首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 本週最值得關注的加密貨幣:XRP、DOGE、INJ

Top cryptocurrencies to watch this week: XRP, DOGE, INJ


發布: 2024/01/23 06:39 閱讀: 567



This week, our top cryptocurrencies — XRP (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE) and Injective (INJ) — take center stage, on the heels of Bitcoin’s (BTC) slump and the global crypto market cap losing about $100 billion due to price upswings and dumps.

本週,在比特幣(BTC) 暴跌以及全球加密貨幣市值因價格上漲和損失約1000 億美元之後,我們的頂級加密貨幣— XRP (XRP)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和Injective (INJ) — 佔據了中心舞台。轉儲。

Bitcoin reached a two-year high of $49,000 on Jan. 11, when bitcoin ETFs began trading in the U.S. Since then. the asset plummeted and is now trading at $41,807.60, up by just .34% on Sunday, Jan. 21.

1 月 11 日,比特幣 ETF 開始在美國交易,比特幣觸及兩年高點 49,000 美元。該資產暴跌,目前交易價格為 41,807.60 美元,1 月 21 日星期日僅上漲 0.34%。

XRP battles $0.55

XRP 之戰 $0.55

The latest market collapse impacted most mainstream assets, and XRP did not evade the onslaught.

最近的市場崩盤影響了大多數主流資產,XRP 也無法逃脫衝擊。

Recall that XRP dropped to a low of $0.50 on Jan. 3 amid a mixed start to the year.

回想一下,在今年開局喜憂參半的情況下,XRP 於 1 月 3 日跌至 0.50 美元的低點。

The asset eventually recovered from this slump, recovering the pivotal $0.55 price threshold.

該資產最終從這次暴跌中恢復過來,恢復了 0.55 美元的關鍵價格門檻。

However, this week saw the bears attempt to push XRP below the price level. The bearish trend from the previous week spilled into this week, leading to a bearish consolidation between a low of $0.5216 and a high of $0.5895.

然而,本週空頭試圖將 XRP 壓低至價格水平以下。上週的看跌趨勢蔓延至本週,導致在 0.5216 美元的低點和 0.5895 美元的高點之間出現看跌盤整。

XRP hit this high on Jan. 15, at the start of the week. Nonetheless, the bears battered it below the price threshold, and it has continued to record lower lows since then, slipping to the $0.55 zone. XRP defended the $0.55 support fervently, but eventually gave it up on Jan. 18.

XRP 在 1 月 15 日(即本周初)觸及這一高點。儘管如此,空頭將其擊破了價格門檻,此後繼續創下更低的低點,滑至 0.55 美元區域。 XRP 激烈捍衛 0.55 美元的支撐位,但最終在 1 月 18 日放棄。

As the bearish pressure heightened, the asset collapsed to the $0.5216 low on Jan. 19. XRP staged a comeback, gaining 1.67% the next day to reclaim the $0.55 territory. Currently trading for $0.5525, the token seeks to seal its position above this price point.

隨著看跌壓力加劇,該資產於 1 月 19 日暴跌至 0.5216 美元低點。XRP 捲土重來,第二天上漲 1.67%,收復 0.55 美元關口。該代幣目前的交易價格為 0.5525 美元,試圖將其頭寸鎖定在該價格點之上。

Failure to do this would bring the support at $0.5487 into play, XRP’s last defense against further declines. The asset must register a measured move to the Jan. 9 high of $0.5780, currently at Fib. 0.382. Closing above this resistance level could signal a looming price reversal.

如果不這樣做,0.5487 美元的支撐位就會發揮作用,這是 XRP 抵禦進一步下跌的最後一道防線。該資產必須謹慎移動至 1 月 9 日高點 0.5780 美元,目前處於 Fib 水平。 0.382。收盤價高於該阻力位可能預示價格即將逆轉。

You might also like: SEC acknowledges Nasdaq’s spot Bitcoin ETF options request

您可能也喜歡:SEC 承認納斯達克的現貨比特幣 ETF 選擇權請求

Dogecoin bucks trend with 7% gain

狗狗幣逆勢上漲 7%

Dogecoin showed exemplary resilience in the fears of the bearish pressure this week.


While Bitcoin and other assets largely faced bearish consolidation throughout the week, DOGE recorded impressive gains, looking to close the week with a surprising 7% gain.

儘管比特幣和其他資產本週基本上面臨看跌盤整,但 DOGE 卻錄得令人印象深刻的漲幅,預計本週將以令人驚訝的 7% 漲幅收盤。

And, as of Sunday, Jan. 21, Dogecoin is up 11.7%.

截至 1 月 21 日(星期日),狗狗幣上漲了 11.7%。

While other assets tumbled, DOGE began the week on a positive note, rising to a high of $0.08258 on Jan. 16.

雖然其他資產暴跌,但 DOGE 本週開局積極,並於 1 月 16 日昇至 0.08258 美元的高點。

However, the canine-themed memecoin eventually dropped to a low of $0.07484 on Jan. 19, collapsing below the crucial support levels at $0.08 and $0.075. 

然而,以狗為主題的 memecoin 最終在 1 月 19 日跌至 0.07484 美元的低點,跌破了 0.08 美元和 0.075 美元的關鍵支撐位。

Dogecoin’s breakthrough came up on Jan. 20, when the crypto asset rallied to a high of $0.09058, breaching the pivotal $0.09 resistance point in an attempt to clinch $0.1.

狗狗幣的突破出現在 1 月 20 日,當時加密資產反彈至 0.09058 美元的高點,突破了 0.09 美元的關鍵阻力點,試圖鎖定 0.1 美元。

Despite the roadblock at the $0.09 level, DOGE showed resilience, closing the day with a massive 11.71% gain.

儘管在 0.09 美元的水平上遇到障礙,DOGE 還是表現出了韌性,當天收盤時大幅上漲 11.71%。

Dogecoin began Jan. 21 with a renewed uptrend, surging to $0.09046. Nonetheless, the bears have captured the scene, resulting in a drop to $0.08468.

狗狗幣從 1 月 21 日開始出現新的上升趨勢,飆升至 0.09046 美元。儘管如此,空頭佔據了主導地位,導致價格跌至 0.08468 美元。

Despite the recent impedance, DOGE is up 7.6% this week, sealing a spot among the top 10 gainers this week.

儘管最近出現阻力,DOGE 本週仍上漲 7.6%,躋身本週漲幅前 10 名之列。

Injective forms bullish pennant


Injective succumbed to the bearish pressure dominant in the crypto scene this week. The asset had hit a high of $41.9 on Jan. 16 following an 11% intraday gain the previous day. However, this bullish move was negated by the ensuing correction.

本週,Injective 屈服於加密貨幣領域占主導地位的看跌壓力。該資產繼前一天盤中上漲 11% 後,於 1 月 16 日觸及 41.9 美元的高點。然而,這一看漲走勢被隨後的調整所抵消。

INJ recorded three consecutive intraday losses from Jan. 16 to 18, facing an 8.18% drop on Jan. 18, its largest collapse since Jan. 7.


The sustained drop brought the asset below $37. Injective is currently looking to recover some of these losses, as it changes hands at $36.2 with a 2.25% increase today.

持續下跌使該資產跌破 37 美元。 Injective 目前正在尋求彌補部分損失,因為今天它以 36.2 美元易手,漲幅為 2.25%。

Zooming out, INJ appears to have formed a bullish pennant structure amid the ongoing consolidation. Notably, the flagpole of the pennant was formed from Dec. 6 to Dec. 24.

縮小範圍來看,INJ 似乎在持續的盤整中形成了看漲的三角旗結構。值得注意的是,三角旗的旗桿是在12月6日至12月24日期間形成的。

The asset surged 161% from $17.19 on Dec. 6 to a high of $44.89 on Dec. 28, forming a lengthy flagpole.


However, following the $44.89 peak, Injective faced a roadblock, leading to a mild retracement and subsequent consolidation.

然而,在 44.89 美元的峰值之後,Injective 遇到了障礙,導致溫和回撤和隨後的盤整。

This consolidation spilled into this week, resulting in the formation of the pennant. This structure typically signals a pause to the uptrend and a looming continuation.


Read more: Justin Sun’s Huobi exchange looks to convert native token to HTX

了解更多:孫宇晨的火幣交易所希望將原生代幣轉換為 HTX


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