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Top Affordable Cryptocurrency Poised to Mirror Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) Success


發布: 2024/02/04 06:17 閱讀: 789



Shiba Inu (SHIB) saw its early investors make gains of over 130,000x at the peak of its success. It was the talk of the crypto world, with many regretting their decision not to invest early in Shiba Inu (SHIB).

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的早期投資者在其成功的巔峰時期獲得了超過 130,000 倍的收益。這是加密世界的熱門話題,許多人對自己沒有儘早投資 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 的決定感到遺憾。

A new cryptocurrency with better utility is poised to mirror the success Shiba Inu (SHIB) enjoyed at its peak. The cryptocurrency is Pandoshi (PAMBO), which is currently in the final phase of its token sale. PAMBO tokens are currently available to everyone at just $0.01 per token.

一種具有更好實用性的新型加密貨幣有望複製柴犬(SHIB)在其巔峰時期所取得的成功。加密貨幣是 Pandoshi (PAMBO),目前正處於代幣銷售的最後階段。 PAMBO 代幣目前可供所有人使用,每個代幣僅需 0.01 美元。

Pandoshi (PAMBO) Shoots for the Moon

At first look, one might mistake Pandoshi for another meme-inspired cryptocurrency, but it’s much more – a fully decentralized system grounded in the ideals of financial privacy, security, and user-driven governance.

Pandoshi (PAMBO) 登月乍一看,人們可能會誤以為Pandoshi 是另一種受迷因啟發的加密貨幣,但它的意義遠不止於此——一個完全去中心化的系統,植根於金融隱私、安全和用戶驅動治理的理想。

Pandoshi operates on a Layer-2 network that adopts the Proof of Stake protocol, an eco-friendlier alternative to the energy-intensive Proof of Work model.

Pandoshi 在採用權益證明協議的第 2 層網路上運行,這是能源密集型工作證明模式的更環保的替代方案。

The platform boasts an array of real-world applications, notably its decentralized exchange, PandoshiSwap. This platform facilitates direct, peer-to-peer trading of tokens, circumventing the need for intermediaries and KYC processes.

該平台擁有一系列現實世界的應用程序,特別是其去中心化交易所 PandoshiSwap。該平台促進了代幣的直接點對點交易,繞過了中介機構和 KYC 流程。

The ecosystem is also home to the non-custodial Pandoshi Wallet, putting users in complete control of their assets and keys. Complementing this is the Cardoshi prepaid card, which integrates cryptocurrency into everyday transactions.

該生態系統也是非託管 Pandoshi 錢包的所在地,讓用戶可以完全控制自己的資產和金鑰。對此的補充是 Cardoshi 預付卡,它將加密貨幣整合到日常交易中。

Further enriching the ecosystem is a planned Metaverse game, where users can engage in play-to-earn activities, and Pandoshi University, offering educational resources on blockchain technology.

計劃中的 Metaverse 遊戲和 Pandoshi 大學進一步豐富了生態系統,用戶可以在其中參與玩賺錢活動,並提供區塊鏈技術的教育資源。

Driving Pandoshi’s economy is the PAMBO token, initially released on Ethereum. With deflationary tokenomics that include a buy-and-burn model, PAMBO is poised for significant value growth. As ecosystem activities increase, the demand for PAMBO is expected to surge, potentially surpassing Dogecoin in market cap by late 2024.

驅動 Pandoshi 經濟的是 PAMBO 代幣,最初在以太坊上發布。透過包括購買和銷毀模型在內的通貨緊縮代幣經濟,PAMBO 有望實現顯著的價值成長。隨著生態系統活動的增加,對 PAMBO 的需求預計將激增,到 2024 年底,其市值可能會超過狗狗幣。

The ongoing presale of Pandoshi presents a golden opportunity for investors. With half of the 2 billion PAMBO tokens reserved for this phase, currently priced at $0.01, there’s potential for exponential growth. Analysts predict that if PAMBO hits $1 by 2024’s end, presale participants could see returns exceeding 100x. This phase offers an attractive entry point before PAMBO’s listing on major exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, and decentralized platforms like Uniswap.

Pandoshi 正在進行的預售為投資者提供了絕佳的機會。為這一階段預留的 20 億個 PAMBO 代幣中的一半目前價格為 0.01 美元,具有指數增長的潛力。分析師預測,如果 PAMBO 到 2024 年底達到 1 美元,預售參與者可能會獲得超過 100 倍的回報。在 PAMBO 在 Coinbase、Binance 等主要交易所和 Uniswap 等去中心化平台上市之前,這個階段提供了一個有吸引力的切入點。


Looking at the unique features of the Pandoshi (PAMBO) ecosystem above, it is quite clear that it is a better overall cryptocurrency project than Shiba Inu (SHIB). It has all the elements needed to match and exceed the performance of SHIB. Best of all, the price of admission into this promising project is just $0.01 per PAMBO token. 

結論從上面Pandoshi(PAMBO)生態系統的獨特特徵來看,很明顯它是一個比Shiba Inu(SHIB)更好的整體加密貨幣專案。它具有匹配並超越 SHIB 性能所需的所有元素。最重要的是,這個有前景的項目的入場價格僅為每個 PAMBO 代幣 0.01 美元。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

點擊此處購買 PAMBO 代幣

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):
Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/

請訪問以下鏈接,以了解有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息:網站:https://pandoshi.com/Whitepaper:https://docs.pandoshi.com/


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