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Top 5 Trending Meme Coins To Watch In 2024

2024 年值得關注的 5 個熱門 Meme 幣

發布: 2024/01/26 07:34 閱讀: 674



Meme coins have cemented themselves as a mainstay in the cryptocurrency landscape, riding on viral trends and online communities rather than concrete fundamentals. As we enter 2024, a new fleet of meme coins is catching investors’ eyes, leveraging buzzworthy themes ranging from dogs to food to carve out a share of the speculative market.

Meme 幣憑藉著病毒趨勢和線上社群而不是具體的基本面,鞏固了自己在加密貨幣領域的中流砥柱地位。進入 2024 年,一批新的迷因幣正在吸引投資者的目光,它們利用從狗到食品等熱門主題來搶佔投機市場的份額。

In this article, we explore five of the top meme coin contenders that are making waves early in 2024. From the rising Dogwifhat on Solana to classics like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, these meme cryptos are being traded in high volumes, while their capped supplies and devoted fan bases position them for potential growth.

在本文中,我們探討了2024 年初掀起波瀾的五種頂級Meme 幣競爭者。從Solana 上崛起的Dogwifhat 到狗狗幣和Shiba Inu 等經典幣,這些Meme 加密貨幣正在大量交易,而它們的供應量和供應量受到限制。忠實的粉絲群為他們帶來了潛在的成長。

Also read: 5 Cryptocurrencies Under $0.10 That Can Rally Like Shiba Inu

另請閱讀:5 種低於 0.10 美元的加密貨幣可以像柴犬一樣反彈

Dogwifhat (WIF)

多維哈特 (WIF)

  • Current Price: $0.3472
  • 目前價格:0.3472 美元

  • Market Cap: $346,865,782
  • 市值:346,865,782 美元

Dogwifhat, ranking at #137, is a meme coin that has gained popularity within the Solana ecosystem. With a circulating supply of nearly 999 million WIF coins, it has shown significant trading activity, reflecting its growing interest among traders.

Dogwifhat 排名第 137,是一種在 Solana 生態系統中廣受歡迎的迷因幣。憑藉近 9.99 億個 WIF 代幣的流通量,它表現出了巨大的交易活動,反映出交易者對其日益增長的興趣。

Myro (MYRO)

邁羅 (MYRO)

  • Current Price: $0.1862
  • 目前價格:0.1862 美元

  • Market Cap: $175,831,935
  • 市值:175,831,935 美元

Myro, another Solana-based meme coin, stands at #242 in the market cap rankings. With a circulating supply of 944 million MYRO coins, it has a total supply close to 1 billion. Myro’s price has seen fluctuations, indicating active trading and interest.

Myro 是另一種基於 Solana 的迷因幣,在市值排名中排名第 242。 MYRO 的流通量為 9.44 億枚,總供應量接近 10 億枚。 Myro 的價格出現波動,顯示交易活躍且興趣濃厚。

Bonk (BONK)

邦克 (邦克)

  • Current Price: $0.00001074
  • 目前價格: $0.00001074

  • Market Cap: $680,122,983
  • 市值:680,122,983 美元

Bonk is a unique addition to the meme coin market, positioned at #87. It’s the first dog-themed coin on Solana, with a massive circulating supply in the trillions. Bonk’s creation aimed to enhance liquidity in Solana-based DEXs, making it a coin of interest for both traders and Solana enthusiasts.

Bonk 是迷因幣市場的獨特補充,排名第 87。這是 Solana 上第一個以狗為主題的硬幣,流通量高達數萬億。 Bonk 的創建旨在增強基於 Solana 的 DEX 的流動性,使其成為交易者和 Solana 愛好者都感興趣的代幣。

Also read: Shiba Inu: See What 10M, 100M SHIB Could Earn at $0.0009 or $0.009 Prices

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu:看看 1000 萬、1 億 SHIB 可以以 0.0009 美元或 0.009 美元的價格賺取什麼

Shiba Inu (SHIB)

柴犬 (SHIB)

  • Current Price: $0.000008849
  • 目前價格: $0.000008849

  • Market Cap: $5,214,767,261
  • 市值:5,214,767,261 美元

Shiba Inu, a well-known name in the meme coin sector, ranks #18. It’s an Ethereum-based token that gained fame for its community-driven approach and association with notable personalities. With a circulating supply in the hundreds of trillions, SHIB continues to be a favorite among meme coin investors.

Shiba Inu 是模因硬幣領域的知名名字,排名第 18。它是一種基於以太坊的代幣,因其社區驅動的方法以及與知名人士的聯繫而聞名。 SHIB 的流通量達數百萬億,仍然是模因幣投資者的最愛。

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

  • Current Price: $0.07801
  • 目前價格:0.07801 美元

  • Market Cap: $11,140,103,145
  • 市值:11,140,​​103,145 美元

Dogecoin, the pioneer of meme coins, stands strong at #10. Originating from a popular internet meme, DOGE has seen widespread adoption and recognition, even from celebrities like Elon Musk. Its limitless supply and strong community support make it a staple in the meme coin market.

狗狗幣是迷因幣的先驅,排名第十。 DOGE 源自於流行的網路迷因,現已廣泛採用和認可,甚至包括 Elon Musk 等名人。其無限的供應和強大的社區支持使其成為模因幣市場的主要產品。

Also read: Dogecoin: How High Can DOGE Go After X Payment Integration?

另請閱讀:狗狗幣:X 支付整合後 DOGE 能走多遠?

Meme coins, while often viewed as more speculative investments, have shown that they can capture significant market attention and trading volume.

Meme 幣雖然通常被視為更具投機性的投資,但事實證明它們可以吸引大量的市場關注和交易量。

As we continue through 2024, these five coins with their unique characteristics and strong community backing, are definitely worth watching. Whether for trading or just for the fun of being part of a vibrant community, these coins represent the lighter side of the cryptocurrency world.

展望 2024 年,這五種幣以其獨特的特點和強大的社區支持,絕對值得關注。無論是為了交易還是只是為了成為一個充滿活力的社區的一部分的樂趣,這些硬幣代表了加密貨幣世界的光明的一面。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/top-5-trending-meme-coins-to-watch-in-2024-tbt77793.html



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