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How Will Traders Enhance Their Crypto Portfolios Following Bitcoin Price Drop?


發布: 2024/09/15 22:00 閱讀: 374

原文作者:Crypto Daily™



Bitcoin's Plunge Impacts Crypto Market


Analysts Predict Massive Gains for Solana-based Meme Coin, Angry Pepe Fork

分析師預測基於 Solana 的 Meme 幣、Angry Pepe Fork 將大幅上漲

In the wake of Bitcoin's price decline, the crypto market has witnessed a downturn. Projects such as BNB and Pepe have suffered overnight losses, driven by a surge in Bitcoin outflows. However, analysts foresee a potential silver lining in a novel Solana-based meme coin: Angry Pepe Fork.

隨著比特幣價格下跌,加密貨幣市場出現低迷。由於比特幣流出激增,BNB 和 Pepe 等項目一夜之間遭受損失。然而,分析師預計,基於 Solana 的新型模因幣可能存在一線希望:憤怒的佩佩叉。

Introducing Angry Pepe Fork


Angry Pepe Fork has made a remarkable impact on the meme market. Amidst the downturn affecting coins like Pepe, Angry Pepe Fork has defied the trend, continuing its ascent. It is poised to surpass the $700,000 raised milestone.

憤怒的佩佩叉對表情包市場產生了顯著的影響。在影響 Pepe 等代幣的低迷時期,Angry Pepe Fork 逆勢而行,繼續上漲。它有望突破 70 萬美元的籌款里程碑。

During its presale, Angry Pepe Fork presents an innovative approach to meme coin utility and applications.

在預售期間,Angry Pepe Fork 展示了一種創新的迷因幣實用性和應用程式。

  • Tokenomics: A limited supply of 1.9 billion $APORK tokens ensures long-term scarcity and value appreciation.
  • Staking: Early investors can stake their tokens immediately, benefiting from competitive APYs.
  • Conquer to Earn: Investors can earn rewards through challenges and quizzes, maximizing their returns.

Analysts Bullish on Angry Pepe Fork

代幣經濟學:19 億美元APORK 代幣的有限供應確保了長期的稀缺性和價值升值。 :投資人可以透過挑戰和測驗獲得獎勵,最大限度地發揮他們的潛力。

Analysts anticipate an upward trajectory for Angry Pepe Fork post-launch, with returns exceeding 300%. Currently available at a bargain price of $0.02518, investors are urged to seize the opportunity before presale allocations run out.

分析師預計 Angry Pepe Fork 推出後將呈現上升趨勢,回報率將超過 300%。目前售價為 0.02518 美元,建議投資者在預售配額用完之前抓住機會。

Bitcoin's Election Post-Debate Plunge


Bitcoin experienced a significant drop following the U.S. Presidential debate. The lack of clear crypto-related policies raised concerns among investors, leading to a $1000 loss in value within hours.

美國總統辯論後,比特幣經歷了大幅下跌。缺乏明確的加密貨幣相關政策引起了投資者的擔憂,導致數小時內價值損失 1000 美元。

BNB Launches Web3 Startup Fund

BNB 推出 Web3 啟動基金

Binance Labs has announced an investment in Blum, a Telegram-based application for new token trading. This investment aligns with Binance Labs' MVB Program and connects the BSC chain to the TON blockchain.

幣安實驗室宣布投資 Blum,這是一款基於 Telegram 的新代幣交易應用程式。這項投資與 Binance Labs 的 MVB 計劃一致,並將 BSC 鏈連接到 TON 區塊鏈。

Pepe Surpasses XRP in Trading Volume

Pepe 成交量超過 XRP

Despite price fluctuations, Pepe has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing XRP in daily trading volume, solidifying its position as the most traded meme coin.

儘管價格波動,Pepe 仍實現了一個重要的里程碑,每日交易量超過了 XRP,鞏固了其作為交易量最大的模因幣的地位。

Disclaimer: This article is sponsored and intended for informational purposes only. It does not represent the views of Crypto Daily and should not be construed as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:本文由贊助商提供,僅供參考。它並不代表 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不應被解釋為法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。


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