首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2023 年 7 月最值得關注的 Memecoin:狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Anarchy (ANA) 預計將帶來巨額利潤

Top Memecoin To Watch in July 2023: Dogecoin (DOGE) and Anarchy (ANA) Expected to Deliver Massive Profit

2023 年 7 月最值得關注的 Memecoin:狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Anarchy (ANA) 預計將帶來巨額利潤

發布: 2023/07/19 22:10 閱讀: 787

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


Meme coins are often despised as appropriate investment options since social media movements massively influence them. However, in light of the latest clampdown on crypto altcoins, many crypto investors need to be more knowledgeable about which platforms will give returns, and attention is back on the meme coin sector.


With that in mind, we present Dogecoin, the lord of the memes and the pioneer meme project. The token has survived–quite spectacularly, even–in a market where meme coins are meant for fun. Its market capitalization has been consistently over the $7 billion mark, and although it’s been relatively dormant, the recent weeks have been eventful in the Doge camp.

考慮到這一點,我們推出了狗狗幣,它是迷因之王和先驅迷因專案。即使在迷因幣只是為了好玩的市場中,這種代幣仍然倖存下來,甚至相當驚人。它的市值一直超過 70 億美元大關,儘管它相對處於休眠狀態,但最近幾週在狗狗陣營中發生了多事。

On the other hand, we have Anarchy ($ANA), the rookie meme token that is fast becoming a joker card. Analysts believe the coin is the surest way to profit in 2023, and the $ANA project has not disappointed. Now the question is, how far can the project go? How much can it offer its users? 

另一方面,我們有 Anarchy ($ANA),這是一種新秀迷因代幣,正迅速成為一張小丑卡。分析師認為,該代幣是 2023 年最可靠的獲利方式,$ANA 專案也沒有讓人失望。現在的問題是,這個計畫能走多遠?它能為用戶提供多少?

Answers to these are on the way. Stay tuned!


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Dogecoin Gets a Musk Boost… Again!


Dogecoin didn’t launch with so much promise. Perhaps it was only meant to bring a good laugh every now and again. But the meme coin has displayed its resilience year after year as it continues to maintain its market capitalization. 


Dogecoin relies heavily on social media speculations and movements to gain significant trading traction. First, it came in 2021 when Elon Musk endorsed the token publicly, earning Dogecoin its largest capitalization in a month. Another such mass token movement occurred last week, as Elon Musk released some dog-related tweets, and Dogecoin got a 5.76% spike to keep its hopes of crossing the 10-cent resistance alive. On June 30th alone, the coin experienced a 4% rise to $0.06791.

狗狗幣在很大程度上依賴社群媒體的猜測和動向來獲得巨大的交易吸引力。首先,是在 2021 年,馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 公開認可了該代幣,使狗狗幣創下了單月最大市值。上週發生了另一次大規模代幣運動,馬斯克發布了一些與狗相關的推文,狗狗幣上漲了 5.76%,以保持突破 10 美分阻力位的希望。僅 6 月 30 日,該代幣就上漲了 4% 至 0.06791 美元。

However, unlike Dogecoin, Anarchy doesn’t require social media influence to generate trading traffic. The token will leverage its utility and social cause to attract investors and partnerships that would give the required trading volume. Plus, everyone wants profits, and that’s what Anarchy’s about. 





Let’s have some answers to the whys and hows; say hi to Anarchy!


Anarchy: The People’s Coin For Portfolio Boost 


Anarchy’s the next meme coin sensation, causing a massive stir in the crypto-verse. Why not? The token is a rebel at heart and intends to use that rebellious side to its full advantage. 


The project is centered around exposing the government’s dirty policies and activities through its memes and cartoon jokes. The developers will have the creative team working to create a steady stream of memes for the culture and to call out corrupt government tactics. 


And Anarchy’s still got more to give. Hang on.

Anarchy 還可以做出更多貢獻。不掛。

  • Decentralized Autonomous Organization

  • 去中心化自治組織

Anarchy’s DAO is a community of token holders who will be actively involved in making decisions that concern the token and its projects. Here, your tokens are your tickets to voting on potential investments, and you can share in the profits from such projects.

Anarchy 的 DAO 是一個由代幣持有者組成的社區,他們將積極參與有關代幣及其項目的決策。在這裡,您的代幣是您對潛在投資進行投票的門票,您可以分享此類項目的利潤。

The DAO will run on a treasury, receiving funds from the platform’s trading traffic. 4.5% of every transaction will go to the DAO’s treasury, and these will fund any donation or business the DAO decides. 

DAO 將在金庫上運行,從平台的交易流量中接收資金。每筆交易的 4.5% 將進入 DAO 的金庫,這些資金將為 DAO 決定的任何捐贈或業務提供資金。

  • Deflationary Token

  • 通縮代幣

Anarchy’s developers have incorporated automated token burns in the platform’s procedures. 0.5% of every transaction will be burned to preserve the token’s value as it reduces the total token supply available. This will ensure that the Anarchy project doesn’t fade like many meme coins.

Anarchy 的開發人員已將自動代幣銷毀納入平台的程式中。每筆交易的 0.5% 將被銷毀,以保持代幣的價值,因為這會減少可用的代幣總供應。這將確保 Anarchy 項目不會像許多模因幣那樣消失。

  • Sweet Investment Opportunity

  • 甜蜜的投資機會

Anarchy’s protocol presents a new method of applying memes in the crypto-verse, and it will be a treasure trove of opportunities in a short while. Already, whales from other platforms are flocking to the platform, and Anarchy could soon be crawling with various projects and partnerships.

Anarchy 的協議提出了一種在加密貨幣領域應用迷因的新方法,它將在短時間內成為機會寶庫。來自其他平台的鯨魚已經湧向該平台,Anarchy 可能很快就會充斥著各種專案和合作夥伴關係。

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Presale Updates From Anarchy


The anticipated Anarchy presale is underway, and the tokens go for $0.00021 for now. ‘For now’ because the prices spike as the presale progresses. Also, the more you dally, the lesser your chances of getting the 200X profit. 

預期的 Anarchy 預售正在進行中,代幣目前售價為 0.00021 美元。 「目前」是因為隨著預售的進行,價格會飆升。而且,你越磨蹭,獲得 200 倍利潤的機會就越小。

So now’s the best time to join the Anarchy project. Click here to get your $ANA tokens and watch the presale unfold.

所以現在是加入 Anarchy 專案的最佳時機。點擊此處獲取您的 $ANA 代幣並觀看預售的展開。

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