首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 7 月 27 日今日加密貨幣漲幅居前 – Conflux、Band Protocol、eCash、JasmyCoin

Top Crypto Gainers Today Jul 27 – Conflux, Band Protocol, eCash, JasmyCoin

7 月 27 日今日加密貨幣漲幅居前 – Conflux、Band Protocol、eCash、JasmyCoin

發布: 2024/07/28 00:04 閱讀: 218

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


7 月 27 日今日加密貨幣漲幅居前 – Conflux、Band Protocol、eCash、JasmyCoin

In the current global crypto market trend, Bitcoin is making headlines. As the Bitcoin 2024 conference unfolds in Nashville, Bitcoin's price has surged past $67,000, climbing from around $65,000. The spotlight on Bitcoin is strong, with $31.1 million flowing into spot Bitcoin ETFs on Thursday. Adding to the excitement, Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop announced a 2% pension fund allocation to Bitcoin ETFs. Meanwhile, Michigan's $6.6 million investment in the ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF highlights growing institutional interest.

在當前全球加密貨幣市場趨勢中,比特幣正在成為頭條新聞。隨著比特幣 2024 年會議在納許維爾召開,比特幣的價格從 65,000 美元左右攀升至 67,000 美元以上。比特幣備受關注,週四有 3,110 萬美元流入現貨比特幣 ETF。更令人興奮的是,澤西市長 Steven Fulop 宣布將 2% 的退休基金分配給比特幣 ETF。同時,密西根州對 ARK 21Shares 比特幣 ETF 的 660 萬美元投資凸顯了機構興趣的成長。

Biggest Crypto Gainers Today – Top List


Turning our attention to today's top crypto gainers, Conflux, Band Protocol, eCash, and JasmyCoin are leading the charge. Firstly, Conflux stands out with its scalable blockchain innovations, boasting an 18.71% surge in just 24 hours. In addition, Band Protocol shines with its data oracle solutions, recently seeing a 13.91% increase.

將我們的注意力轉向當今加密貨幣的領先者,Conflux、Band Protocol、eCash 和 JasmyCoin 處於領先地位。首先,Conflux 以其可擴展的區塊鏈創新脫穎而出,在短短 24 小時內飆升了 18.71%。此外,Band Protocol 憑藉其數據預言機解決方案大放異彩,近期增幅達 13.91%。

Meanwhile, eCash enhances transaction efficiency, rising by 10.84% in the last 24 hours. Additionally, JasmyCoin transforms IoT data management with a solid 7.38% gain. Check out the details below to see how these gainers are making their mark on the future of digital finance.

同時,eCash交易效率提升,24小時內交易效率提升10.84%。此外,JasmyCoin 實現了物聯網資料管理的變革,並實現了 7.38% 的穩定成長。請查看下面的詳細信息,了解這些贏家如何在數位金融的未來中留下自己的印記。

  1. Conflux (CFX)

Conflux is a layer-1 blockchain designed to enhance decentralized applications (dApps), e-commerce, and Web 3.0 infrastructure. It uses the unique Tree-Graph consensus mechanism, combining Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Proof-of-Stake (PoS) algorithms. This approach ensures scalability, security, and decentralization. Additionally, transactions are quick, efficient, and low-cost, eliminating network congestion. Furthermore, Conflux's compatibility with Ethereum's Virtual Machine (EVM) and smart contracts written in Solidity makes it a versatile choice for developers and users.

Conflux (CFX)Conflux 是一個第 1 層區塊鏈,旨在增強去中心化應用程式 (dApp)、電子商務和 Web 3.0 基礎架構。它採用獨特的樹圖共識機制,結合了工作量證明(PoW)和權益證明(PoS)演算法。這種方法確保了可擴展性、安全性和去中心化。此外,交易快速、有效率、低成本,消除了網路擁塞。此外,Conflux 與以太坊虛擬機器(EVM)和用 Solidity 編寫的智慧合約的兼容性使其成為開發人員和用戶的多功能選擇。

What sets Conflux apart is its interoperability and innovative features. For instance, the ShuttleFlow cross-chain protocol enables seamless asset transfers between Conflux and other networks like Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. Moreover, with the Fee Sponsorship Mechanism, users with negative balances can still interact with the blockchain. The network processes 300–6000 transactions per second, with lower fees and an integrated staking system offering consistent rewards.

Conflux 的獨特之處在於其互通性和創新功能。例如,ShuttleFlow 跨鏈協議可實現 Conflux 與以太坊和幣安智慧鍊等其他網路之間的無縫資產傳輸。而且,透過費用贊助機制,負餘額的用戶仍然可以與區塊鏈互動。該網路每秒處理 300-6000 筆交易,費用較低,整合的質押系統提供一致的獎勵。

CFX has recently made a splash with an impressive 18.71% surge in just 24 hours! This robust short-term performance is bolstered by a solid liquidity ratio of 0.3972, making it a standout in recent trades. However, its neutral RSI of 53.41 suggests it might be heading for a sideways trend, hinting at stability rather than explosive growth.

CFX最近引起轟動,短短24小時內飆升18.71%,令人印象深刻!這種強勁的短期表現得益於 0.3972 的穩健流動性比率,使其在近期交易中脫穎而出。然而,其中性 RSI 為 53.41,表明它可能會走向橫盤趨勢,暗示穩定而不是爆炸性增長。

In contrast, over the past year, CFX's growth of 4% might seem underwhelming next to Jasmy's rise. Nevertheless, while trading 9.35% above its 200-day SMA indicates it's in a stable zone, its long-term performance lags behind other gainers. Therefore, investors looking for steady but moderate gains may find CFX a reliable option.

相比之下,在過去的一年裡,CFX 4% 的成長與 Jasmy 的上漲相比似乎顯得平淡無奇。儘管如此,雖然其交易價格比 200 日移動平均高出 9.35%,表明其處於穩定區域,但其長期表現落後於其他上漲者。因此,尋求穩定但適度收益的投資者可能會發現 CFX 是一個可靠的選擇。

  1. Band Protocol (BAND)

Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform that connects real-world data with on-chain applications. By enabling smart contracts to access and utilize external data, it unlocks a world of possibilities for DApp developers. This includes integrating sports scores, weather data, random numbers, and price feeds into their DApp logic. Furthermore, built on BandChain using the Cosmos SDK, Band ensures high-speed, efficient data processing. The native token, BAND, is essential for validators fulfilling data requests and serves as the main currency for transactions on BandChain.

Band Protocol(BAND)Band Protocol 是一個跨鏈數據預言機平台,將現實世界的數據與鏈上應用連接起來。透過使智能合約能夠存取和利用外部數據,它為 DApp 開發人員開啟了一個充滿可能性的世界。這包括將體育比分、天氣數據、隨機數和價格資訊整合到他們的 DApp 邏輯中。此外,Band 使用 Cosmos SDK 基於 BandChain 構建,可確保高速、高效的數據處理。原生代幣 BAND 對於驗證者滿足資料請求至關重要,並且是 BandChain 上交易的主要貨幣。

Recently, Band Protocol made headlines by successfully deploying Price Feed Data on Astar's Ink!. Since August 2023, the team has been diligently working on implementing Band Standard Reference Contracts on Ink!. They have thoroughly tested and audited their price feed Oracle to ensure seamless and secure services for the Astar Network ecosystem. This integration enhances data integrity and security within the Polkadot ecosystem.

最近,Band Protocol 在 Astar 的 Ink! 上成功部署 Price Feed 資料而成為頭條新聞。自 2023 年 8 月以來,該團隊一直在努力在 Ink! 上實施頻段標準參考合約。他們對 Oracle 的價格回饋進行了徹底的測試和審核,以確保為 Astar Network 生態系統提供無縫且安全的服務。這種整合增強了 Polkadot 生態系統內的資料完整性和安全性。

In light of this news, BAND is currently going strong, with a 13.91% increase in the last 24 hours, making it a hot pick for the short term. Additionally, the token's RSI of 29.36 signals it might be oversold and poised for a rebound, enhancing its short-term appeal. With a liquidity ratio of 0.3719, it closely competes with CFX, positioning it well for potential gains. On the other hand, BAND has had a 32% rise over the past year, outperforming a third of the top 100 crypto assets. Trading 14.74% above its 200-day SMA showcases a solid long-term trend. It offers steady growth and is a strong option for investors seeking reliable long-term returns.

受此消息影響,BAND目前表現強勁,近24小時漲幅達13.91%,成為短期熱點。此外,該代幣的 RSI 為 29.36,表明其可能超賣並準備反彈,從而增強了其短期吸引力。其流動性比率為 0.3719,與 CFX 競爭激烈,處於潛在收益的有利位置。另一方面,BAND 在過去一年上漲了 32%,跑贏了前 100 名加密資產的三分之一。交易價格高於 200 日移動平均線 14.74%,顯示出穩健的長期趨勢。它提供穩定的成長,對於尋求可靠長期回報的投資者來說是一個強有力的選擇。

  1. eCash (XEC)

eCash is a bold evolution from Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCHA), aiming to redefine digital transactions. It is designed to function as “electronic cash,” streamlining payments for goods and services. Instead of the cumbersome decimals of Bitcoin, eCash uses “bits” for transactions, simplifying the process. For instance, rather than sending 0.00001000 BTC, you’d send 10 bits. This rebranding also included a conversion from BCHA to XEC at a 1-to-1 million ratio.

eCash (XEC)eCash 是比特幣現金 ABC (BCHA) 的大膽演變,旨在重新定義數位交易。它的設計目的是充當“電子現金”,簡化商品和服務的支付。 eCash 沒有使用比特幣那樣繁瑣的小數點,而是使用「位元」進行交易,從而簡化了流程。例如,您不是發送 0.00001000 BTC,而是發送 10 位元。此次品牌重塑還包括以 1 比 100 萬的比例從 BCHA 轉換為 XEC。

Moreover, eCash is not merely about speed; it also focuses on advanced features. The integration of a PoS consensus layer called “Avalanche” alongside the existing PoW ensures enhanced security and faster transactions. This layer is designed to support compatibility with EVM, aiming for interoperability with DeFi on Ethereum. In essence, eCash combines the best of both worlds, aiming to provide a scalable, secure, and efficient cryptocurrency solution.

此外,eCash 不僅僅關乎速度;還關乎速度。它還專注於高級功能。稱為「Avalanche」的 PoS 共識層與現有 PoW 的整合可確保增強的安全性和更快的交易速度。此層旨在支援與 EVM 的兼容性,旨在與以太坊上的 DeFi 進行互通。從本質上講,eCash 結合了兩全其美,旨在提供可擴展、安全且高效的加密貨幣解決方案。

XEC has surged by 10.84% in the last 24 hours, catching the eye of short-term traders. With an RSI of 28.36, it’s currently oversold and might be primed for a rebound. Additionally, its liquidity ratio stands at a solid 0.0826, reflecting a healthy volume-to-market cap ratio. The current market cap is $774.22M, while the 24-hour volume is $ 63.97 M.

XEC在過去24小時內飆升10.84%,吸引了短線交易者的目光。 RSI 為 28.36,目前處於超賣狀態,可能會反彈。此外,其流動性比率穩定在 0.0826,反映出健康的成交量與市值比率。目前市值為 77,422 萬美元,24 小時交易量為 6,397 萬美元。

It has climbed 30% over the past year, marking it as a solid performer but still trailing behind Jasmy's exceptional gains. Trading 24.59% above its 200-day SMA highlights a positive long-term trend, indicating it’s on a steady path. For those seeking reliable growth, XEC is a solid choice, though it doesn’t top the charts for long-term gains.

去年該股上漲了 30%,表現強勁,但仍落後於 Jasmy 的非凡漲幅。交易價格高於 200 日移動平均線 24.59%,凸顯了積極的長期趨勢,顯示其正處於穩定的軌道上。對於那些尋求可靠成長的人來說,XEC 是一個不錯的選擇,儘管它在長期收益方面並沒有名列前茅。

  1. JasmyCoin (JASMY)

JasmyCoin is a cryptocurrency project focused on reshaping the Internet of Things (IoT) space. Integrating IoT technology with blockchain empowers users to have full control over their data. The platform facilitates a secure exchange of information between IoT devices and decentralized protocols, ensuring users’ data remains protected and sovereign. Additionally, JasmyCoin’s infrastructure supports edge computing and stores data on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), promoting a decentralized model where users fully control their data.

JasmyCoin (JASMY)JasmyCoin 是一個專注於重塑物聯網 (IoT) 空間的加密貨幣專案。將物聯網技術與區塊鏈結合,使用戶能夠完全控制自己的數據。該平台促進物聯網設備和去中心化協議之間的安全資訊交換,確保用戶的資料受到保護和主權。此外,JasmyCoin 的基礎設施支援邊緣運算並將資料儲存在星際檔案系統(IPFS)上,促進使用者完全控制其資料的去中心化模式。

Users begin by registering and verifying their identities, setting the stage for seamless data control. They can then track



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