首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 今年夏天排名前 5 名的 Meme 幣:是投資的時候還是只是為了笑?

Top 5 Meme Coins This Summer: Time to Invest or Just for Laughs?

今年夏天排名前 5 名的 Meme 幣:是投資的時候還是只是為了笑?

發布: 2024/06/28 15:47 閱讀: 491

原文作者:The Bit Journal


今年夏天排名前 5 名的 Meme 幣:是投資的時候還是只是為了笑?

The meme coin sector continues to make waves, with numerous tokens experiencing frequent double-digit price spikes. The cohort's market capitalization currently stands at almost $65 billion, highlighting its substantial impact in the cryptocurrency market. As investors weigh the potential of these tokens as serious investments versus enjoying them as speculative fun, we explore five top meme coins expected to lead this summer.

迷因幣領域持續掀起波瀾,許多代幣的價格經常出現兩位數的飆升。該群體的市值目前接近 650 億美元,凸顯了其對加密貨幣市場的巨大影響。當投資者權衡這些代幣作為嚴肅投資的潛力與享受它們作為投機樂趣時,我們探索了預計今年夏天引領潮流的五種頂級模因代幣。

Top 5 Meme Coins This Summer:

今年夏天排名前 5 名的 Meme 幣:

1. Shiba Inu (SHIB)
Despite its recent price weakness, Shiba Inu (SHIB) remains one of the industry's most popular meme coins due to its massive investor base. Several factors could fuel a potential rally, including its token-burning mechanism and the progress of Shibarium, its layer-2 blockchain solution.

1. Shiba Inu (SHIB) 儘管最近價格疲軟,Shiba Inu (SHIB) 由於其龐大的投資者基礎,仍然是業內最受歡迎的模因幣之一。有幾個因素可能會推動潛在的反彈,包括其代幣燃燒機制和 Shibarium(其第 2 層區塊鏈解決方案)的進展。

The burn rate surged dramatically on June 4th, sending a significant number of tokens to a dead wallet, reducing circulating supply and potentially boosting long-term scarcity and price. Meanwhile, Shibarium, launched last August, has processed over 5 million blocks and nearing 420 million transactions. Designed to enhance the Shiba Inu ecosystem, Shibarium aims to improve speed, lower fees, and increase community engagement.

6 月 4 日,銷毀率急劇上升,導致大量代幣進入死錢包,減少了流通供應,並可能推高長期稀缺性和價格。同時,去年 8 月推出的 Shibarium 已處理超過 500 萬個區塊和近 4.2 億筆交易。 Shibarium 旨在增強 Shiba Inu 生態系統,旨在提高速度、降低費用並增加社區參與。

2. MoonBag (MBAG): A Monkey-Themed Contender
MoonBag (MBAG) is a newcomer that has generated significant investor interest during its presale, raising over $3 million. The project focuses on investor benefits, offering a robust liquidity strategy, high staking rewards (88% APY), and a secure smart contract.

2. MoonBag (MBAG):以猴子為主題的 ContenderMoonBag (MBAG) 是一個新來者,在預售期間引起了投資者的極大興趣,籌集了超過 300 萬美元。該專案專注於投資者利益,提供強大的流動性策略、高質押獎勵(88% APY)和安全的智能合約。

Analysts predict that MBAG could reach $0.25 by November 2024, providing substantial returns. In Stage 6 of its presale, MoonBag provides early investors with the opportunity for an impressive 15,000% ROI. As the presale nears its end, MoonBag could be poised for a significant price surge upon launch. Investors interested in getting in early on this promising meme coin should follow its developments closely.

分析師預測,到 2024 年 11 月,MBAG 可能會達到 0.25 美元,提供可觀的回報。在預售的第六階段,MoonBag 為早期投資者提供了獲得令人印象深刻的 15,000% 投資回報率的機會。隨著預售接近尾聲,MoonBag 上市後價格可能會大幅上漲。有興趣儘早參與這種有前途的模因代幣的投資者應該密切關注其發展。

3. Dogecoin (DOGE): The Evergreen Meme Coin
Dogecoin (DOGE), the original meme coin, remains a popular choice for investors in this sector. Although its growth may not match that of newer coins, its longevity and loyal community position it as a contender this summer.


Dogecoin gained prominence after Elon Musk referred to it as "the people's crypto" in a series of tweets. Despite price fluctuations, it retains a strong following among crypto enthusiasts. With its strong brand and dedicated community, DOGE could attract renewed attention this summer, spurred by positive developments in the crypto market or further endorsements from influential figures.

伊隆馬斯克在一系列推文中將狗狗幣稱為「人民的加密貨幣」後,狗狗幣獲得了關注。儘管價格波動,但它在加密貨幣愛好者中仍然擁有強大的追隨者。憑藉其強大的品牌和專注的社區,在加密貨幣市場的積極發展或有影響力人物的進一步認可的刺激下,DOGE 可能會在今年夏天重新引起人們的關注。

4. Dogelon Mars (ELON): Inspired by Musk and Martian Ambitions
Launched in April 2021, Dogelon Mars (ELON) is a meme coin inspired by Dogecoin, Elon Musk, and the "to the moon" meme. With an anonymous development team, Dogelon Mars has a vast token supply of one quadrillion, with 555.6 billion in circulation. The remaining coins were sent to Vitalik Buterin for burning.

4. Dogelon Mars (ELON):受到馬斯克和火星野心的啟發Dogelon Mars (ELON) 於2021 年4 月推出,是一種模因幣,靈感來自狗狗幣、埃隆·馬斯克和“登上月亮”模因。 Dogelon Mars 擁有匿名的開發團隊,擁有千萬億的巨大代幣供應量,流通量為 5556 億。剩餘的硬幣被送到 Vitalik Buterin 進行銷毀。

As an Ethereum-based coin, Dogelon Mars experienced a price surge in late November after an anonymous buyer purchased $1.28 million worth. It remains to be seen if ELON can sustain its momentum or attract new investors.

作為一種基於以太坊的代幣,Dogelon Mars 在一位匿名買家購買了價值 128 萬美元的產品後,在 11 月底經歷了價格飆升。 ELON 能否維持其動能或吸引新投資者還有待觀察。

5. PopCat: The Cat-Themed Internet Sensation
PopCat (POPCAT) is a cat-themed meme coin that has gained significant traction since its launch in December 2023. Although its price has dipped slightly since its peak in May, PopCat still holds potential for a resurgence this summer.

5. PopCat:以貓為主題的網路轟動PopCat(POPCAT)是一種以貓為主題的迷因幣,自2023 年12 月推出以來,獲得了巨大的關注。略有下降,但PopCat 仍然具有上漲的潛力。

Endorsements from popular figures, creative marketing campaigns, and wider adoption within the meme culture can all trigger a new wave of interest in PopCat. Investors should stay tuned for any upcoming developments or partnerships that could boost PopCat's popularity and potentially drive its price up.

流行人物的認可、創意行銷活動以及模因文化的更廣泛採用都可以引發人們對 PopCat 的新一波興趣。投資者應繼續關注任何可能提高 PopCat 受歡迎程度並可能推高其價格的即將到來的發展或合作夥伴關係。

The summer of 2024 promises to be an exciting time for the meme coin sector. From established players like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu to newer contenders like MoonBag, there's a coin for every investor seeking a fun and potentially profitable ride. The memecoin market presents numerous opportunities for savvy investors, making it a season worth watching closely. Stay tuned for updates on this and other cryptocurrency news.

結論 2024 年夏天對迷因幣產業來說將是一個令人興奮的時刻。從狗狗幣和柴犬等老牌玩家到 MoonBag 等新競爭者,每個尋求樂趣和潛在獲利機會的投資者都可以找到一款代幣。模因幣市場為精明的投資者提供了大量機會,使其成為值得密切關注的季節。請繼續關注此新聞和其他加密貨幣新聞的更新。


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