), please refer to the following links:

有關 Rexas Finance (RXS) 的更多信息,請參閱以下連結:

Website: https://rexas.com
Whitepaper: https://rexas.com/rexas-whitepaper.pdf
Twitter/X: https://x.com/rexasfinance
Telegram: https://t.me/rexasfinance


Disclaimer: This article is sponsored content and solely intended for informational purposes. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be construed as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:本文為贊助內容,僅供參考。它並不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不旨在被解釋為法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。


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