首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 靠狗狗幣賺了數百萬美元的交易員透露了 4 種山寨幣,可構建 1000 萬美元的投資組合——Memecoins 名列前茅

Trader Who Made Millions on Dogecoin Reveals 4 Altcoins to Build a $10M Portfolio – Memecoins Top His List

靠狗狗幣賺了數百萬美元的交易員透露了 4 種山寨幣,可構建 1000 萬美元的投資組合——Memecoins 名列前茅

發布: 2024/09/14 07:30 閱讀: 476



靠狗狗幣賺了數百萬美元的交易員透露了 4 種山寨幣,可構建 1000 萬美元的投資組合——Memecoins 名列前茅

In the evolving crypto market, Ethereum (ETH) remains a force in smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Its upgrade to Ethereum 2.0 improves scalability, reduces gas fees, and enhances energy efficiency. While Bitcoin (BTC) retains its value, savvy Ethereum investors seek new altcoins to complement their portfolios and potentially yield high returns. Here are some altcoins Ethereum investors should consider in 2024, starting with the promising newcomer, PawFury.

在不斷發展的加密貨幣市場中,以太坊(ETH)仍然是智慧合約和去中心化應用程式(dApp)中的一股力量。其升級到以太坊 2.0 提高了可擴展性,降低了 Gas 費用,並提高了能源效率。雖然比特幣(BTC)保持其價值,但精明的以太坊投資者尋求新的山寨幣來補充他們的投資組合併可能產生高回報。以下是以太坊投資者在 2024 年應該考慮的一些山寨幣,首先是有前途的新來者 PawFury。

PawFury: The Rising Star Poised for Gains
Among the most promising new tokens is PawFury (PAW), quickly gaining attention among crypto enthusiasts. Focused on building a robust ecosystem for utility and accessibility, PawFury offers dual-chain compatibility across the Ethereum Network (ETH) and Binance Smart Chain (BNB).

PawFury:蓄勢待發的後起之秀 PawFury(PAW)是最有前途的新代幣之一,它迅速引起了加密貨幣愛好者的關注。 PawFury 專注於建立一個強大的實用性和可訪問性生態系統,提供跨以太坊網路 (ETH) 和幣安智能鏈 (BNB) 的雙鏈相容性。

PawFury has raised over $6 million in its presale, with a current token price of $0.01214 and a planned listing price of $0.20. The presale includes an attractive 107% APY for staking and a rewarding referral program, making it an opportunity for early investors.

PawFury 在預售中籌集了超過 600 萬美元,當前代幣價格為 0.01214 美元,計劃上市價格為 0.20 美元。預售包括極具吸引力的 107% APY 和獎勵推薦計劃,這使其成為早期投資者的機會。

Polygon (MATIC): The Ethereum Layer-2 Solution
Polygon (MATIC) is a leading Layer-2 solution for Ethereum, providing a scalable and cost-effective platform for developers and users. By reducing gas fees and enhancing transaction speeds, Polygon has become a crucial part of Ethereum's ecosystem, attracting decentralized applications. As Ethereum's congestion persists, MATIC remains a top choice for optimizing the use of the Ethereum network.

Polygon (MATIC):以太坊第 2 層解決方案Polygon (MATIC) 是以太坊領先的第 2 層解決方案,為開發人員和使用者提供可擴展且經濟高效的平台。透過降低 Gas 費和提高交易速度,Polygon 已成為以太坊生態系統的重要組成部分,吸引了去中心化應用程式。由於以太坊擁塞現象持續存在,MATIC 仍然是優化以太坊網路使用的首選。

Aptos (APT): The Next-Generation Blockchain Platform
Aptos (APT) positions itself as a next-generation Layer-1 blockchain, emphasizing performance, scalability, and security. Designed for fast and low-cost transactions, Aptos appeals to developers seeking an alternative to established networks. As its ecosystem grows, APT could see significant growth in 2024, making it an attractive diversification option.

Aptos(APT):下一代區塊鏈平台Aptos(APT)將自己定位為下一代Layer-1區塊鏈,強調效能、可擴展性和安全性。 Aptos 專為快速且低成本的交易而設計,吸引了尋求現有網路替代方案的開發人員。隨著其生態系統的發展,APT 可能會在 2024 年顯著增長,使其成為有吸引力的多元化選擇。

Injective Protocol (INJ): The DeFi Innovator
Injective Protocol (INJ) carves a niche in decentralized finance (DeFi) with its innovative approach to trading and cross-chain compatibility. Offering zero gas fees and high-speed transactions, Injective Protocol has garnered interest from developers and users. As interest in DeFi products grows, INJ is well-positioned for gains, making it a compelling choice for complementing Ethereum holdings.

Injective Protocol (INJ):DeFi InnovatorInjective Protocol (INJ) 憑藉其創新的交易方法和跨鏈相容性在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 領域佔據一席之地。 Injective Protocol 提供零汽油費和高速交易,引起了開發人員和用戶的興趣。隨著人們對 DeFi 產品的興趣不斷增長,INJ 已做好了獲利的準備,使其成為補充以太坊持有量的絕佳選擇。

Conclusion: PawFury—Your Choice for the 2024 Crypto Boom
While Polygon, Aptos, and Injective Protocol offer growth potential, PawFury (PAW) stands out with its innovative ecosystem, community support, and growth prospects. With a successful presale and ambitious development plans, PawFury provides an opportunity for those seeking to capitalize on the next crypto market surge.

結論:PawFury——2024 年加密貨幣繁榮的選擇雖然 Polygon、Aptos 和 Injective Protocol 提供了成長潛力,但 PawFury (PAW) 以其創新的生態系統、社區支持和成長前景脫穎而出。憑藉成功的預售和雄心勃勃的開發計劃,PawFury 為那些尋求利用下一次加密貨幣市場激增的人提供了機會。


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