首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 頂級狗狗幣 (DOGE) 競爭對手預計 2024 年第一季投資金額將增加十倍

Top Dogecoin (DOGE) Competitor Expected to Multiply Investments Tenfold in the First Quarter of 2024

頂級狗狗幣 (DOGE) 競爭對手預計 2024 年第一季投資金額將增加十倍

發布: 2024/02/18 18:35 閱讀: 933

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post Top Dogecoin (DOGE) Competitor Expected to Multiply Investments Tenfold in the First Quarter of 2024 appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

頂級狗狗幣 (DOGE) 競爭對手預計將在 2024 年第一季將投資增加十倍的貼文首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

Pandoshi (PAMBO), a newly launched meme coin, has sparked significant investor interest in 2024, challenging Dogecoin’s (DOGE) dominance in the niche market. With an innovative product ecosystem to back up its ambition, Pandoshi appears to be on track to capture significant market share in the coming months.

新推出的迷因幣 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 在 2024 年引發了投資者的巨大興趣,挑戰了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在利基市場的主導地位。憑藉創新的產品生態系統來支持其雄心壯志,Pandoshi 似乎有望在未來幾個月內佔領重要的市場份額。

The developers behind Pandoshi aim to build a robust platform of decentralized finance (DeFi) offerings, including a layer 2 blockchain, decentralized exchange (DEX), non-custodial wallet, and crypto debit cards. The full-stack ecosystem sets Pandoshi apart from other meme coins like DOGE that lack real utility.

Pandoshi 背後的開發人員旨在建立一個強大的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 產品平台,包括第 2 層區塊鏈、去中心化交易所 (DEX)、非託管錢包和加密借記卡。全端生態系統使 Pandoshi 與 DOGE 等缺乏實際實用性的迷因幣區分開來。

PAMBO Token Presale Heading for Sellout

PAMBO 代幣預售即將售罄

Pandoshi is currently nearing the end of its presale campaign, with over 90% of the allotted PAMBO token supply already purchased. The team has set the final presale price of PAMBO at $0.01 per token, representing a 5x return for investors who participated in the first round.

Pandoshi 目前預售活動已接近尾聲,超過 90% 的 PAMBO 代幣供應量已被購買。團隊將PAMBO的最終預售價格定為每個代幣0.01美元,這對於參與第一輪的投資者來說相當於5倍的回報。

With the presale’s accelerated pace, PAMBO looks likely to sell out well before the scheduled end in Q1 2024. Once PAMBO lists on major exchanges, including Uniswap and later Binance and Coinbase, analysts expect its value to jump substantially higher.

隨著預售步伐的加快,PAMBO 看起來很可能會在2024 年第一季的預定結束之前售罄。一旦PAMBO 在Uniswap 以及後來的Binance 和Coinbase 等主要交易所上市,分析師預計其價值將大幅上漲。

Decentralized Infrastructure to Rival Top Cryptos


A unique advantage held by Pandoshi is its underlying blockchain infrastructure. PandaChain, its native layer 2 solution, allows PAMBO and other ecosystem assets to operate with minimal fees and lightning-fast transaction speeds.

Pandoshi 擁有的獨特優勢是其底層的區塊鏈基礎設施。 PandaChain 是其原生第 2 層解決方案,允許 PAMBO 和其他生態系統資產以最低的費用和閃電般的交易速度運作。

PandaChain incorporates cutting-edge privacy technologies like zero-knowledge proofs, combining the scalability and privacy that users desire. It also supports Ethereum’s most popular token standards, ensuring broad compatibility with existing DeFi apps and services.

熊貓鏈融合了零知識證明等尖端隱私技術,結合了用戶期望的可擴展性和隱私性。它還支援以太坊最受歡迎的代幣標準,確保與現有 DeFi 應用程式和服務的廣泛兼容性。

On top of PandaChain, Pandoshi plans to launch its own DEX for swapping crypto assets in a permissionless manner. The platform’s signature feature will involve using trading fees to buy back and burn PAMBO tokens, rendering the asset deflationary over time.

在 PandaChain 之上,Pandoshi 計劃推出自己的 DEX,以無需許可的方式交換加密資產。該平台的標誌性功能將涉及使用交易費用回購和銷毀 PAMBO 代幣,並隨著時間的推移使資產通貨緊縮。

Between its high-tech blockchain and deflationary DEX, Pandoshi seems well-equipped to stand toe-to-toe with more established cryptos like DOGE in delivering value and utility to users.

在其高科技區塊鏈和通貨緊縮的 DEX 之間,Pandoshi 似乎有能力與 DOGE 等更成熟的加密貨幣正面交鋒,為用戶提供價值和實用性。

Wallet and Crypto Cards Available Now


Unlike other projects still in conceptual stages, Pandoshi already has an operational mobile wallet for storing, sending, and receiving PAMBO tokens and other digital assets. The non-custodial wallet removes intermediaries to let users fully control their funds. An iOS app is also in the works to ensure multi-platform accessibility.

與其他仍處於概念階段的項目不同,Pandoshi 已經擁有一個可操作的行動錢包,用於儲存、發送和接收 PAMBO 代幣和其他數位資產。非託管錢包去除了中介機構,讓用戶完全掌控自己的資金。 iOS 應用程式也在開發中,以確保多平台可存取性。

On top of its wallet app, Pandoshi offers crypto debit cards that allow real-world spending of cryptocurrencies. The cards enable  payments anywhere major credit cards are accepted, all without requiring identity verification (KYC).

除了錢包應用程式之外,Pandoshi 還提供加密借記卡,允許在現實世界中消費加密貨幣。這些卡可在任何接受主要信用卡的地方進行付款,且無需身份驗證 (KYC)。

Between its wallet and debit card infrastructure, Pandoshi unlocks simple transferring and spending of crypto for both online and retail transactions. This expands PAMBO’s utility as an accessible payment method compared to Dogecoin’s limited payment integration currently.

在其錢包和借記卡基礎設施之間,Pandoshi 為線上和零售交易解鎖了簡單的加密貨幣轉移和支出。與狗狗幣目前有限的支付整合相比,這擴展了 PAMBO 作為可用支付方式的實用性。

Final Thoughts


With the clock ticking closer towards Pandoshi’s Q1 2024 official launch, investors have a narrowing window of opportunity to buy PAMBO tokens during the last presale phase. The project’s impressive progress in building out a decentralized ecosystem ahead of time provides an air of legitimacy compared to other meme coin projects.

隨著 Pandoshi 2024 年第一季正式發布的時間越來越近,投資者在最後預售階段購買 PAMBO 代幣的機會窗口正在縮小。與其他模因幣項目相比,該項目在提前建立去中心化生態系統方面取得的令人印象深刻的進展提供了合法性。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

點擊此處購買 PAMBO 代幣

Explore the following links for detailed information on Pandoshi (PAMBO):

瀏覽以下鏈接,以了解有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的詳細資訊:

Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/



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