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Top Crypto’s To Buy Apple Products


發布: 2024/02/20 21:32 閱讀: 696

原文作者:Coingape News Media



Cryptocurrencies have opened new doorways for consumer, allowing them to buy their favorite Apple products with cryptocurrency. Apple doesn’t directly accept crypto, but many retail stores that sell Apple products accept crypto, so you can get other mediums to buy your favorites. In this blog, let’s discuss the benefits of using crypto to buy Apple products and the top 5 cryptos to buy Apple products.

加密貨幣為消費者打開了新的大門,使他們能夠用加密貨幣購買自己喜歡的蘋果產品。蘋果並未直接接受加密貨幣,但許多銷售蘋果產品的零售店都接受加密貨幣,因此您可以透過其他媒介購買您最喜歡的產品。在本部落格中,我們將討論使用加密貨幣購買 Apple 產品的好處以及購買 Apple 產品的前 5 種加密貨幣。

Benefits of Buying Apple Products  with Crypto

使用加密貨幣購買 Apple 產品的好處

As a crypto holder, you must have a variety of cryptos in your portfolio. Buying Apple products with crypto allows you to trade crypto you don’t want or need anymore. There are so many crypto options for such transactions. You don’t have this many buying options in traditional ways. All you have is either cash or money in your cards.

身為加密貨幣持有者,您的投資組合中必須擁有多種加密貨幣。使用加密貨幣購買 Apple 產品可以讓您交易您不再想要或不再需要的加密貨幣。此類交易有很多加密貨幣選項。以傳統方式你沒有這麼多的購買選擇。您所擁有的只是現金或卡片中的錢。

Generally, if you had bought any product outside of your country, it would have cost around 1-3% in foreign transaction fees. This is not the case with crypto payments. You can pay directly through a crypto wallet into the seller’s account with zero to minimal charges.

一般來說,如果您在國外購買任何產品,則需要支付約 1-3% 的國外交易費用。加密支付的情況並非如此。您可以透過加密錢包直接向賣家帳戶付款,費用為零或最低。

With cryptocurrency payments, you have features like security, decentralized transactions, and anonymity, so it is much easier and safer to buy any costly products like Apple.


With crypto, you can buy your Apple products in three ways. Firstly, you can shop directly from Apple retailers that accept cryptocurrency. There are multiple options for that, search for options that are closer to you and offer the best services.

透過加密貨幣,您可以透過三種方式購買 Apple 產品。首先,您可以直接從接受加密貨幣的 Apple 零售商處購物。有多種選擇,搜尋離您更近並提供最好服務的選項。

Next, you can buy App products with crypto debit cards. These are similar to the general debit cards, where you can use your crypto just like cash. Just use it as a place that accepts debit cards, and you are good to go. Make sure to choose a crypto debit card that is compatible with the crypto you want to use for transactions. For example, if you use Bitcoin for transactions, your crypto debit card should allow it. The third option is to buy gift cards with cryptocurrency and use that to buy crypto.


5 Crypto’s To Buy Apple Products

購買蘋果產品的 5 種加密貨幣

More than 2.2 Million cryptos exist, each with a different purpose and use case. With the popularity and cryptocurrency developments, many brands have associated themselves with letting their consumers buy their products with cryptocurrency. Tech companies like Microsoft, AT&T, Paypal, and Newegg allow you to do so. Apple might also start doing the same. The best cryptos to buy Apple products are: –

存在超過 220 萬種加密貨幣,每種貨幣都有不同的目的和用例。隨著加密貨幣的流行和發展,許多品牌開始讓消費者用加密貨幣購買他們的產品。 Microsoft、AT&T、Paypal 和 Newegg 等科技公司允許您這麼做。蘋果也可能開始做同樣的事情。購買蘋果產品的最佳加密貨幣是: –

1. Bitcoin

1. 比特幣

Bitcoin is the number 1 cryptocurrency based on its popularity and adoption rate. It was the first cryptocurrency to exist and was in the market for 15-plus years. It has the highest value, where 1 BTC costs around $51,926. Because of its high value, you can trade just 1 BTC for many Apple products altogether. It is the crypto that no investor can ignore in their portfolio because of its properties and high market returns. More than 10 other companies including Microsoft accept Bitcoin for their products.

根據其受歡迎程度和採用率,比特幣是排名第一的加密貨幣。它是第一種存在的加密貨幣,並在市場上存在了 15 年多的時間。它的價值最高,1 BTC 的價格約為 51,926 美元。由於其價值很高,您只需 1 BTC 即可購買許多 Apple 產品。由於其特性和高市場回報,任何投資者在其投資組合中都不能忽視這種加密貨幣。包括微軟在內的其他 10 多家公司在其產品中接受比特幣。

2. Ethereum


Ethereum is the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin and is considered the competitor of Bitcoin. For years, users have been disputing whether it will cross over Bitcoin in terms of value or it won’t. Ethereum is trading at $2928 with a 24-hour transaction volume of $14,827,545,50. Ethereum has additional features like executing Smart Contracts and developing dApps, which makes it very popular and a perfect choice for investors to have in their portfolios. More than 10 other companies including Gucci accept Ethereum for their products.

以太坊是僅次於比特幣的第二大加密貨幣,被認為是比特幣的競爭對手。多年來,用戶一直在爭論它是否會在價值上超越比特幣。以太坊交易價格為 2,928 美元,24 小時交易量為 14,827,545,50 美元。以太坊還具有執行智慧合約和開發 dApp 等附加功能,這使其非常受歡迎,是投資者投資組合中的完美選擇。包括 Gucci 在內的其他 10 多家公司在其產品中接受以太坊。

3. Dogecoin


Dogecoin is a famous meem coin, created with the reference to the SHIBA dog. It got its popularity because of Elon Musk,  a big-time Dogecoin supporter. Musk has allowed people to buy things in his company with the Dogecoin. He believes that Dogecoin’s simplicity and easy transactions make it perfect for usage in daily life. Dogecoin is currently trading at $0.0881 with a trading volume of $798,642,118. It is ideal for users who want to invest a small amount of money in a single coin, so they make small investments in meme coins like Dogecoin.

狗狗幣是一種著名的米姆硬幣,是參考柴犬而創建的。它之所以受歡迎,是因為狗狗幣的忠實支持者 Elon Musk。馬斯克允許人們用狗狗幣在他的公司購買東西。他認為狗狗幣的簡單性和交易便利性使其非常適合在日常生活中使用。狗狗幣目前交易價格為 0.0881 美元,交易量為 798,642,118 美元。對於想要在單一硬幣上投資少量資金的用戶來說,它是理想的選擇,因此他們對像狗狗幣這樣的迷因硬幣進行小額投資。



USDT is a stablecoin, which means its price rarely gets affected by market volatility. Here 1 USDT is equivalent to $1, making it the perfect crypto to buy and sell other cryptocurrencies and with Apple products. USDT is trading at $0.9998 with a trading volume of $50,337,346,981, the highest in all cryptocurrencies at the time of writing. It is the crypto that crypto investors keep in backup as its usage in transactions is very common.

USDT 是一種穩定幣,這意味著其價格很少受到市場波動的影響。這裡 1 USDT 相當於 1 美元,使其成為買賣其他加密貨幣以及與 Apple 產品一起使用的完美加密貨幣。 USDT 的交易價格為 0.9998 美元,交易量為 50,337,346,981 美元,是截至撰寫本文時所有加密貨幣中最高的。這是加密貨幣投資者保留的加密貨幣,因為它在交易中的使用非常普遍。

5. XRP


XRP is one of the top 10 list of cryptocurrencies on CoinmarketCap. It is popular because of its distinctive use case, where it has free tutorials and information like languages, building apps, and managing accounts for developers. Currently, it is trading at $0.5687 with a volume of $1,338,898,099. XRP is also famous for its low-cost transactions and scalability, where 1500 transactions can happen within 1 second.

XRP 是 CoinmarketCap 上排名前 10 名的加密貨幣之一。它因其獨特的用例而受歡迎,它為開發人員提供免費的教程和信息,例如語言、構建應用程式和管理帳戶。目前,其交易價格為 0.5687 美元,交易量為 1,338,898,099 美元。 XRP也以其低成本交易和可擴展性而聞名,1秒內可以發生1500筆交易。



Cryptocurrency’s popularity is increasing continuously, and many companies are coming forward to allow buying their products directly with crypto. In the next few years, this number will be much higher. This blog concludes with top cryptocurrencies to buy Apple products, which include Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, USDT, and XRP. These 5 tokens are popular and widely used because of their use case. What do you prefer?

加密貨幣的受歡迎程度不斷提高,許多公司都主動允許直接用加密貨幣購買他們的產品。未來幾年,這個數字將會更高。本部落格最後介紹了購買 Apple 產品的頂級加密貨幣,其中包括比特幣、以太幣、狗狗幣、USDT 和 XRP。這 5 個代幣因其用例而廣受歡迎並被廣泛使用。你喜歡哪一個?




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