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Top Cryptos for Smart Investing


發布: 2023/12/29 19:03 閱讀: 830



As we look towards 2024, the crypto market is brimming with anticipation and potential. The possibility of Bitcoin spot ETFs and a bullish market trend is setting the stage for significant growth, particularly for altcoins like Ethereum, Solana, OKB, and Injective Protocol. This period is expected to be a defining one for Bitcoin, potentially leading to a substantial impact on the broader market.

展望2024年,加密市場充滿期待與潛力。比特幣現貨 ETF 的可能性和看漲的市場趨勢正在為顯著成長奠定基礎,特別是對於以太坊、Solana、OKB 和 Injective Protocol 等山寨幣而言。預計這段時期將是比特幣的決定性時期,可能會對更廣泛的市場產生重大影響。

The crypto landscape is notoriously unpredictable, with each bull market bringing its own leaders and laggards. Solana (SOL), for instance, has shown remarkable performance, skyrocketing from a low point in December 2022 to impressive current levels. This growth trajectory places SOL among the top contenders for smart investing in the coming year. The market dynamics suggest a shift towards coins that have demonstrated resilience and innovation, making Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), Polygon (MATIC), Sei (SEI), Chainlink (LINK), and ScapesMania potential candidates for smart holding.

眾所周知,加密貨幣的前景是不可預測的,每個牛市都有自己的領先者和落後者。例如,Solana (SOL) 表現出了卓越的性能,從 2022 年 12 月的低點飆升至目前令人印象深刻的水平。這種成長軌跡使 SOL 躋身來年智慧投資的頂級競爭者之列。市場動態表明,人們正在轉向具有彈性和創新性的代幣,這使得Solana (SOL)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Polygon (MATIC)、Sei (SEI)、Chainlink (LINK) 和ScapesMania 成為智慧持有的潛在候選者。

With this top, we did enough digging to surface some particularly strong candidates. Below are some cryptoassets to consider for smart holding in 2024 and beyond as they are poised to be the potential leaders of their respective markets.

有了這個頂部,我們做了足夠的挖掘,發現了一些特別強大的候選人。以下是 2024 年及以後值得明智持有的一些加密資產,因為它們有望成為各自市場的潛在領導者。

Top Cryptos for Smart Holding


  • ScapesMania: Newcomer with strong presale performance and innovative gaming concept.


  • Solana (SOL): Rapid growth, emerging as a market leader.

    Solana (SOL):快速成長,成為市場領導者。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE): Fluctuating momentum, aiming for a higher valuation.


  • Polygon (MATIC): Price rise amidst bullish sentiment, despite network activity dips.

    Polygon (MATIC):儘管網路活動下降,但價格在看漲情緒中上漲。

  • Sei (SEI): Initial surge followed by market challenges.

    Sei (SEI):最初的飆升隨後是市場挑戰。

  • Chainlink (LINK): Focusing on significant upgrades, facing recent price drops.

    Chainlink (LINK):專注於重大升級,面臨最近的價格下跌。

ScapesMania: A Rising Star in the Crypto Universe


ScapesMania is a one-of-a-kind gaming ecosystem, where crypto-savvy audiences join forces with the vibrant community of casual players, paving the way to substantial growth. The ScapesMania community is buzzing with enthusiasm, which is reflected in more than $3,000,000 raised from crowd/retail contributions to date.

ScapesMania 是一個獨一無二的遊戲生態系統,精通加密貨幣的受眾與充滿活力的休閒玩家社群聯手,為大幅成長鋪平了道路。 ScapesMania 社區充滿了熱情,迄今為止從眾籌/零售捐款中籌集了超過 3,000,000 美元。

Empowering Holders


ScapesMania ensures participants get precisely what they desire: gamers enjoy their favorite pastime, while crypto enthusiasts can leverage the ecosystem's performance and shape its future through DAO, all without engaging in gameplay.

ScapesMania 確保參與者準確地獲得他們想要的東西:遊戲玩家享受他們最喜歡的消遣,而加密貨幣愛好者可以利用生態系統的性能並透過 DAO 塑造其未來,所有這些都無需參與遊戲。

Furthermore, acquiring ScapesMania tokens unlocks extra perks. By joining the presale, you can access bonuses totaling up to 117%. You can also earn referral rewards by introducing ScapesMania to your friends. Plus, holders can participate in token buyback & burn events as well as staking.

此外,取得 ScapesMania 代幣還可解鎖額外福利。透過參加預售,您可以獲得高達 117% 的獎金。您還可以透過向您的朋友介紹 ScapesMania 來獲得推薦獎勵。此外,持有者還可以參與代幣回購和銷毀活動以及質押。

Verified Excellence


ScapesMania's smart contract has successfully undergone scrutiny from leading security-ranking companies, providing peace of mind for holders


Behind ScapesMania is an award-winning team that secured a prestigious grant from a prominent player in the blockchain industry. The team is constantly engaging with a flourishing community of over 60K followers.

ScapesMania 背後是一支屢獲殊榮的團隊,該團隊獲得了區塊鏈行業知名人士的著名資助。該團隊不斷與擁有超過 6 萬粉絲的蓬勃發展社群互動。

Potential for Expansion


ScapesMania is part of the massive $376 billion gaming industry, and its growth potential is fueled by this booming market. 

ScapesMania 是價值 3,760 億美元的龐大遊戲產業的一部分,其成長潛力受到這個蓬勃發展的市場的推動。

Already featured on major tracking platforms, ScapesMania is expected to hit major exchanges soon, with negotiations currently underway. After its debut on exchange platforms, holders can expect greater liquidity and easier access to trade.

ScapesMania 已經出現在主要追蹤平台上,預計很快就會登陸主要交易所,目前談判正在進行中。在交易平台上首次亮相後,持有者可以期待更大的流動性和更容易的交易。

ScapeMania’s Prospects

ScapeMania 的前景

ScapesMania tokens are currently a steal, priced at just $0.005189 per coin during the presale. As the last sales stage price is set at $0.01, early adopters could potentially be looking at a 1.9x return after the ScapesMania presale concludes.

ScapesMania 代幣目前很便宜,預售期間每枚代幣售價僅 0.005189 美元。由於最後銷售階段的價格定為 0.01 美元,早期採用者可能會在 ScapesMania 預售結束後獲得 1.9 倍的回報。

The innovative core concept, robust tokenomics, stage bonuses, and benefits for holders have the potential to further increase the project's value. Now could be the best moment to become part of the community of ScapesMania holders.

創新的核心概念、強大的代幣經濟、階段獎金和持有者的福利有可能進一步增加專案的價值。現在可能是成為 ScapesMania 持有者社群一員的最佳時機。

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>>> 參加官方網站折扣預售

If you’re already on board with everything that ScapesMania has to offer, there’s a unique opportunity for you: a special offered code, NBM894. The limited-time offer is only valid for a limited time since the article’s publication. It’s your best chance to get a bonus of 10% after entering NBM894 in a special field at checkout, so act fast, the clock is ticking.

如果您已經了解 ScapesMania 所提供的一切,那麼您有一個獨特的機會:特別優惠代碼 NBM894。限時優惠僅在文章發表後的有限時間內有效。在結帳時在特殊欄位中輸入NBM894後,這是您獲得10%獎金的最佳機會,所以動作要快,時間緊迫。

Solana (SOL): Analyzing the Path to $250 Amidst Volatility

Solana (SOL):分析波動中通往 250 美元的路徑

Solana (SOL) has been capturing the attention of crypto traders and enthusiasts alike with its impressive performance. Recently, it experienced a significant surge, climbing more than 109% over the past 30 days. This rise has led to a flurry of activity and speculation about its future trajectory. The question on everyone's mind is: How long can this upward trend continue?


The recent rally has seen Solana (SOL) break through critical resistance levels, notably surpassing the $113 mark with ease. This breakthrough has prompted some traders to lock in profits, a common strategy in the volatile crypto market. However, others argue that holding Solana (SOL) for the long term might yield more fruitful results, especially considering its potential for further growth.

最近的反彈使 Solana (SOL) 突破了關鍵阻力位,特別是輕鬆突破了 113 美元大關。這項突破促使一些交易者鎖定利潤,這是波動的加密貨幣市場中的常見策略。然而,其他人認為,長期持有 Solana (SOL) 可能會產生更豐碩的成果,特別是考慮到其進一步成長的潛力。

Looking ahead, the big question is whether Solana (SOL) can reach the $250 mark. The current forecast for 2024 suggests a key resistance area around $143, indicating that while the path to $250 is visible, it might be more realistic in 2025 or 2026. Traders should expect sell-offs around resistance areas and be prepared for pullbacks, a common occurrence in the crypto world. Despite these challenges, the anticipation of institutional adoption, especially with developments like BlackRock's BTC spot ETF, could provide a significant boost to Solana (SOL) and the broader crypto market in 2024.

展望未來,最大的問題是 Solana (SOL) 能否達到 250 美元大關。目前對2024 年的預測表明,關鍵阻力區域位於143 美元附近,這表明雖然通往250 美元的路徑是可見的,但在2025 年或2026 年可能更為現實。交易者應該預期阻力區域附近會出現拋售,並為回調做好準備,這是常見的情況。發生在加密世界中。儘管有這些挑戰,機構採用的預期,尤其是 BlackRock 的 BTC 現貨 ETF 等發展,可能會在 2024 年為 Solana (SOL) 和更廣泛的加密貨幣市場帶來重大推動。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Quest for the Coveted $1 Mark

狗狗幣 (DOGE):追求令人垂涎的 1 美元大關

Dogecoin (DOGE) has recently shown a mix of momentum and consolidation. After a steady climb from $0.073 to around the $0.10 mark in early December, it has slowed down, consolidating at about $0.093. This movement has left investors pondering whether DOGE can rally to the much-anticipated $1 level in 2024.

狗狗幣(DOGE)最近表現出動力和整合的結合。在 12 月初從 0.073 美元穩步攀升至 0.10 美元附近之後,價格已經放緩,在 0.093 美元左右盤整。這一走勢讓投資者思考 DOGE 能否在 2024 年反彈至備受期待的 1 美元水準。

Dogecoin (DOGE) journey to its all-time high (ATH) of $0.73 in May 2021 was nothing short of meteoric, with gains of up to 1,360% in less than 10 weeks from its March price that year. This historical performance has set a precedent, making the possibility of reaching or even surpassing the $1 mark a topic of much speculation. However, achieving this would require a substantial increase from its current levels.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在 2021 年 5 月創下 0.73 美元的歷史高點 (ATH) 的過程可謂是飛速發展,在不到 10 週的時間內,較當年 3 月的價格上漲了 1,360%。這段歷史表現開創了先例,使得觸及甚至超越1美元大關的可能性成為許多猜測的話題。然而,要實現這一目標,需要在當前水準上大幅提高。

The path to $1 for Dogecoin (DOGE) is fraught with uncertainties. Factors like endorsements from high-profile individuals like Elon Musk and community-driven initiatives have historically fueled its price surges. However, artificial intelligence algorithms from platforms like CoinCodex don't foresee Dogecoin (DOGE) hitting $1 until at least April 2032. Currently, Dogecoin (DOGE) is maintaining modest gains on its monthly chart but is yet to show signs of a significant rally. While external and internal factors could influence its price positively, predicting its trajectory remains speculative, and reaching the $1 mark in the near future appears to be a challenging prospect.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 通往 1 美元的道路充滿了不確定性。伊隆馬斯克等知名人士的認可以及社區推動的舉措等因素歷來推動了其價格飆升。然而,CoinCodex 等平台的人工智慧演算法預計狗狗幣(DOGE) 至少要到2032 年4 月才會觸及1 美元。目前,狗狗幣(DOGE) 在月度圖表上保持小幅上漲,但尚未顯示出大幅上漲的跡象。雖然外部和內部因素可能對其價格產生積極影響,但對其軌蹟的預測仍然是推測性的,並且在不久的將來達到 1 美元大關似乎是一個具有挑戰性的前景。

Polygon (MATIC):看漲趨勢與市場情緒

Polygon (MATIC) has been showing robust performance, with its price rising. The blockchain has been achieving new milestones, reflecting growth in the DeFi space and increased activity in its NFT ecosystem. However, despite these positive signs, there's been a drop in network activity, with daily active addresses and transactions declining.

Polygon (MATIC) 一直表現強勁,價格不斷上漲。區塊鏈一直在實現新的里程碑,反映出 DeFi 領域的成長和 NFT 生態系統活動的增加。然而,儘管有這些積極的跡象,網路活動卻有所下降,每日活躍地址和交易量都在下降。

Polygon (MATIC) price has gained bullish momentum, with a market capitalization of over $8.2 billion. The token's trading volume has surged alongside its price, indicating a growing interest from traders and investors.

Polygon (MATIC) 價格已獲得看漲勢頭,市值超過 82 億美元。該代幣的交易量隨著其價格的上漲而飆升,顯示交易者和投資者的興趣日益濃厚。

While Polygon (MATIC) MVRV Ratio has improved, suggesting bullish sentiment, a decrease in exchange outflow and positive sentiment indicates potential challenges ahead. The market's indecisiveness, reflected in the Neutral Fear and Greed Index, makes it difficult to predict the next direction. However, the support level at $0.1145 strengthens the potential for an uptrend, and investors should closely monitor Polygon (MATIC) trajectory for signs of a sustained bullish reversal or continued bearish trend.

雖然 Polygon (MATIC) MVRV 比率有所改善,顯示看漲情緒,但外匯流出減少和正面情緒表明未來存在潛在挑戰。市場的猶豫不決,反映在中性恐懼和貪婪指數中,使得很難預測下一步的方向。然而,0.1145 美元的支撐位增強了上升趨勢的潛力,投資者應密切關注 Polygon (MATIC) 軌跡,尋找持續看漲逆轉或持續看跌趨勢的跡象。

Sei (SEI): A Surge and Subsequent Decline

Sei (SEI):飆升和隨後的下跌

Sei (SEI) is a sector-focused Layer 1 blockchain aimed at revolutionizing crypto assets trading. It experienced a 300% surge within 24 hours of its launch on the ByBit exchange. However, the price has since declined, raising questions about its growth potential.

Sei (SEI) 是一個專注於產業的第 1 層區塊鏈,旨在徹底改變加密資產交易。在ByBit交易所上線後24小時內暴漲300%。然而,此後價格下跌,引發了對其成長潛力的質疑。

Sei (SEI) price has been on a declining path, creating a prevailing descending trend on the price chart. The token hit an all-time low of $0.007989 on August 15 but quickly soared to an all-time high of $0.273 on August 16. Despite this, it has struggled to break free from the bearish grip.

Sei (SEI) 價格一直在下降,在價格圖表上形​​成了普遍的下降趨勢。該代幣在 8 月 15 日觸及 0.007989 美元的歷史低點,但在 8 月 16 日迅速飆升至 0.273 美元的歷史高點。儘管如此,它仍難以擺脫看跌的束縛。

Sei (SEI) future looks promising with potential industry scaling, network advancements, and community growth. Predictions suggest a high of $0.7 by 2024 and a peak of $1.8 by 2030. However, the market's bearish sentiment and the token's volatility present significant challenges. Investors should closely monitor Sei (SEI) developments and broader market trends to navigate its unpredictable trajectory.

Sei (SEI) 的未來看起來充滿希望,具有潛在的產業規模、網路進步和社區發展。預測顯示到 2024 年將達到 0.7 美元的高點,到 2030 年將達到 1.8 美元的峰值。然而,市場的看跌情緒和代幣的波動性帶來了重大挑戰。投資者應密切關注 Sei (SEI) 的發展和更廣泛的市場趨勢,以駕馭其不可預測的軌跡。

Chainlink (LINK):利用現實世界資產邁向未來

Chainlink (LINK) is gearing up for a series of upgrades, as indicated in its Q4 product update. The focus is on expanding into traditional finance (TradFi) and real-world assets (RWA), with initiatives like the Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) and Chainlink Data Streams.

正如其第四季產品更新所示,Chainlink (LINK) 正在準備進行一系列升級。重點是透過跨鏈互通協議 (CCIP) 和 Chainlink 資料流等措施擴展到傳統金融 (TradFi) 和現實世界資產 (RWA)。

Chainlink (LINK) price has cooled from its 2023 high but remains one of the better-performing altcoins this year. It reached a 19-month high of $17.25 in December but has since retreated by 18%. Despite this, Chainlink (LINK) is still down 73% from its all-time high in May 2021.

Chainlink (LINK) 的價格已從 2023 年的高點回落,但仍是今年表現較好的山寨幣之一。 12 月觸及 17.25 美元的 19 個月高點,但此後回落了 18%。儘管如此,Chainlink (LINK) 仍較 2021 年 5 月的歷史高點下跌 73%。

The expansion into TradFi and RWA, along with ongoing work with asset issuers and custodians, positions Chainlink (LINK) for potential growth. However, the recent price retreat highlights the market's volatility and the challenges ahead. Investors should watch for how Chainlink (LINK) upgrades and broader market trends impact its price, keeping in mind the unpredictable nature of the crypto market.

向 TradFi 和 RWA 的擴張,以及與資產發行人和託管人的持續合作,為 Chainlink (LINK) 的潛在成長奠定了基礎。然而,最近的價格回落凸顯了市場的波動性和未來的挑戰。投資者應關注 Chainlink (LINK) 升級和更廣泛的市場趨勢如何影響其價格,同時牢記加密市場的不可預測性。



As we approach 2024, the crypto market is at a pivotal juncture, filled with both potential and unpredictability. The introduction of Bitcoin spot ETFs and a bullish market trend are setting the stage for significant growth. In this dynamic environment, ScapesMania stands out as a promising newcomer, drawing attention with its innovative gaming-related core idea and impressive presale figures

隨著 2024 年的臨近,加密貨幣市場正處於一個關鍵時刻,充滿了潛力和不可預測性。比特幣現貨 ETF 的推出和看漲的市場趨勢正在為顯著成長奠定基礎。在這個充滿活力的環境中,ScapesMania 作為一個有前途的新來者脫穎而出,以其創新的遊戲相關核心理念和令人印象深刻的預售數字引起了人們的關注。

Site: https://scapesmania.io/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScapesMania


Telegram: https://t.me/scapesmania


Source: https://thebittimes.com/top-cryptos-for-smart-investing-tbt75082.html



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