首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 頂級分析師揭示狗狗幣入口點,警告狗狗幣可能面臨這些程度的拋售壓力

Top Analyst Reveals Dogecoin Entry Points, Warns DOGE Might Face Selling Pressure to These Levels


發布: 2023/08/02 02:30 閱讀: 306



In this in-depth exploration of Dogecoin trading opportunities, let us delve into the technical analysis shared by Un trade on Tradingview. We’ll dissect key support and resistance levels, providing you with a roadmap to navigate the volatile crypto market.

在這次對狗狗幣交易機會的深入探索中,讓我們深入研究Un trade在Tradingview上分享的技術分析。我們將剖析關鍵的支撐位和阻力位,為您提供駕馭波動的加密貨幣市場的路線圖。

At present, Dogecoin is poised for a correction up to the $0.074 to $0.076 levels. This zone presents a golden opportunity for traders seeking to initiate a long position. Dogecoin, with its dynamic community and escalating popularity, offers potential short to medium-term gains. This vibrant community is a testament to Dogecoin’s appeal, making this entry point a potentially profitable venture.

目前,狗狗幣預計將回調至 0.074 美元至 0.076 美元的水平。該區域為尋求建立多頭部位的交易者提供了黃金機會。狗狗幣憑藉其充滿活力的社區和不斷上升的受歡迎程度,提供了潛在的中短期收益。這個充滿活力的社區證明了狗狗幣的吸引力,使這個切入點成為一個潛在盈利的企業。

As Bitcoin took a hit today falling below $29,000, Dogecoin might face an uptick in selling pressure. This could drive the price down to the $0.064 to $0.065 levels, an attractive entry point for long-term investors. This dip would allow savvy investors to accumulate DOGE at a bargain, making it an appealing proposition for those with a long-term investment horizon.

由於比特幣今天跌破 29,000 美元,狗狗幣可能面臨拋售壓力上升。這可能會將價格推低至 0.064 美元至 0.065 美元的水平,這對長期投資者來說是一個有吸引力的切入點。這種下跌將使精明的投資者能夠以便宜的價格累積 DOGE,這對於那些有長期投資視野的人來說是一個有吸引力的主張。

As previously reported, BTC has plummeted its support level of $29k, and Ethereum has also plunged from its support level of $1,850. This development may have implications for other altcoins, given the historical tendency for these cryptocurrencies to be influenced by the performance of BTC and ETH, particularly over extended periods.

正如之前報導的那樣,BTC 已暴跌 29,000 美元的支撐位,以太坊也從 1,850 美元的支撐位暴跌。考慮到這些加密貨幣受 BTC 和 ETH 表現影響的歷史趨勢,尤其是在較長時期內,這一發展可能會對其他山寨幣產生影響。

As Dogecoin rides the wave of upward momentum, traders should keep an eye out for profit booking opportunities. The $0.095 level aligns with a pivotal trendline, marking a third re-test. This strengthens its significance as a resistance level, making it a prime spot for traders to consider taking profits.

隨著狗狗幣乘勢而上,交易者應密切注意獲利預訂機會。 0.095 美元的水平與關鍵趨勢線一致,標誌著第三次重新測試。這增強了其作為阻力位的重要性,使其成為交易者考慮獲利了結的主要地點。

In conclusion, Dogecoin presents enticing buying opportunities between the $0.074 to $0.076 levels. An alternative entry zone lies within the $0.064 to $0.065 range, particularly as Bitcoin faces a significant downturn. For profit booking, the $0.095 level is a key area to watch, as it coincides with a critical trendline re-test.

總而言之,狗狗幣在 0.074 美元至 0.076 美元的水平之間提供了誘人的購買機會。另一個進入區域位於 0.064 美元至 0.065 美元的範圍內,特別是在比特幣面臨嚴重下滑的情況下。對於利潤預訂,0.095 美元的水平是一個值得關注的關鍵區域,因為它與關鍵的趨勢線重新測試相吻合。

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As of the latest data, the live Dogecoin price stands at $0.07697 with a 24-hour trading volume of $390,087,142.40. Dogecoin is down by 2.5% in the last 24 hours. This real-time data provides a snapshot of DOGE’s current market performance, offering valuable insights for potential investors and traders.

截至最新數據,狗狗幣即時價格為0.07697美元,24小時交易量為390,087,142.40美元。狗狗幣在過去 24 小時內下跌了 2.5%。這些即時數據提供了 DOGE 當前市場表現的快照,為潛在投資者和交易者提供了寶貴的見解。

Remember, the crypto market is highly volatile and investments should be made based on thorough research and risk assessment.


頂級分析師揭示狗狗幣切入點,警告狗狗幣可能面臨如此程度的拋售壓力的貼文首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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