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Top Altcoins in 2023

2023 年頂級山寨幣

發布: 2024/01/05 06:17 閱讀: 920



2023 年頂級山寨幣

Since its inception in 2008, Bitcoin has paved the way for a multitude of other cryptocurrencies, commonly referred to as altcoins. The current count of these alternative coins, or altcoins, exceeds 5,000, offering investors diverse options for their cryptocurrency portfolios.

自 2008 年誕生以來,比特幣為多種其他加密貨幣(通常稱為山寨幣)鋪平了道路。目前這些替代幣或山寨幣的數量超過 5,000 種,為投資者的加密貨幣投資組合提供了多種選擇。

For those considering cryptocurrency investments beyond Bitcoin, exploring altcoins with distinct functionalities becomes a viable strategy. Here, we present a list of the top 10 altcoins by market capitalization, all of which have gained approval from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the financial regulator.

對於那些考慮投資比特幣以外的加密貨幣的人來說,探索具有獨特功能的山寨幣成為一種可行的策略。在此,我們列出了按市值排名前 10 名的山寨幣,所有這些山寨幣均已獲得金融監管機構金融行為監管局 (FCA) 的批准。

  1. Ether (ETH):


    • Native to the Ethereum platform, Ether serves as the cryptocurrency for a global software ecosystem. Ethereum facilitates applications, including smart contracts, games, and financial transactions via blockchain technology. Additionally, it plays a role in minting and storing non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
    • 以太幣原生於以太坊平台,作為全球軟體生態系統的加密貨幣。以太坊透過區塊鏈技術促進應用程序,包括智慧合約、遊戲和金融交易。此外,它還在鑄造和存儲不可替代代幣(NFT)方面發揮作用。

    • Launched in 2015, Ether has amassed a market capitalization exceeding £210 billion as of December 2023. Each Ether token is valued at approximately £1,754.
    • 以太幣於 2015 年推出,截至 2023 年 12 月,其市值已超過 2,100 億英鎊。每個以太幣的價值約為 1,754 英鎊。

  2. Tether (USDT):


    • Introduced in 2017, Tether represents one of around 200 stablecoins. Tether’s value is tethered to the US dollar, with its creators holding $1 in reserve for each coin issued.
    • Tether 於 2017 年推出,是約 200 種穩定幣之一。 Tether 的價值與美元掛鉤,其創建者為每發行一枚代幣持有 1 美元的儲備金。

    • As a stablecoin, Tether aims to maintain a stable value around $1 (or £0.81) at all times. Despite this stability, it is essential to note that stablecoins are not immune to fluctuations, as witnessed in the case of Terra USD in May 2022.
    • 作為一種穩定幣,Tether 的目標是始終保持穩定在 1 美元(或 0.81 英鎊)左右。儘管具有這種穩定性,但值得注意的是,穩定幣並不能免受波動影響,正如 2022 年 5 月 Terra USD 的情況所證明的那樣。

    • Tether’s current market capitalization stands at approximately £71 billion.
    • Tether 目前的市值約為 710 億英鎊。

  3. Binance Coin (BNB):


    • Launched in 2017 and operating on the Ethereum blockchain, Binance Coin experienced an initial coin offering (ICO) that issued 200 million BNB coins. Periodic buybacks and destruction of coins contribute to the value of those remaining in circulation.
    • 幣安幣於 2017 年推出,在以太坊區塊鏈上運行,經歷了首次代幣發行 (ICO),發行了 2 億枚 BNB 代幣。硬幣的定期回購和銷毀有助於提高剩餘流通硬幣的價值。

    • As of December 2023, Binance Coin is valued at £197.93.
    • 截至 2023 年 12 月,幣安幣的估值為 197.93 英鎊。

  4. XRP (XRP):


    • Known for its use in the Ripple global money transfer network, XRP operates on its own ledger. Unlike Bitcoin, XRP transactions are not verified through proof-of-work or proof-of-stake but are processed by network participants known as validators.
    • XRP 因其在 Ripple 全球匯款網路中的使用而聞名,它在自己的分類帳上運行。與比特幣不同,XRP 交易不是透過工作量證明或權益證明進行驗證,而是由稱為驗證器的網路參與者進行處理。

    • Following a recent legal victory for Ripple Labs against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), XRP’s value increased by 75%. As of December 2023, it has a market capitalization of £25 billion, with each coin valued at around £0.47.
    • 隨著 Ripple Labs 最近在美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 訴訟中獲勝,XRP 的價值增加了 75%。截至 2023 年 12 月,其市值為 250 億英鎊,每枚代幣價值約為 0.47 英鎊。

  5. Solana (SOL):


    • Introduced in 2020, Solana is a blockchain platform designed to host decentralized applications, similar to Ethereum. Solana distinguishes itself with low transaction fees and the ability to process up to 65,000 transactions per second through a ‘proof-of-history’ process.
    • Solana 於 2020 年推出,是一個區塊鏈平台,旨在託管去中心化應用程序,類似於以太坊。 Solana 的特點是交易費用低,並且能夠透過「歷史證明」流程每秒處理多達 65,000 筆交易。

    • Valued at £58.62, Solana’s market capitalization is £25 billion.
    • Solana 的估值為 58.62 英鎊,市值為 250 億英鎊。

  6. USD Coin (USDC):


    • As a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, USD Coin was first issued in 2018 by Circle, a peer-to-peer payment platform. For each USDC in circulation, one dollar is held in reserve.
    • 作為與美元掛鉤的穩定幣,USD Coin於2018年由點對點支付平台Circle首次發行。每流通一個 USDC,就會保留 1 美元作為儲備。

    • As of December 2023, USD Coin maintains a value of $1 (approximately £0.78), with a market cap of £19 billion.
    • 截至 2023 年 12 月,美元硬幣的價值維持在 1 美元(約 0.78 英鎊),市值為 190 億英鎊。

  7. Cardano (ADA):


    • Created in 2017 by Ethereum’s co-founder Charles Hoskinson, Cardano serves as the native cryptocurrency for its blockchain platform. Using proof-of-stake for transaction verification, Cardano consumes considerably less energy than proof-of-work blockchains.
    • Cardano 由以太坊聯合創始人 Charles Hoskinson 於 2017 年創建,作為其區塊鏈平台的原生加密貨幣。卡爾達諾使用股權證明進行交易驗證,比工作量證明區塊鏈消耗的能源少得多。

    • With a current value of £0.46, Cardano’s market cap stands at £16 billion.
    • 卡爾達諾目前的價值為 0.46 英鎊,市值為 160 億英鎊。

  8. Avalanche (AVAX):


    • Emerging in 2020, Avalanche has gained popularity as an Ethereum alternative for developers. Despite its recent establishment, Avalanche boasts a market cap of approximately £11 billion, with a current value of £32.03.
    • Avalanche 於 2020 年出現,並作為開發者的以太坊替代品而受到歡迎。儘管成立不久,Avalanche 的市值仍約為 110 億英鎊,目前價值為 32.03 英鎊。

  9. Dogecoin (DOGE):


    • Originating as a meme currency in 2013, Dogecoin has evolved into a crypto asset with a distinctive Shiba Inu dog logo. Despite its humorous origins and unlimited supply, Dogecoin reached an all-time high of £0.58 in 2022, propelled by Elon Musk’s tweets.
    • 狗狗幣起源於 2013 年,最初是一種迷因貨幣,現已發展成為一種帶有獨特柴犬標誌的加密資產。儘管狗狗幣起源幽默且供應量無限,但在馬斯克推文的推動下,狗狗幣在 2022 年達到了 0.58 英鎊的歷史新高。

    • As of December 2023, Dogecoin’s value has decreased to approximately £0.07, with a market cap of £10 billion.
    • 截至 2023 年 12 月,狗狗幣的價值已降至約 0.07 英鎊,市值為 100 億英鎊。

The cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, offering investors a plethora of options beyond the pioneering Bitcoin. As with any investment, thorough research and consideration of market dynamics are crucial for making informed decisions in this rapidly changing space.



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