首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Trendi͏͏ng C͏ry͏p͏͏tocurrient͏ency To͏ken͏s on Ava͏la͏n͏che Ch͏ai͏n ͏To͏day͏ -͏ BT͏͏C Bull、Joe͏͏Tokk͏day͏ -͏ BT͏͏C Bull、Joe͏͏Tokok͏en、B͏enqi、M͏enqi、M͏kok͏en、B͏enqi、M͏enq.

Trendi͏͏ng C͏ry͏p͏͏tocurr͏ency To͏ken͏s on Ava͏la͏n͏che Ch͏ai͏n ͏To͏day͏ -͏ BT͏͏C Bull, Joe͏͏T͏ok͏en, B͏enqi, ͏GM͏X

Trendi͏͏ng C͏ry͏p͏͏tocurrient͏ency To͏ken͏s on Ava͏la͏n͏che Ch͏ai͏n ͏To͏day͏ -͏ BT͏͏C Bull、Joe͏͏Tokk͏day͏ -͏ BT͏͏C Bull、Joe͏͏Tokok͏en、B͏enqi、M͏enqi、M͏kok͏en、B͏enqi、M͏enq.

發布: 2024/08/23 04:05 閱讀: 399

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


Trendi͏͏ng C͏ry͏p͏͏tocurrient͏ency To͏ken͏s on Ava͏la͏n͏che Ch͏ai͏n ͏To͏day͏ -͏ BT͏͏C Bull、Joe͏͏Tokk͏day͏ -͏ BT͏͏C Bull、Joe͏͏Tokok͏en、B͏enqi、M͏enqi、M͏kok͏en、B͏enqi、M͏enq.

Decentralized finance continues to evolve, providing users with improved options for trading and staking. Liquid staking, perpetual trading, and multi-asset pools create new opportunities for cryptocurrency investors. The integration of oracles and cross-chain capabilities enhances the reliability and accessibility of these platforms.


As the cryptocurrency market expands, projects prioritize user-friendly designs and innovative token systems. Coin-burning mechanisms, voting tokens, and rewards for holding coins attract investors seeking long-term value. The increasing adoption of these platforms reflects a shift towards more sophisticated ways of utilizing cryptocurrency.


Trending Cryptocurrency Tokens on Avalanche Chain Today

當今 Avalanche 鏈上流行的加密貨幣代幣

1. JoeToken ($JOE)


JoeToken ($JOE) is the native token of Trader Joe, a versatile decentralized exchange on the Avalanche blockchain. Users can swap, stake, and yield farm, accessing a comprehensive suite of DeFi services. BENQI offers a comprehensive suite of DeFi protocols, including markets and liquid staking.

JoeToken ($JOE) 是 Trader Joe 的原生代幣,Trader Joe 是 Avalanche 區塊鏈上的多功能去中心化交易所。用戶可以進行交換、質押和收益農場,訪問一整套 DeFi 服務。 BENQI 提供一整套 DeFi 協議,包括市場和流動質押。

BTC Bull aligns its success with Bitcoin's growth, featuring a burn mechanism tied to BTC's price. GMX provides spot and perpetual trading with minimal price impact and low fees. Its multi-asset pools offer diverse revenue streams for liquidity providers.

BTC Bull 將其成功與比特幣的成長結合起來,其特點是與 BTC 價格掛鉤的銷毀機制。 GMX 提供現貨和永續交易,價格影響最小,費用低廉。其多元資產池為流動性提供者提供多樣化的收入來源。

JoeToken ($JOE)

喬代幣 ($JOE)

JoeToken ($JOE) is the native token for Trader Joe, a decentralized exchange on the Avalanche blockchain. It is a popular cryptocurrency in the DeFi ecosystem. Trader Joe provides a comprehensive suite of services, including swapping, staking, and yield farming, and has over $4 billion in total value locked since its launch in June 2021.

JoeToken ($JOE) 是 Trader Joe 的原生代幣,Trader Joe 是 Avalanche 區塊鏈上的去中心化交易所。它是 DeFi 生態系統中流行的加密貨幣。 Trader Joe 提供一整套服務,包括交換、質押和流動性挖礦,自 2021 年 6 月推出以來已鎖定總價值超過 40 億美元。

Trader Joe emphasizes innovation, agility, and security. It aims to provide users with a comprehensive DeFi experience without compromising safety. Trader Joe's roadmap focuses on expanding its token holder base and adding new features.

Trader Joe 強調創新、敏捷性和安全性。它旨在在不影響安全性的情況下為用戶提供全面的 DeFi 體驗。 Trader Joe 的路線圖專注於擴大其代幣持有者基礎並添加新功能。

Built on the Avalanche Chain, Trader Joe capitalizes on its speed and low transaction costs. Users enjoy a modern DEX experience with an intuitive interface and fast, affordable transactions. Beyond basic trading, the platform offers various ways for users to participate in the ecosystem.

Trader Joe 建立在 Avalanche 鏈上,利用其速度和低交易成本。使用者可以透過直覺的介面和快速、實惠的交易享受現代化的 DEX 體驗。除了基本交易之外,該平台還為用戶提供多種參與生態系統的方式。

Key Features:


  • Governance voting
  • Delegated staking
  • Yield farming opportunities
  • Lending protocols via Banker Joe
  • Platform expansion through Discord meetups
  • Impressive trading volume, reaching a lifetime spot trading volume of $120 billion

Market Performance:

治理投票委託質押流動性耕種機會透過 Banker Joe 進行借貸協議透過 Discord 聚會進行平台擴展令人印象深刻的交易量,達到 1200 億美元的終身現貨交易量市場表現:

  • $0.322 trading price
  • 0.49% increase in the last 24 hours
  • Strong DEXTscore of 99, indicating positive market sentiment and growth potential

2. BENQI ($QI)

$0.322 交易價格在過去 24 小時內上漲 0.49% 強勁的 DEXT 得分為 99,顯示積極的市場情緒和成長潛力2。明基 ($QI)

BENQI has evolved into a suite of decentralized finance protocols on the Avalanche blockchain, becoming a popular cryptocurrency. The ecosystem includes BENQI Markets, BENQI Liquid Staking, and Ignite, offering accessible staking and lending services.

BENQI 已發展成為 Avalanche 區塊鏈上的一套去中心化金融協議,成為流行的加密貨幣。該生態系統包括 BENQI Markets、BENQI Liquid Stake 和 Ignite,提供便利的質押和借貸服務。

The QI token, a native asset on Avalanche, is at the core of BENQI's ecosystem. QI governs the protocol, including the Liquidity Market and Liquid Staking components. Users can stake QI to obtain veQI, which grants additional AVAX delegations to Avalanche Validators.

QI 代幣是 Avalanche 上的原生資產,也是 BENQI 生態系統的核心。 QI 負責管理該協議,包括流動性市場和流動性質押組件。使用者可以質押 QI 來取得 veQI,從而授予 Avalanche 驗證者額外的 AVAX 委託。

BENQI's applications cover various DeFi functionalities, catering to diverse user needs. Liquid Staking enables effortless AVAX staking with rewards. BENQI Markets facilitate lending and borrowing of crypto assets, while Ignite allows users to operate Avalanche validators or subnets.

BENQI的應用涵蓋了各種DeFi功能,滿足了多樣化的用戶需求。 Liquid Stake 可輕鬆進行 AVAX 質押並獲得獎勵。 BENQI Markets 促進加密資產的借貸,而 Ignite 則允許使用者操作 Avalanche 驗證器或子網路。

Key Features:


  • Comprehensive DeFi suite
  • Isolated Markets for $QI, $JOE, and $COQ
  • Strategic partnerships with key players in the DeFi space

Market Performance:

全面的 DeFi 套件$QI、$JOE 和 $COQ 的獨立市場與 DeFi 領域的主要參與者建立策略夥伴關係市場表現:

  • $0.0141 trading price
  • 2.02% increase in the last 24 hours
  • DEXTscore of 99, reflecting bullish market sentiment and liquidity

3. Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)

$0.0141 交易價格在過去 24 小時內上漲 2.02%DEXT 得分為 99,反映看漲的市場情緒和流動性3。解放的佩佩 ($PEPU)

Pepe Unchained revolutionizes the meme coin landscape with its Layer 2 blockchain technology. Built on Ethereum Layer 2, it addresses blockchain challenges by enhancing scalability, speed, and efficiency, allowing for higher transaction volumes at lower costs.

Pepe Unchained 憑藉其第 2 層區塊鏈技術徹底改變了模因幣格局。它建立在以太坊第 2 層之上,透過增強可擴展性、速度和效率來解決區塊鏈挑戰,從而以更低的成本實現更高的交易量。

Pepe Unchained introduces an enhanced staking rewards system, offering double the rewards compared to traditional platforms. This presents increased opportunities for users to grow their investments and participate in the ecosystem's progress.

Pepe Unchained 引入了增強的質押獎勵系統,與傳統平台相比,提供雙倍的獎勵。這為用戶增加投資和參與生態系統進步提供了更多機會。

Transaction speed is another advantage of Pepe Unchained's Layer 2 implementation. Transactions are processed significantly faster, ensuring a seamless user experience. This swiftness facilitates rapid staking, trading, and interaction within the network.

交易速度是 Pepe Unchained 第 2 層實施的另一個優勢。交易處理速度顯著加快,確保無縫的用戶體驗。這種速度促進了網路內的快速質押、交易和互動。

Key Features:


  • Layer 2 blockchain technology
  • Enhanced staking rewards
  • Reduced transaction fees

Market Performance:

第 2 層區塊鏈技術增強的質押獎勵降低交易費用市場表現:

  • Presale phase
  • $9,994,704.75 raised out of a $10,208,712 target
  • $0.0092364 trading price

4. GMX ($GMX)

預售階段從 10,208,712 美元的目標交易價格 0.0092364 美元中籌集了 9,994,704.75 美元4。 GMX ($GMX)

GMX has established itself as a robust decentralized exchange for spot and perpetual trading. It ranks among the top cryptocurrencies in the DeFi ecosystem, appealing to users with its low swap fees and low-impact trades.

GMX 已成為一個強大的去中心化現貨和永續交易交易所。它是 DeFi 生態系統中頂級的加密貨幣之一,以其低掉期費用和低影響的交易吸引了用戶。

The platform's unique multi-asset pools provide liquidity providers with diverse revenue streams. These pools accumulate fees from market-making, swaps, and leveraged trading, incentivizing liquidity provision and deepening overall market liquidity.


GMX's dynamic pricing relies on Chainlink oracles and data from major exchanges. This ensures accurate and reliable price feeds for all trades, promoting fair markets and mitigating price manipulation.

GMX 的動態定價依賴 Chainlink 預言機和主要交易所的數據。這確保了所有交易的準確可靠的價格回饋,促進公平市場並減少價格操縱。

Key Features:


  • Utility and governance token
  • Multi-asset pools for liquidity providers
  • Chainlink Oracle integration for accurate pricing
  • Cross-chain presence on Arbitrum and Avalanche

Market Performance:

實用程式和治理代幣流動性提供者的多資產池Chainlink Oracle 整合可實現準確定價Arbitrum 和 Avalanche 上的跨鏈存在市場表現:

  • $25.353 trading price
  • 1.60% increase in the last 24 hours
  • DEXTscore of 99, indicating robust market sentiment and liquidity


$25.353 交易價格在過去 24 小時內上漲 1.60%DEXT 得分為 99,顯示市場情緒和流動性強勁結論:

Decentralized finance continues to innovate, and projects like Trader Joe, BENQI, Pepe Unchained, and GMX are leading the way with their advanced features and user-centric approaches. These platforms empower users with new opportunities to trade, stake, and participate in the growth of the cryptocurrency market. As the crypto ecosystem expands, we can expect more innovative solutions and advancements in this rapidly evolving field.

去中心化金融不斷創新,Trader Joe、BENQI、Pepe Unchained 和 GMX 等計畫以其先進的功能和以用戶為中心的方法引領潮流。這些平台為用戶提供了交易、質押和參與加密貨幣市場成長的新機會。隨著加密生態系統的擴展,我們可以期待這個快速發展的領域中出現更多創新的解決方案和進步。


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