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3 Top Altcoins Smart Money Is Buying This Weekend

聰明錢本週末會買的 3 種頂級山寨幣

發布: 2024/06/29 03:05 閱讀: 883

原文作者:Coingape News Media


聰明錢本週末會買的 3 種頂級山寨幣

Bitcoin and Altcoins: Opportunities Amidst a Bearish Market


Bitcoin has closed the week in the red, alongside notable altcoins such as Ethereum (ETH), ZKsync (ZK), XRP, and Dogecoin (DOGE). While a positive outcome seemed possible earlier, driven by US PCE data, bears may have the upper hand, potentially triggering a prolonged sell-off.

比特幣本週收盤虧損,還有以太幣 (ETH)、ZKsync (ZK)、XRP 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 等著名山寨幣。雖然在美國個人消費支出數據的推動下,早期似乎可能出現積極結果,但空頭可能佔上風,可能引發長期拋售。

However, amidst this bearish sentiment, there are still opportunities to be found. By carefully sifting through the noise, investors can identify gems with growth potential.


Top Altcoins to Consider


1. Dogecoin (DOGE)


Despite a lack of full recovery, Dogecoin's price has been holding above multi-month support and forming a reversal pattern, indicating the potential for a substantial rebound. During the June market correction, DOGE fell significantly, but the daily chart now shows the formation of a bullish continuation flag pattern.


Under the influence of this pattern, DOGE is oscillating within two trendlines, attempting to regain momentum. Currently trading at $0.127, DOGE has an intraday gain of 0.22%. A successful breakout above the immediate resistance of $0.129 could lead to a 10% increase.

在此形態的影響下,DOGE在兩條趨勢線內振盪,試圖重新獲得動力。 DOGE 目前交易價格為 0.127 美元,盤中漲幅為 0.22%。成功突破 0.129 美元的直接阻力位可能會導致 10% 的上漲。

2. XRP

2. 瑞波幣

Holders of XRP remain optimistic that the token, currently facing a lawsuit between Ripple and the SEC, could potentially reach $10. The case has reached the trial stage, with the SEC lowering its initial $2 billion penalty proposal to $102.6 million.

XRP 持有者仍然樂觀地認為,該代幣目前正面臨 Ripple 和 SEC 之間的訴訟,其價格可能會達到 10 美元。該案已進入審判階段,SEC 將最初 20 億美元的罰款提議降低至 1.026 億美元。

An XRP ETF could grant the token more legitimacy as a cryptocurrency. VanEck's recent filing for a Solana ETF may increase the demand for larger altcoins, including XRP.

XRP ETF 可以賦予該代幣作為加密貨幣的更多合法性。 VanEck 最近提交的 Solana ETF 申請可能會增加對包括 XRP 在內的更大山寨幣的需求。

XRP's rally to $10 depends on market sentiment, demand, and investor FOMO. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is rebounding from the oversold region, indicating potential momentum. A breakout above $0.5 resistance would confirm an uptrend.

XRP 漲至 10 美元取決於市場情緒、需求和投資者的 FOMO。相對強弱指數(RSI)正在從超賣區域反彈,顯示潛在的動力。突破 0.5 美元阻力位將確認上升趨勢。

3. GameStop (GME)

3. 遊戲站(GME)

GME has been trending upwards with strong volume, showing a potential for continued growth. The company has been implementing strategic initiatives to improve its financial performance and is considered a strong pick for retail traders.



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