首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 9 月 10 日今天值得購買的熱門 Meme 幣 – ApeCoin、CateCoin、Dymension、Pepe Unchained

Top Meme Coins To Buy Today, September 10 – ApeCoin, CateCoin, Dymension, Pepe Unchained

9 月 10 日今天值得購買的熱門 Meme 幣 – ApeCoin、CateCoin、Dymension、Pepe Unchained

發布: 2024/09/11 13:00 閱讀: 965

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


9 月 10 日今天值得購買的熱門 Meme 幣 – ApeCoin、CateCoin、Dymension、Pepe Unchained

Top Meme Coins to Buy Today:

今日最值得購買的 Meme 幣:

Top Meme Coins to Buy Today

今日最值得購買的 Meme 幣

Investors are actively expanding their portfolios as the anticipated bull run approaches. However, there seems to be a delay in the bull run as major cryptos are declining. Surprisingly, most of the top meme tokens are experiencing upward trends.


This article presents a curated list of such promising meme coins. It does this through a comprehensive analysis of their tokenomics and use cases. It also looks into the partnerships, market trends, and other key features that contribute to their appeal as profitable investment prospects.


1. Dymension (DYM)

1. 尺寸(DYM)

Dymension operates on an L1 blockchain using Proof-of-Stake (PoS) technology. Traditional blockchains often struggled with scalability during periods of peak activity, resulting in congestion and higher fees. Dymension resolves these challenges by employing a modular framework that distributes functions across specialized platforms.

Dymension 使用權益證明 (PoS) 技術在 L1 區塊鏈上運作。傳統的區塊鏈在活動高峰期間常常會遇到可擴展性的問題,從而導致擁塞和更高的費用。 Dymension 透過採用跨專業平台分配功能的模組化框架來解決這些挑戰。

Meanwhile, the token’s launch included an airdrop for eligible users in the EVM, Cosmos, and Solana ecosystems. Dymension strengthens blockchain ecosystems through its modular RollApps, which are powered by the Dymension RollApp Development Kit (RDK). This kit improves both security and interoperability across networks.

同時,該代幣的推出還包括為 EVM、Cosmos 和 Solana 生態系統中符合條件的用戶提供空投。 Dymension 透過其模組化 RollApp 增強了區塊鏈生態系統,該模組化 RollApp 由 Dymension RollApp 開發套件 (RDK) 提供支援。該套件提高了跨網路的安全性和互通性。

Furthermore, Dymension allows developers to create customized rollups, known as RollApps. This facilitates fast, affordable, and personalized transactions for various use cases. Also, the platform offers a liquidity layer and data market for RollApps, making it simpler for users to access and exchange tokens across the network. Users can deploy their consensus-free blockchain and accumulate greater token value.

此外,Dymension 允許開發人員建立自訂匯總,稱為 RollApps。這有利於各種用例的快速、經濟且個人化的交易。此外,該平台還為 RollApps 提供流動性層和數據市場,使用戶可以更輕鬆地透過網路存取和交換代幣。用戶可以部署自己的無共識區塊鏈並累積更大的代幣價值。

Moreover, the $DYM token is central to the Dymension ecosystem. It supports transaction processing, staking, and governance on the platform while also functioning as a medium for cross-chain value transfers.

此外,$DYM 代幣是 Dymension 生態系統的核心。它支持平台上的交易處理、質押和治理,同時也作為跨鏈價值轉移的媒介。

Despite occasional price fluctuations, Dymension has seen a 6% increase in the past 24 hours, currently trading at $1.42. Investor sentiment remains optimistic, with a Fear & Greed Index score of 79, indicating extreme greed. This suggests that many investors are bullish about Dymension’s future growth and potential price surges.

儘管價格偶爾波動,但 Dymension 在過去 24 小時內上漲了 6%,目前交易價格為 1.42 美元。投資者情緒依然樂觀,恐懼與貪婪指數得分為 79,顯示極度貪婪。這表明許多投資者看好 Dymension 的未來成長和潛在的價格飆升。

2. CateCoin (CATE)

2. 凱特幣(CATE)

Catecoin stands out among meme coins by offering a variety of innovative features and applications. The primary goal of the project is to introduce non-crypto users to the cryptocurrency world. It achieves this by providing a user-friendly and accessible crypto-learning journey. Catecoin simplifies the process, making it easier to earn, stake, and trade tokens.

Catcoin 透過提供各種創新功能和應用程式在 meme 硬幣中脫穎而出。該計畫的主要目標是將非加密用戶引入加密貨幣世界。它透過提供用戶友好且易於訪問的加密學習旅程來實現這一目標。 Catcoin 簡化了流程,讓賺取、質押和交易代幣變得更加容易。

Recently, Catecoin expanded to the Ethereum blockchain, which may attract ETH whales and hint at a potential value surge in 2024. Additionally, staking Catecoins provides holders with inflation-beating returns, which is in line with the success seen by Pepe Coin.

最近,Catecoin 擴展到以太坊區塊鏈,這可能會吸引ETH 鯨魚,並暗示2024 年的潛在價值飆升。一致的。

Moreover, Catecoin has also developed a range of products and services for its users. Notably, it offers a Play-to-Earn game that combines gaming popularity with financial gains, appealing to a broad audience. The project has also created a DeFi crypto wallet supporting over ten blockchain cryptocurrencies.

此外,Catecoin也為其用戶開發了一系列產品和服務。值得注意的是,它提供了一種將遊戲受歡迎程度與經濟利益結合起來的即玩即賺遊戲,吸引了廣泛的受眾。該專案還創建了一個支援十多種區塊鏈加密貨幣的 DeFi 加密錢包。

Significantly, Catecoin provides a Web3 payment URL that allows for direct payments from any cryptocurrency user. This feature enables seamless transactions and promotes the use of cryptocurrencies in everyday purchases.

值得注意的是,Catecoin 提供了一個 Web3 支付 URL,允許任何加密貨幣用戶直接付款。此功能可實現無縫交易並促進在日常購買中使用加密貨幣。

At the time of publishing, $CATE trades at $0.0000001699 and is positioned above the 200-day SMA. This positioning suggests the potential for further growth. Despite its modest 3% growth today, it is attracting traders interested in high-risk, high-reward assets.

截至本文發佈時,$CATE 的交易價格為 0.0000001699 美元,位於 200 日移動平均線上方。這一定位顯示了進一步增長的潛力。儘管今天的成長率僅為 3%,但它吸引了對高風險、高回報資產感興趣的交易者。

3. Pepe Unchained (PEPU)

3. 被解放的佩佩 (PEPU)

Pepe Unchained is an innovative cryptocurrency project that is capturing the attention of crypto enthusiasts worldwide. This exciting layer-2 solution aims to improve Ethereum’s capabilities by significantly improving transaction speeds and lowering fees. Due to its unique features and community focus, Pepe Unchained is attracting attention in the competitive crypto market.

Pepe Unchained 是一個創新的加密貨幣項目,吸引了全球加密貨幣愛好者的注意。這個令人興奮的第 2 層解決方案旨在透過顯著提高交易速度和降低費用來提高以太坊的功能。由於其獨特的功能和社群關注,Pepe Unchained 在競爭激烈的加密貨幣市場中引起了人們的注意。

Moreover, the project’s platform is built to enable users to perform faster transactions. This layer-2 network promises speeds up to 100 times faster than Ethereum, which makes it highly appealing. It makes transactions more accessible for everyday users and investors by reducing gas fees.

此外,該專案的平台旨在使用戶能夠執行更快的交易。這個第 2 層網路承諾速度比以太坊快 100 倍,這使其極具吸引力。它透過降低汽油費使日常用戶和投資者更容易進行交易。

Furthermore, Pepe Unchained tackles significant problems in the crypto space, particularly the issues of scalability. Many users have been deterred by Ethereum’s slow processing times and rising costs in recent months. It positions itself as a strong alternative for those seeking efficiency by offering a viable solution.

此外,Pepe Unchained 解決了加密領域的重大問題,特別是可擴展性問題。近幾個月來,許多用戶因以太坊緩慢的處理時間和不斷上升的成本而望而卻步。它透過提供可行的解決方案將自己定位為尋求效率的人的強大替代方案。

Another standout feature of Pepe Unchained is its attractive staking system, which rewards early investors. Token holders can earn an impressive annual percentage yield (APY) of up to 162% through staking. This incentive structure not only fosters a vibrant community but also encourages over 6,300 members to engage on Telegram actively.

Pepe Unchained 的另一個突出特點是其有吸引力的質押系統,可以獎勵早期投資者。代幣持有者可以透過質押獲得高達 162% 的令人印象深刻的年收益率 (APY)。這種激勵結構不僅培育了一個充滿活力的社區,還鼓勵超過 6,300 名成員積極參與 Telegram。

Therefore, PEPU has been predicted to make a significant impact in the cryptocurrency market. Its innovative layer-2 solution effectively addresses critical issues faced by Ethereum users today. Therefore, Pepe Unchained’s community support and amazing rewards offer investors a profitable investment opportunity among the next wave of explosive cryptos.

因此,PEPU預計將對加密貨幣市場產生重大影響。其創新的第 2 層解決方案有效解決了當今以太坊用戶面臨的關鍵問題。因此,Pepe Unchained 的社群支持和豐厚獎勵為投資者在下一波爆炸性加密貨幣浪潮中提供了有利可圖的投資機會。

4. ApeCoin (APE)


ApeCoin, an ERC-20 meme token, operates on the Ethereum blockchain. It facilitates smooth transactions and exclusive experiences in the Apeverse ecosystem. It serves as a unified medium of exchange by bridging the gap between gaming platforms and in-game tokens within the metaverse.

ApeCoin 是一種 ERC-20 meme 代幣,在以太坊區塊鏈上運行。它促進 Apeverse 生態系統中的順利交易和獨特體驗。它作為統一的交換媒介,彌合了虛擬宇宙中游戲平台和遊戲內代幣之間的差距。

The Yuga Labs developed the project. This Lab is the creator behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). ApeCoin leverages Ethereum’s security and efficiency to position itself as a transparency and immutability platform. This enables it to integrate seamlessly with various decentralized applications.

Yuga Labs 開發了這個專案。該實驗室是 Bored Ape 遊艇俱樂部 (BAYC) 的創始人。 ApeCoin 利用以太坊的安全性和效率將自己定位為透明和不變的平台。這使其能夠與各種去中心化應用程式無縫整合。

ApeCoin also integrates decentralized governance through its DAO. This empowers the community with decision-making power via voting. BAYC and other NFT holders actively shape the future of Web3 through this governance model.

ApeCoin 也透過其 DAO 整合了去中心化治理。這透過投票賦予社區決策權。 BAYC 和其他 NFT 持有者透過這種治理模式積極塑造 Web3 的未來。

Beyond governance, ApeCoin offers practical utility, providing access to games, events, and exclusive merchandise. Holders can use the token for in-game purchases or potentially stake it to earn rewards. The team plans to incorporate ApeCoin into upcoming play-to-earn games and metaverse projects.

除了治理之外,ApeCoin 還提供實用性,提供遊戲、活動和獨家商品的存取權。持有者可以使用代幣進行遊戲內購買,也可以將其質押以獲得獎勵。該團隊計劃將 ApeCoin 納入即將推出的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲和元宇宙項目中。

A recent collaboration with OpenSea, the top NFT marketplace, allows ApeCoin to be accepted as payment. Likewise, Benji Bananas, a popular mobile game, has integrated ApeCoin as its in-game currency, enhancing its utility. These advancements reflect ApeCoin’s increasing adoption and growing presence in the rapidly evolving Web3 ecosystem.

最近與頂級 NFT 市場 OpenSea 的合作允許接受 ApeCoin 作為付款方式。同樣,熱門手機遊戲《香蕉香蕉》也將猿幣融入遊戲內貨幣,增強了其實用性。這些進步反映了 ApeCoin 在快速發展的 Web3 生態系統中的日益普及和影響力。

In terms of performance, ApeCoin has significantly increased by 2% over the past 24 hours. Currently priced at $0.8206, it has outperformed most of the crypto market this year. Also, its 200-day simple moving average is showing an upward trend, hinting at sustained bullish momentum.

從表現來看,ApeCoin 在過去 24 小時內大幅上漲了 2%。目前價格為 0.8206 美元,今年的表現優於大多數加密貨幣市場。此外,其200日簡單移動平均線呈現上升趨勢,暗示看漲動能持續。


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