首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2024 年多頭期間,六大加密貨幣將爆炸 10 倍 – $ETH、$T1500、$OM、$PEPU、$OP、$SOL

Top 6 Cryptocurrencies Set to Explode 10x During the 2024 Bull Market – $ETH, $T1500, $OM, $PEPU, $OP, $SOL

2024 年多頭期間,六大加密貨幣將爆炸 10 倍 – $ETH、$T1500、$OM、$PEPU、$OP、$SOL

發布: 2024/08/13 18:04 閱讀: 533

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


In tumultuous crypto markets, opportunities often arise, presenting potential acquisitions for investors seeking substantial gains during an impending bull run. Despite the prevailing atmosphere of apprehension, adopting a more optimistic outlook could yield advantages.


For instance, investors who acquired Bitcoin during past market downturns have witnessed considerable profits, suggesting that the current market correction could offer valuable buying windows.


The recent market corrections characterized by substantial asset price declines may be perceived as necessary adjustments rather than reasons for alarm. This period of unease and uncertainty could represent a tactical moment to invest in promising cryptocurrencies, potentially paving the way for substantial returns as the market recovers.


Ethereum (ETH)


Amid market turbulence, Ethereum presents an enticing investment opportunity. Recently, ETH experienced a significant decline to approximately $2,100, creating a noteworthy buying opportunity. This dip allowed for the purchase of Ethereum at a discount relative to its former peak of $4,000.

在市場動盪中,以太坊提供了誘人的投資機會。最近,ETH 大幅下跌至 2,100 美元左右,創造了一個值得注意的買入機會。這次下跌允許以相對於之前 4,000 美元的峰值折扣購買以太坊。

Historically, Ethereum has traded at higher valuations, making the recent correction to $2,100 an attractive entry point, reminiscent of prices observed in late 2023 and early 2024. The expectation is that ETH will eventually reach new all-time highs, potentially achieving a market capitalization of $1 trillion in the upcoming cycle.

從歷史上看,以太坊的交易估值較高,使得最近調整至2,100 美元成為一個有吸引力的切入點,讓人想起2023 年底和2024 年初觀察到的價格。有可能實現市值下一個週期將達到 1 兆美元。

Considering its current market capitalization and its pivotal role as a foundational layer in the crypto ecosystem, Ethereum is primed for substantial growth. The price correction provides a strategic entry point for those seeking to capitalize on its future potential.


TopG1500 (T1500)


TopG1500, a meme coin built on Solana, has garnered attention due to its unique narrative and engaging story. Currently priced at $0.00166 with a market capitalization of $1.62 million and $138K liquidity, T1500 has experienced a 30-40% decline from its previous all-time high.

TopG1500 是一款基於 Solana 的迷因幣,因其獨特的敘事和引人入勝的故事而受到關注。 T1500 目前定價為 0.00166 美元,市值為 162 萬美元,流動性為 13.8 萬美元,較之前的歷史高點下跌了 30-40%。

Despite this correction, the token has demonstrated resilience and strong buying pressure whenever its price wanes. TopG1500 benefits from its distinctive backstory involving an individual's journey to meet renowned personalities Andrew and Tristan Tate, which has the potential to drive significant interest and value appreciation.

儘管出現了這種調整,但只要價格下跌,代幣就會表現出彈性和強大的購買壓力。 TopG1500 受益於其獨特的背景故事,涉及個人結識知名人士安德魯和特里斯坦·泰特的旅程,這有可能激發人們的極大興趣和價值升值。

The coin's growth is bolstered by its substantial social media presence, with its Instagram following approaching 60,000. This growing visibility, accompanied by anticipated marketing support from key influencers, could lead to substantial price appreciation in the near future.

該代幣的成長得益於其大量的社群媒體影響力,其 Instagram 粉絲接近 60,000 人。這種不斷增長的知名度,再加上主要影響者的預期行銷支持,可能會在不久的將來導致價格大幅上漲。

Mantra (OM)


Mantra has recently undergone a significant price correction, dropping from $1.40 to approximately $0.89 within the past 30 days. Despite this decline, the project's underlying fundamentals and utility make it an alluring investment opportunity.

Mantra 最近經歷了大幅價格調整,在過去 30 天內從 1.40 美元跌至約 0.89 美元。儘管價格有所下降,但該項目的基本面和實用性使其成為一個誘人的投資機會。

Mantra's focus on integrating real-world financial systems into the blockchain while adhering to regulatory guidelines positions it as a formidable contender in the market.

Mantra 專注於將現實世界的金融系統整合到區塊鏈中,同時遵守監管指南,這使其成為市場上強大的競爭者。

Investors are encouraged to consider this token, particularly in light of the current market dip, as it aligns with the broader strategy of capitalizing on fear-driven market corrections to secure long-term gains.


Pepe Unchained (PEPU)

解放的佩佩 (PEPU)

Pepe Unchained is emerging as a noteworthy development within the meme coin landscape. The presale for this project has already exceeded $8 million, and numerous early adopters are optimistic about PEPU becoming a prominent player in the Layer-2 ecosystem.

Pepe Unchained 正在成為模因幣領域的一個值得注意的發展。該專案的預售已超過 800 萬美元,許多早期採用者對 PEPU 成為 Layer-2 生態系統中的重要參與者持樂觀態度。

Pepe Unchained offers a novel Layer-2 blockchain solution aimed at enhancing transaction speeds and efficiency, claiming to be up to 100 times faster than Ethereum. It features its own dedicated block explorer and addresses common meme coin drawbacks such as exorbitant fees and sluggish transaction times.

Pepe Unchained 提供了一種新穎的 Layer-2 區塊鏈解決方案,旨在提高交易速度和效率,據稱比以太坊快 100 倍。它擁有自己的專用區塊瀏覽器,並解決了常見的迷因幣缺點,例如費用過高和交易時間緩慢。

Furthermore, Pepe Unchained's 'double staking' mechanism has generated excitement, enabling PEPU holders to earn a 230% annual yield. Since the protocol's launch, over 694 million PEPU tokens have been locked.

此外,Pepe Unchained 的「雙重質押」機制也令人興奮,使 PEPU 持有者能夠獲得 230% 的年收益率。自協議推出以來,已有超過 6.94 億個 PEPU 代幣被鎖定。

As a high-risk, high-reward investment, Pepe Unchained presents opportunities for those willing to navigate the volatility inherent in the meme coin market. The project is also gaining significant traction on social media, with its official X account (formerly Twitter) expanding rapidly and its Telegram channel boasting over 5,000 subscribers.

作為一項高風險、高回報的投資,Pepe Unchained 為那些願意應對迷因幣市場固有波動性的人提供了機會。該項目在社交媒體上也獲得了巨大的關注,其官方 X 帳戶(以前的 Twitter)迅速擴張,其 Telegram 頻道擁有超過 5,000 名訂閱者。

Additionally, YouTubers are drawing attention to the project, with Cilinix Crypto, who has amassed over 66,000 subscribers, recently highlighting Pepe Unchained as a top crypto presale opportunity.

此外,YouTuber 也吸引了人們對該專案的關注,Cilinix Crypto 已經累積了超過 66,000 名訂閱者,最近將 Pepe Unchained 列為頂級加密貨幣預售機會。

Given its successful presale and promising prospects, Pepe Unchained is poised to continue its upward momentum upon its release on the open market, enticing investors seeking substantial returns within the meme coin sector.

鑑於其成功的預售和廣闊的前景,Pepe Unchained 在公開市場發行後將繼續保持上升勢頭,吸引投資者在模因幣領域尋求豐厚的回報。

Optimism (OP)


Optimism, a Layer-2 blockchain solution built upon Ethereum, has been attracting new projects to its platform with remarkable success. Recently, the value of its token surged over 20% following Kraken's integration of USDT deposits and withdrawals on Optimism's mainnet.

Optimism 是一個基於以太坊的 Layer-2 區塊鏈解決方案,一直在吸引新專案加入其平台,並取得了顯著的成功。最近,隨著 Kraken 在 Optimism 主網整合 USDT 充值和提現,其代幣價值飆升了 20% 以上。

This upswing underscores the growing relevance of Optimism in augmenting Ethereum's scalability and efficiency. Currently, OP is valued at $1.33, with a market capitalization of $1.58 billion.


Over the past week, OP has experienced a 4.25% increase. Amid ongoing discussions surrounding high Ethereum transaction fees, Optimism's emphasis on reducing costs and speeding up transactions is garnering considerable interest from both developers and investors.

過去一周,OP 上漲了 4.25%。在圍繞以太坊高額交易費用的持續討論中,樂觀主義對降低成本和加快交易速度的強調引起了開發商和投資者的極大興趣。

Solana (SOL)

索拉納 (太陽)

Solana stands out as a leading entity with a substantial market capitalization of $67.6 billion, demonstrating resilience and consistent activity despite recent fluctuations. Trading within a range of $120 to $200 over the past year, SOL is currently priced at $144.

Solana 作為領先實體脫穎而出,市值高達 676 億美元,儘管近期出現波動,但仍表現出韌性和持續的活動。去年,SOL 的交易價格在 120 美元至 200 美元之間,目前價格為 144 美元。

This suggests a potential consolidation phase, with the prospect of a significant breakout during the ongoing bull market. Solana's robust infrastructure sustains its expanding ecosystem, encompassing a wide array of applications from utility tokens to decentralized exchanges (DEXs).

這表明潛在的盤整階段,並有可能在持續的牛市期間出現重大突破。 Solana 強大的基礎設施支撐著其不斷擴大的生態系統,涵蓋從實用代幣到去中心化交易所 (DEX) 的廣泛應用。

The network's scalability and swiftness, coupled with its impressive total value locked (TVL), contribute to its strong market position. The platform's performance suggests that it could potentially surpass its all-time high market cap of $90 billion in the foreseeable future, reflecting its sustained growth and influence within the crypto sphere.

該網路的可擴展性和速度,加上令人印象深刻的總鎖定價值(TVL),有助於其強大的市場地位。該平台的表現表明,在可預見的未來,其市值有可能超過 900 億美元的歷史最高水平,反映出其在加密貨幣領域的持續成長和影響力。


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