首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 1 月 31 日今日最值得購買的 3 種山寨幣:以太幣 (ETH)、XRP、狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Top 3 Altcoins To Buy Today January 31: Ethereum (ETH), XRP, Dogecoin (DOGE)

1 月 31 日今日最值得購買的 3 種山寨幣:以太幣 (ETH)、XRP、狗狗幣 (DOGE)

發布: 2024/02/01 06:06 閱讀: 689

原文作者:Coingape News Media


The crypto market has proved historically that it moves in cycles like Bitcoin and its four-year cycle due to the halving. Altcoins to buy like Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), and XRP “historically tend to bottom after corrective period mid-way through a particular quarter,” analysts at Rekt Capital, stated in the latest newsletter.

歷史證明,加密貨幣市場的波動就像比特幣一樣,由於減半而以四年為一個週期。 Rekt Capital 的分析師在最新的通訊中表示,以太坊 (ETH)、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 XRP 等山寨幣「歷史上往往會在特定季度中期的調整期後觸底」。

The altcoin market cap is believed to be holding the base support and gradually closing on the “top of its pattern for a breakout,” as revealed in the X post below.

正如下面的 X 貼文所揭示的那樣,山寨幣市值被認為守住了基礎支撐,並逐漸接近「突破模式的頂部」。

This structure is starting to mirror increasing re-accumulation with investors staring at a potential altcoin hype cycle.


The tokens “bottom at a time in the market where maximum pessimism and extreme fear dominate when it comes to altcoin valuations,” Rekt Capital added.

Rekt Capital 補充道,這些代幣「在山寨幣估值方面處於極度悲觀和極端恐懼主導的市場觸底之際」。

The next weeks will be crucial for investors speculating on the performance of altcoins, especially this year.


1. Is Ethereum (ETH) The Best Altcoin To Buy Ahead Of February?

1. 以太幣 (ETH) 是二月之前最值得購買的山寨幣嗎?

The second-largest cryptocurrency Ethereum is trading in red amidst a generally volatile and uncertain market sentiment ahead of the FOMC Meeting. With an intraday loss of 1.5% the ETH price plunged to $2300 trying to sustain above the 50-day EMA slope. Despite the uncertain technical outlook for recovery, Ethereum’s fundamental developments continue to progress, notably with its eagerly awaited 2024 hard fork, Dencun.

在聯邦公開市場委員會 (FOMC) 會議之前,由於市場情緒普遍波動且不確定,第二大加密貨幣以太坊的交易價格呈現紅色。 ETH 盤中下跌 1.5%,價格暴跌至 2300 美元,試圖維持在 50 日均線斜率上方。儘管復甦的技術前景不確定,但以太坊的基本面發展仍在繼續取得進展,尤其是人們熱切期待的 2024 年硬分叉 Dencun。

The latest milestone for Ethereum is the successful launch of the Dencun upgrade on the Sepolia test network, marking a significant step forward. This leaves only one more testnet deployment before the introduction of the “proto-danksharding” feature.

以太坊的最新里程碑是在 Sepolia 測試網路上成功啟動 Dencun 升級,標誌著向前邁出了重要一步。在引入「proto-danksharding」功能之前,只剩下一個測試網部署。

What’s particularly noteworthy is the speed of this growth, as daily network expansion is now 28% quicker than it was just three months ago.

特別值得注意的是這種成長的速度,目前每日網路擴充速度比三個月前快了 28%。

If the aforementioned channel pattern is intact, the ETH price should lead a rally to retest the overhead trendline at $3000. The rising price may witness in-between resistances at $2430 and $2700.

如果上述通道模式完好無損,ETH 價格應該會引領反彈,重新測試 3000 美元的上方趨勢線。上漲的價格可能會遇到 2430 美元和 2700 美元之間的阻力位。

ETH 價格走勢圖 |交易視圖

2. XRP Price At Base Of Support, What’s Coming Next?

2. XRP 價格處於支撐位,接下來會發生什麼事?

XRP recently witnessed a slight decline in value, recording a 5.06% drop. Despite this minor setback, the market is showing signs of entering a bullish phase. Ripple price is currently at $0.505, with its market capitalization at approximately $27 billion. This valuation places it as the sixth-largest cryptocurrency, as per data from CoinMarketCap. Notably, there has been a surge in trading activity, with a 103% increase in the 24-hour trading volume, now at $1.83 billion. This upswing suggests a growing interest in the token among investors.

XRP近期出現小幅下跌,跌幅為5.06%。儘管出現了這樣的小挫折,市場仍顯示出進入看漲階段的跡象。 Ripple 價格目前為 0.505 美元,市值約為 270 億美元。根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,這項估值使其成為第六大加密貨幣。值得注意的是,交易活動激增,24 小時交易量成長 103%,目前達到 18.3 億美元。這種上漲顯示投資者對該代幣的興趣日益濃厚。

Esteemed cryptocurrency analyst Egrag Crypto recently offered an optimistic outlook for XRP. According to Egrag, XRP might experience a significant pullback in its second wave, potentially retracing up to 90% of its initial wave. This anticipated dip to around 0.41 reflects the inherent volatility within the cryptocurrency markets. Despite this, Egrag foresees a strong third wave for XRP, propelling the digital currency towards the $5 mark and setting a nearer-term target between $2.2 and $2.8.

受人尊敬的加密貨幣分析師 Egrag Crypto 最近對 XRP 做出了樂觀的展望。據 Egrag 稱,XRP 可能會在第二波浪潮中經歷大幅回調,可能回撤至第一波的 90%。預期跌至 0.41 左右,反映了加密貨幣市場固有的波動性。儘管如此,Egrag 預計 XRP 將出現強勁的第三波浪潮,推動數位貨幣升至 5 美元大關,並將近期目標設定在 2.2 美元至 2.8 美元之間。

Can Dogecoin (DOGE) Pump To $1 In 2024?

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 能在 2024 年漲至 1 美元嗎?

Dogecoin price is experiencing a notable resurgence as the crypto market shows signs of revival this February. The meme-inspired digital currency is currently trading at $0.07897. This represents a slight drop of over 2% in the last day.

隨著今年二月加密貨幣市場出現復甦跡象,狗狗幣價格正經歷顯著復甦。這種受 meme 啟發的數位貨幣目前的交易價格為 0.07897 美元。這意味著最後一天小幅下跌超過 2%。

The price of Dogecoin has recently been oscillating between $0.07700 and $0.08200. Despite initial bullish trends, it failed to maintain momentum, falling below its previous support level. The past several days have showcased an overall bullish pattern, with the weekend particularly witnessing a modest increase of over 5%.

狗狗幣的價格最近在 0.07700 美元到 0.08200 美元之間波動。儘管最初呈現看漲趨勢,但未能保持勢頭,跌破了先前的支撐位。過去幾天呈現整體看漲的格局,尤其是週末小幅上漲超過 5%。

DOGE/USD 價格圖表,來源:TradingView

If the bulls keep the Dogecoin price above the crucial $0.080 support level, it will challenge its next resistance at $0.09. Sustaining this level could pave the way for DOGE to aim for a higher resistance mark at $1. This scenario hinges on the market’s ability to maintain its current momentum.

如果多頭將狗狗幣價格保持在關鍵的 0.080 美元支撐位之上,它將挑戰下一個阻力位 0.09 美元。維持這一水平可能為 DOGE 瞄準 1 美元的更高阻力位鋪平道路。這種情況取決於市場維持當前勢頭的能力。

However, there’s a flip side to consider. DOGE’s price may decline if market momentum falters, testing the $0.075 support level. In a bear-dominated market, DOGE might even face a steeper fall, potentially reaching down to test a lower support threshold of $0.07 in the foreseeable future. The daily candlestick displays a pronounced long-tail rejection, indicative of a strong buying interest at this lower support level.

然而,還有另一面需要考慮。如果市場動力減弱,DOGE 的價格可能會下跌,測試 0.075 美元的支撐位。在空頭主導的市場中,DOGE 甚至可能面臨更大幅度的下跌,在可預見的未來可能會向下測試 0.07 美元的較低支撐閾值。每日燭台顯示出明顯的長尾拒絕,顯示在這個較低的支撐位有強烈的買盤興趣。

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