首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 川普多頭市場(TRUMBULL)在交易所上市前將飆升 19,000%,而柴犬和狗狗幣則落後

Trump Bull Market (TRUMBULL) Will Surge 19,000% Before Exchange Listings, While Shiba Inu and Dogecoin Lag

川普多頭市場(TRUMBULL)在交易所上市前將飆升 19,000%,而柴犬和狗狗幣則落後

發布: 2024/09/19 11:30 閱讀: 641

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


川普多頭市場(TRUMBULL)在交易所上市前將飆升 19,000%,而柴犬和狗狗幣則落後

Trump Bull Market has the potential to make early investors millionaires, akin to investors of Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).


Trump Bull Market (TRUMBULL), a new Solana memecoin, is anticipated to experience a remarkable surge in value by over 19,000% in the near future.

川普牛市 (TRUMBULL) 是一種新的 Solana memecoin,預計在不久的將來其價值將大幅飆升超過 19,000%。

The listing of TRUMBULL on multiple crypto exchanges is imminent, enhancing its visibility to millions of potential investors. This increased demand will drive its price upward.

TRUMBULL 在多個加密貨幣交易所上市迫在眉睫,這將提高其對數百萬潛在投資者的知名度。需求的增加將推動其價格上漲。

Currently, TRUMBULL is only available for purchase through decentralized Solana exchanges such as Jup.ag and Raydium.io. Early investors have the opportunity to realize substantial returns in the coming days.

目前,TRUMBULL 只能透過 Jup.ag 和 Raydium.io 等去中心化 Solana 交易所購買。早期投資者有機會在未來幾天內實現豐厚回報。

The success of SHIB and DOGE has demonstrated the astronomical returns attainable through memecoins, and Trump Bull Market possesses the potential to become the next viral sensation.

SHIB 和 DOGE 的成功證明了透過 memecoin 可以獲得的天文數字回報,而川普牛市有潛力成為下一個病毒式轟動。

At launch, Trump Bull Market boasted over $3,000 in liquidity, providing it with a significant advantage over other new memecoins. This liquidity offers substantial earning opportunities for early investors.

川普牛市在推出時擁有超過 3,000 美元的流動性,這使其比其他新模因幣具有顯著優勢。這種流動性為早期投資者提供了大量的獲利機會。

To acquire TRUMBULL on Raydium.io or Jup.ag prior to the CEX listings, users should connect their Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallet and exchange Solana for Trump Bull Market by entering its contract address: 62eFX2q8zBhhvPf4ebD52EVH8BPMsM6NF4Tv8ULn5h5y.

要在 CEX 上市之前在 Raydium.io 或 Jup.ag 上獲取 TRUMBULL,用戶應連接其 Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom 錢包,並透過輸入合約地址 62eFX2q8zBhhvPf4ebD52EVH8BPMsM6NF4Tv8ULn5h Market 將 兌換為 Trump。

Individuals lacking these wallets have the option to create new ones within minutes and transfer Solana from exchanges like Coinbase or Binance to purchase the memecoin.

缺乏這些錢包的個人可以選擇在幾分鐘內創建新錢包,並從 Coinbase 或 Binance 等交易所轉移 Solana 來購買 memecoin。

Early investors share the potential to achieve returns comparable to those who invested in SHIB and DOGE when these memecoins gained widespread acceptance and experienced explosive price increases.

當這些迷因幣獲得廣泛接受並經歷爆炸性價格上漲時,早期投資者有可能獲得與投資 SHIB 和 DOGE 的投資者相當的回報。

The resurgence of the Solana memecoin phenomenon is evident amidst the recent stagnation and declining momentum of larger memecoins such as SHIB, DOGE, and DogWifHat (WIF). This has prompted many investors to shift their focus towards newer Solana memecoins like TRUMBULL.

在 SHIB、DOGE 和 DogWifHat (WIF) 等大型 memecoin 近期的停滯和勢頭下降中,Solana memecoin 現象的復甦是顯而易見的。這促使許多投資者將注意力轉向 TRUMBULL 等較新的 Solana memecoin。

These memecoins, inherently lacking utility or value, have nonetheless attracted investors due to their speculative potential for rapid price appreciation.



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