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Top Three Meme Coins To Watch Out This Week For Enhanced Returns

本週值得關注的三大 Meme 代幣可提高回報

發布: 2024/06/25 04:03 閱讀: 243

原文作者:The Coin Republic


本週值得關注的三大 Meme 代幣可提高回報

  1. Pepe (PEPE)

Pepe is the third-largest cryptocurrency in the meme coin market by market capitalization, behind Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Despite facing market corrections, Pepe enjoys notable gains in the past periods, including a 33.52% increase in the last three months and a remarkable 734.4% year-to-date growth.

Pepe (PEPE)Pepe 是 meme 幣市場中市值第三大的加密貨幣,僅次於狗狗幣和柴犬。儘管面臨市場調整,佩佩在過去幾個時期的漲幅仍然顯著,包括過去三個月的漲幅為 33.52%,今年迄今的漲幅高達 734.4%。

The weekly chart for Pepe (PEPE/USD) suggests a period of consolidation after a recent pullback. However, stabilization near the $0.0000104 support level indicates a potential rebound in the upcoming sessions.

佩佩(PEPE/美元)的周線圖表明,在最近的回調之後將出現一段盤整期。然而,穩定在 0.0000104 美元支撐位附近表明未來幾個交易日可能會出現反彈。

  1. Jesus Coin (JESUS)

Jesus Coin has experienced significant growth, surging by an impressive 49.97% intraday to a value of 0.00000010. With a live market capitalization of $12.87 million, it ranks 916th in the overall crypto market.

耶穌幣 (JESUS) 耶穌幣經歷了顯著的成長,盤中飆升 49.97%,達到 0.00000010 的價值。其實即時市值為 1,287 萬美元,在整個加密貨幣市場中排名第 916 位。

The chart analysis for JESUS reveals a 95% price surge in the previous week, followed by a correction. Nevertheless, the intraday rise signals strong bullish sentiment and the potential for further gains this week.

JESUS 的圖表分析顯示,上週價格飆升 95%,隨後出現回檔。儘管如此,盤中上漲表明強勁的看漲情緒以及本週進一步上漲的潛力。

  1. Turbo (TURBO)

Turbo crypto has maintained an impressive performance, soaring over 1129.6% in the last six months and 1375% year-to-date. It ranks 212th in the crypto market with a live capitalization of $338.88.

Turbo (TURBO)Turbo 加密貨幣維持了令人印象深刻的表現,在過去六個月中飆升了 1129.6%,今年迄今飆升了 1375%。它以 338.88 美元的即時資本在加密貨幣市場排名第 212 位。

The technical analysis for TURBO indicates that the bulls are in control, with a gain of 23.2% last week. The trend may continue, driving the price higher towards the next supply zone at $0.0070.

TURBO 的技術分析顯示多頭處於控制之中,上週漲幅為 23.2%。這一趨勢可能會持續下去,推動價格上漲至下一個供應區域 0.0070 美元。


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