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Top Crypto to Outperform Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) in 2024

2024 年頂級加密貨幣的表現將超越柴犬 (SHIB) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE)

發布: 2024/02/05 21:32 閱讀: 947



Are you surprised at the immense popularity gained by meme coins in recent years? Most people are dumbfounded by the idea of projects amassing billions without any real-world utility, relying solely on influencer promotions and speculative mania. Seeing this kind of craze devoids us of hope for the future of the crypto market. 


The good news, however, is that sustainability in the crypto market requires real utility. There’s a slow but certain shift from meme coins to up-and-coming utility tokens that’s been taking place for the past twelve months. So can meme coins like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin keep up with utility tokens like Pandoshi? That’s the question this article aims to answer. 

然而,好消息是加密貨幣市場的可持續性需要真正的效用。在過去 12 個月裡,從迷因幣到新興實用代幣的轉變雖然緩慢但確定。那麼像 Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 這樣的迷因幣能跟上像 Pandoshi 這樣的實用代幣嗎?這就是本文所要回答的問題。

Pandoshi (PAMBO)

As Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) momentum wanes, Pandoshi (PAMBO) emerges as a formidable new player in the crypto space, capturing the market’s attention as a promising alternative. Pandoshi distinguishes itself with a comprehensive decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, transcending the typical confines of meme coins.

Pandoshi (PAMBO) 隨著 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 勢頭減弱,Pandoshi (PAMBO) 成為加密貨幣領域的一個強大的新參與者,作為一個有前途的替代方案吸引了市場的注意力。 Pandoshi 以其全面的去中心化金融(DeFi)生態系統而著稱,超越了 meme 幣的典型限制。

At its foundation, Pandoshi operates on an eco-conscious Layer 2 network based on Proof of Stake, a stark contrast to energy-intensive models. This network underpins a decentralized exchange, PandoshiSwap, a non-custodial Pandoshi Wallet, Cardoshi prepaid debit cards, Pandoshi University for blockchain education, and immersive metaverse gaming experiences.

Pandoshi 的基礎是基於權益證明的生態意識第 2 層網絡,這與能源密集型模型形成鮮明對比。該網路支援去中心化交易所、PandoshiSwap、非託管 Pandoshi 錢包、Cardoshi 預付借記卡、用於區塊鏈教育的 Pandoshi 大學以及沉浸式元宇宙遊戲體驗。

The PAMBO token, integral to Pandoshi’s ecosystem, offers significant utility value, setting it apart from meme-centric tokens like SHIB. A key feature of PAMBO is its deflationary nature, characterized by a buyback and burn strategy. This approach aims to progressively decrease 80% of PAMBO’s total supply, strategically crafting it as a scarce and appreciating asset. PAMBO’s practical applications across Pandoshi’s ecosystem provide tangible utility and potential for appreciation, a notable divergence from SHIB and Dogecoin’s offering.

PAMBO 代幣是 Pandoshi 生態系統的組成部分,具有顯著的實用價值,使其與 SHIB 等以 meme 為中心的代幣區分開來。 PAMBO 的一個關鍵特徵是其通貨緊縮性質,其特點是回購和銷毀策略。這種方法旨在逐步減少 PAMBO 總供應量的 80%,並從策略上將其打造成稀缺且升值的資產。 PAMBO 在 Pandoshi 生態系統中的實際應用提供了切實的效用和升值潛力,這與 SHIB 和狗狗幣的產品有顯著差異。

In the realm of investment potential, Pandoshi’s PAMBO token is currently a standout in its presale phase, having raised over $3.5 million in a short period. This surge in investor interest reflects confidence in PAMBO’s future growth. With a presale price of $0.01, in the final phase, market analysts project a potential rise to $0.50 within the first year of trading. This represents a significant 50x increase from its final presale valuation, far outstripping the performance and prospects of SHIB and Dogecoin.

在投資潛力領域,Pandoshi 的 PAMBO 代幣目前在預售階段表現出色,在短時間內籌集了超過 350 萬美元。投資者興趣的激增反映了對 PAMBO 未來成長的信心。預售價格為 0.01 美元,在最後階段,市場分析師預計在交易的第一年內可能上漲至 0.50 美元。這比最終預售估值大幅增加了 50 倍,遠遠超過了 SHIB 和狗狗幣的表現和前景。

Investors eyeing substantial gains in 2024 are looking towards PAMBO as a more viable and lucrative option than fading meme tokens like SHIB. Pandoshi’s unique blend of sustainable features, coupled with PAMBO’s scarcity and utilitarian aspects, positions it as a strong contender for a major breakout in the crypto market. As SHIB’s influence recedes, PAMBO stands as a beacon of sustainable investment potential, promising significant returns and wealth creation opportunities in the coming year and beyond.

著眼於 2024 年大幅收益的投資者將 PAMBO 視為比 SHIB 等日漸衰落的 meme 代幣更可行、更有利可圖的選擇。 Pandoshi 獨特地融合了永續功能,加上 PAMBO 的稀缺性和實用性,使其成為加密貨幣市場重大突破的有力競爭者。隨著 SHIB 的影響力消退,PAMBO 成為可持續投資潛力的燈塔,預計將在未來一年及以後帶來豐厚的回報和創造財富的機會。


Meme coins like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin captured investor attention in the past through influencer marketing and speculative rallies. However, their lack of real-world use cases limits their sustainability. Pandoshi, on the other hand, demonstrates tangible utility and execution from its developer team. Its presale success and tokenomics also give it superior growth potential compared to the established meme coins.

結論像柴犬和狗狗幣這樣的迷因幣過去透過影響力行銷和投機集會吸引了投資者的注意。然而,它們缺乏現實世界的用例限制了它們的可持續性。另一方面,Pandoshi 展現了其開發團隊的實際實用性和執行力。與現有的迷因幣相比,它的預售成功和代幣經濟學也賦予了它卓越的成長潛力。

While unpredictable hype cycles can benefit projects like SHIB and DOGE short term, Pandoshi seems positioned to deliver more consistent value in the long run. Its well-planned roadmap and focus on providing a suite of usable services for crypto users set it apart from one-dimensional meme tokens.

雖然不可預測的炒作週期可以在短期內使 SHIB 和 DOGE 等項目受益,但從長遠來看,Pandoshi 似乎能夠提供更一致的價值。其精心規劃的路線圖並專注於為加密貨幣用戶提供一套可用的服務,使其有別於一維迷因代幣。

So to answer the question posed in the headline of this article, no. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are highly unlikely to match the performance of Pandoshi in 2024 and beyond. 

因此,回答本文標題所提出的問題,答案是否定的。狗狗幣和柴犬在 2024 年及以後的表現極不可能與 Pandoshi 相提並論。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens 

點擊此處購買 PAMBO 代幣

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):

有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息,請訪問以下連結:

Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/



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