首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 目前多頭市場中最值得關注的 5 種 Meme 代幣,有望帶來高回報

Top 5 Meme Coins to Watch for Potential High Returns in the Current Bull Run

目前多頭市場中最值得關注的 5 種 Meme 代幣,有望帶來高回報

發布: 2024/05/01 03:02 閱讀: 638

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


目前多頭市場中最值得關注的 5 種 Meme 代幣,有望帶來高回報

Meme coins have become a magnet for investors seeking explosive gains. Their whimsical nature and viral popularity often translate to high price volatility, especially after major Bitcoin events like the halving.

Meme 幣已成為尋求爆炸性收益的投資者的磁石。它們的異想天開的性質和病毒般的流行往往會轉化為價格的高波動性,特別是在比特幣減半等重大事件之後。

This trend suggests that meme coins could be poised for significant price swings in the coming months. Here are five meme coins that investors should consider exploring and potentially investing in.


1. Cat in a Dog's World (MEW)

1. 貓在狗的世界 (MEW)

Cat in a Dog's World, denoted by the ticker symbol MEW, has emerged prominently in the current bull market with a market capitalization of $320 million. This marks a significant entry into the market, suggesting potential for growth up to a billion-dollar market cap.

股票代碼為 MEW 的 Cat in a Dog's World 在當前的牛市中脫穎而出,市值達到 3.2 億美元。這標誌著該市場的重大進入,顯示其市值增長至十億美元的潛力。

Given the trajectory and the current enthusiasm in the market, a tenfold increase in value by the end of this bull run seems plausible. This project, which I find particularly promising, boasts impressive graphics that rank among my favorite features.


The thematic focus suggests a shift from the dominance of dog-themed coins to cat-themed ones, underscoring a changing trend in meme coin preferences. Recent teasers and artwork shared on their social media hint at the development of a 3D model and possibly a cyberpunk-themed open-world game.

主題焦點表明從以狗為主題的硬幣的主導地位轉向以貓為主題的硬幣,強調了模因硬幣偏好的變化趨勢。最近在他們的社群媒體上分享的預告片和藝術作品暗示了 3D 模型的開發,也可能是一款以賽博龐克為主題的開放世界遊戲。

While this remains speculative, the prospect of such a game could significantly enhance the coin’s appeal and market performance. Moreover, MEW has ascended to become the fifth-largest coin on the Solana network based on monthly on-chain trading volume.

雖然這仍然是推測性的,但這種遊戲的前景可能會顯著增強代幣的吸引力和市場表現。此外,根據每月鏈上交易量,MEW 已躍升為 Solana 網路上第五大代幣。

It only ranks behind two stablecoins, Solana itself and dogwifhat, which highlights its growing prominence and potential within the cryptocurrency landscape.

它僅排在 Solana 本身和 Dogwifhat 這兩種穩定幣之後,這凸顯了它在加密貨幣領域日益增長的地位和潛力。

2. Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE)


Dogeverse, the world’s first chain-traveling Doge, is a presale project that has already raised over $12 million, signaling strong potential for its upcoming meme coin launch. With a $17 million hard cap, prices are set to rise, urging investors to act fast.

Dogeverse 是世界上第一個鏈上旅行的 Doge,是一個預售項目,已籌集超過 1200 萬美元,這表明其即將推出的 Meme 硬幣具有強大的潛力。由於硬上限為 1700 萬美元,價格勢必上漲,敦促投資者迅速採取行動。

Operating across multiple blockchains such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Polygon, Base, and Solana, Dogeverse’s approach aims to reduce the high volatility often seen in meme coins by ensuring accessibility and stability through its multi-chain presence.

Dogeverse 跨以太坊、幣安智能鏈、Avalanche、Polygon、Base 和Solana 等多個區塊鏈運行,旨在透過其多鏈存在確保可訪問性和穩定性,從而減少模因幣中常見的高波動性。

The project promotes a community-driven ethos by uniting various blockchain users and has introduced a staking feature to enhance long-term viability and price stability. It is currently offering an 88% APY, which will decrease as more tokens are staked.

該專案透過聯合不同的區塊鏈用戶來促進社群驅動的精神,並引入了質押功能以增強長期可行性和價格穩定性。目前它提供 88% 的 APY,隨著更多代幣的質押,該利率將會下降。

With presale prices set to increase soon—$0.000304 currently but rising in 17 hours or once funding hits $13.6 million—early investment is encouraged to optimize returns. To participate in the $DOGEVERSE token presale, visit thedogeverse.com.

由於預售價格很快就會上漲(目前為 0.000304 美元,但會在 17 小時內上漲或一旦資金達到 1360 萬美元),鼓勵早期投資以優化回報。若要參與 $DOGEVERSE 代幣預售,請造訪 thedogeverse.com。

3. Pepe (PEPE)

3. 胡椒(PEPE)

Pepe might seem like a less exciting choice, but it currently offers a notable investment opportunity due to its recent 7% decrease in value. This decline suggests a prime chance for a swing trade. Over the past week, Pepe has seen a 14% drop, and within the past month, its value has fallen by 22%.

Pepe 似乎是一個不太令人興奮的選擇,但由於最近價值下降了 7%,它目前提供了一個顯著的投資機會。這種下跌表明這是進行波段交易的絕佳機會。過去一周,佩佩的身價下跌了14%,而在過去的一個月內,其身價更是下跌了22%。

However, contrasting this short-term decline, Pepe has experienced a dramatic 700% increase over the past year, indicating significant volatility but also strong growth potential. Presently, Pepe has a market capitalization of $2.7 billion.

然而,與這種短期下降形成鮮明對比的是,佩佩在過去一年中經歷了 700% 的大幅成長,顯示波動性很大,但也有強勁的成長潛力。目前,佩佩的市值為27億美元。

In the recent past, its market cap has escalated to $5 billion, hinting at the possibility of it doubling in value by the end of the current bull run. Given this potential, investors might consider allocating a small portion of their portfolio to Pepe, which could lead to safe, albeit modest, returns.

最近,其市值已升至 50 億美元,暗示在當前牛市結束時其價值可能會翻倍。鑑於這種潛力,投資者可能會考慮將其投資組合的一小部分分配給佩佩,這可能會帶來安全但適度的回報。

This approach offers a conservative way to benefit from Pepe’s expected growth without taking on too much risk. Additionally, it’s worth noting that Pepe has been listed on Coinbase, a development that underscores its legitimacy and enhances its visibility among investors.

這種方法提供了一種保守的方式,可以從佩佩的預期成長中受益,而無需承擔太多風險。此外,值得注意的是,Pepe 已在 Coinbase 上市,這一發展強調了其合法性並提高了其在投資者中的知名度。

This listing likely contributes to its standing as one of the top three meme coins, surpassed only by Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Given these dynamics, Pepe presents itself not only as a viable investment due to its potential for high returns but also as a relatively stable option within the volatile meme coin market.

這項上市可能有助於其成為三大迷因幣之一,僅次於狗狗幣和柴犬。鑑於這些動態,Pepe 不僅因其潛在的高回報而成為一項可行的投資,而且在波動的模因幣市場中也是一個相對穩定的選擇。

4. WienerAI (WAI)

4. 維納人工智慧(WAI)

WienerAI emerges as an intriguing presale project in the cryptocurrency landscape, uniquely blending the characteristics of a dog, artificial intelligence, and sausage. This innovative concept stands out due to its novelty and its recent introduction to the market.

WienerAI 是加密貨幣領域一個有趣的預售項目,獨特地融合了狗、人工智慧和香腸的特徵。這一創新概念因其新穎性和最近引入市場而脫穎而出。

Notably, WienerAI features a robust staking system, boasting an impressive annual percentage yield (APY) of 1,394%. This high yield suggests a strong potential for significant returns on investment, reflecting positively on the project’s financial prospects and stability.

值得注意的是,WienerAI 擁有強大的質押系統,年收益率 (APY) 高達 1,394%,令人印象深刻。這種高收益率表明其具有巨大的投資回報潛力,這對該項目的財務前景和穩定性產生了積極的影響。

The substantial amount of the token already staked further demonstrates investor confidence and underscores the project’s credibility within the crypto community. Financially, WienerAI has demonstrated remarkable success in its fundraising efforts.

已經質押的大量代幣進一步證明了投資者的信心,並強調了該項目在加密社區中的可信度。在財務方面,WienerAI 在籌款方面取得了顯著的成功。

The project’s presale funding surged, jumping from $500,000 to over $660,000 in just a few hours, highlighting a rapid influx of investment capital.

該項目的預售資金在短短幾個小時內從 50 萬美元飆升至超過 66 萬美元,凸顯了投資資本的快速湧入。

This quick accumulation of funds not only highlights the strong appeal of WienerAI but also points to its substantial growth potential, fostering a positive outlook for the project’s future development in the burgeoning field of cryptocurrency. To participate in the $WAI token presale, visit wienerai.

資金的快速累積不僅凸顯了WienerAI的強大吸引力,也顯示了其巨大的成長潛力,為該專案在加密貨幣這一新興領域的未來發展帶來了積極的前景。要參與 $WAI 代幣預售,請訪問 wienerai。

5. Baby Doge Coin


Baby Doge Coin is a project that has been making waves in the cryptocurrency world since its inception during the last bull run. Originating a few years ago, this coin captured immediate attention with its direct connection to Dogecoin, aptly named as its “baby.”

Baby Doge Coin 是一個自上次牛市期間推出以來一直在加密貨幣世界掀起波瀾的項目。這款硬幣起源於幾年前,因其與狗狗幣的直接聯繫而立即引起人們的關注,狗狗幣恰如其分地被稱為「寶貝」。

Currently, Baby Doge Coin boasts a market capitalization of $250 million, which many believe to be undervalued given its potential and achievements. Analyzing the recent price trends, Baby Doge Coin has experienced a decrease of 7% daily, around 1% weekly, and 24% monthly. However, it has declined by 37% over the past year.

目前,Baby Doge Coin 的市值為 2.5 億美元,許多人認為鑑於其潛力和成就,其價值被低估。分析最近的價格趨勢,Baby Doge Coin 每天下跌 7%,每週下跌 1% 左右,每月下跌 24%。然而,這一數字較去年下降了 37%。

Despite these dips, the project shows a significant promise of recovery and growth, particularly in its vibrant social activity and recent strategic decisions.


A key development for Baby Doge Coin is the overwhelming community support, with 99% of voters favoring the implementation of zero transaction fees on the Binance Smart Chain. This pivotal move is likely to enhance its attractiveness to various exchanges, potentially increasing its liquidity and trading volume.

Baby Doge Coin 的一個關鍵發展是壓倒性的社區支持,99% 的選民支持在幣安智能鏈上實施零交易費用。這項關鍵舉措可能會增強其對各個交易所的吸引力,從而可能增加其流動性和交易量。

Baby Doge Coin has been a significant player among meme coins, particularly on the Binance Smart Chain, where it was natively developed in 2021. It stands out not only for its market performance but also for its community contributions, including setting a world record in charity efforts.

Baby Doge Coin 一直是 meme 幣中的重要角色,特別是在幣安智能鏈上,它於 2021 年本地開發。 。

These factors position Baby Doge Coin as a central meme coin within its ecosystem, comparable to how SHIB dominates on Ethereum and WIF leads on Solana. Given these dynamics, Baby Doge Coin is well-positioned for substantial growth.

這些因素使 Baby Doge Coin 成為其生態系統中的核心模因幣,類似於 SHIB 在以太坊上佔據主導地位,WIF 在 Solana 上處於領先地位。考慮到這些動態,Baby Doge Coin 已經做好了大幅成長的準備。

Its strong community support, zero-fee structure, and ongoing contributions to both the crypto community and charitable causes suggest that it could potentially skyrocket to become one of the top meme coins in the market.


For those seeking the top meme coins to invest in 2024, explore our comprehensive guide featuring the most noteworthy choices.

對於那些尋求 2024 年投資頂級迷因幣的人來說,請探索我們的綜合指南,其中包含最值得關注的選擇。


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