首頁 > 資訊新聞 > TRON 瞄準前 10 名,可能會顛覆狗狗幣

TRON targeting top 10 spot, could flip Dogecoin

TRON 瞄準前 10 名,可能會顛覆狗狗幣

發布: 2023/11/26 19:08 閱讀: 882



TRON 瞄準前 10 名,可能會顛覆狗狗幣

TRON (TRX) has been volatile. As it eyes a spot in the top 10, a key question emerges: can it flip Dogecoin (DOGE)?


Tron and Dogecoin: current market dynamics

Tron 和狗狗幣:當前市場動態

Tron trades at $0.103074, with a market capitalization of approximately $9.14 billion, 10th in rankings. 

Tron 交易價格為 0.103074 美元,市值約為 91.4 億美元,排名第十。

In contrast, Dogecoin, with its market cap of $11.75 billion and a trading price of $0.082837, sits a notch higher at ninth. 

相比之下,狗狗幣的市值為 117.5 億美元,交易價格為 0.082837 美元,排名更高,位居第九。

TRON’s ecosystem has seen growth due to recent developments. 

由於最近的發展,TRON 的生態系統得到了增長。

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The introduction of USDD, an algorithmic stablecoin, by the TRON DAO, supported by protocols such as SunSwap, Uniswap, PancakeSwap, and Ellipsis, aims to enhance TRON’s presence in decentralized finance (defi). 

TRON DAO 推出了演算法穩定幣 USDD,並得到 SunSwap、Uniswap、PancakeSwap 和 Ellipsis 等協議的支持,旨在增強 TRON 在去中心化金融 (defi) 領域的影響力。

This initiative is part of a more extensive four-stage roadmap that ultimately leads to the launch of the USDD Mainnet. 

該措施是更廣泛的四階段路線圖的一部分,最終導致 USDD 主網的啟動。

These plans demonstrate TRON’s dedication to expanding its ecosystem and offering diverse financial solutions.

這些計劃表明了 TRON 致力於擴展其生態系統並提供多樣化的金融解決方案。

Comparing TRON and Dogecoin


Dogecoin and TRON are popular, but they have some key differences:


  • Consensus mechanisms: Dogecoin uses a proof-of-work consensus mechanism for mining, which some criticize for its environmental impact, but it helps maintain decentralization. TRON, on the other hand, uses a more efficient and eco-friendly proof-of-stake algorithm. Still, it has been criticized for being more centralized than proof-of-work (PoW).
  • 共識機制:狗狗幣使用工作量證明共識機制進行挖礦,有人批評這種機制對環境造成影響,但它有助於維持去中心化。另一方面,TRON 使用更有效率、更環保的權益證明演算法。儘管如此,它仍因比工作量證明(PoW)更加中心化而受到批評。

  • Functional differences: Dogecoin is primarily used for exchange, tipping, charity, and payments. On the other hand, TRON has a more extensive ecosystem that supports various applications, including hosting multiple cryptocurrencies, dapps, and smart contracts, making it more versatile than Dogecoin.
  • 功能差異:狗狗幣主要用於兌換、小費、慈善和付款。另一方面,TRON 擁有更廣泛的生態系統,支援各種應用程序,包括託管多種加密貨幣、dapp 和智能合約,使其比狗狗幣更加通用。

  • Dogecoin’s community-driven approach: Dogecoin’s community-driven approach has driven its popularity, but its lack of a strong development team and technological advancements make its future uncertain. 
  • 狗狗幣的社群驅動方式:狗狗幣的社群驅動方式推動了其受歡迎程度,但其缺乏強大的開發團隊和技術進步使其未來充滿不確定性。

  • TRON’s ongoing developments and roadmap suggest a more technologically advanced future with a broader range of applications and growth potential.
  • TRON 的持續發展和路線圖預示著一個技術更先進的未來,具有更廣泛的應用和成長潛力。

Ultimately, the choice between Dogecoin and TRON as an investment or utility token depends on individual preferences for community support versus technological innovation and application diversity.


Can TRON surpass Dogecoin?


For Tron to surpass Dogecoin, it would require continued development, increased market adoption, and investor interest. However, these are aspects where Dogecoin has shown considerable strength due to its robust community support and mainstream appeal​​​​.


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您可能還喜歡:專家預測,比特幣可能會上漲至 100,000 美元甚至更高

The crypto market is volatile and influenced by various factors, including investor sentiment, market trends, and global economic conditions. 


Whether or not Tron can overtake Dogecoin will depend on all of them. 


A new contender


While the debate between TRON and Dogecoin continues, emerging coins like Meme Moguls and its native token, MGLS, are carving out their niche. 

儘管 TRON 和狗狗幣之間的爭論仍在繼續,但 Meme Moguls 等新興代幣及其原生代幣 MGLS 正在開拓自己的利基市場。

With its blend of meme culture and crypto trading, Meme Moguls aims to create an engaging platform for users. 

Meme Moguls 融合了 Meme 文化和加密貨幣交易,旨在為用戶創建一個有吸引力的平台。

Its potential for significant growth, backed by bullish market predictions, may explain why investors consider the token in their portfolios.


Read more: Ethereum may retest $2,500, investors dig into Meme Moguls presale

了解更多:以太坊可能重新測試 2,500 美元,投資者深入研究 Meme Moguls 預售

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披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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