首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 川普承諾支持加密貨幣的未來,為這些頂級山寨幣的巨大收益做好準備

Trump Pledges Support for Crypto Future Prepare For Massive Gains With These Top Altcoins


發布: 2024/06/03 14:38 閱讀: 924




Former US President Donald Trump has continued expressing his support for the crypto industry, emphasizing the need to protect the right of 50 million Americans to self-custody digital assets. This comes at a time when the altcoin market seems to be regaining traction with altcoins such as Polkadot (DOT), THORChain (RUNE), Avalanche (AVAX), Dogecoin (DOGE), and KangaMoon (KANG) leading the way.

美國前總統川普持續表達對加密產業的支持,強調需要保護5,000萬美國人自我託管數位資產的權利。同時,山寨幣市場似乎正在重新獲得吸引力,Polkadot (DOT)、THORChain (RUNE)、Avalanche (AVAX)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 KangaMoon (KANG) 等山寨幣處於領先地位。

KangaMoon (KANG) Becomes a Standout Crypto Owing to Its High ROI

KangaMoon (KANG) 因其高投資回報率而成為傑出的加密貨幣

KangaMoon (KANG) has been surpassing expectations since the start of its presale stages, standing out among the rest of the new cryptos within the presale market. Having raced to the bonus presale stage, KangaMoon has managed to raise over $7 million in presale funding, with the expectation of hitting $8 million before the end of the campaign. This outstanding performance has increased the token's status within the altcoin market, with different crypto enthusiasts and traders flocking to its network.

KangaMoon(K​​ANG)自預售階段開始以來一直超出預期,在預售市場的其他新加密貨幣中脫穎而出。在進入獎金預售階段後,KangaMoon 已成功籌集了超過 700 萬美元的預售資金,預計在活動結束前達到 800 萬美元。這種出色的表現提高了該代幣在山寨幣市場中的地位,不同的加密貨幣愛好者和交易者紛紛湧入其網路。

KangaMoon will merge the intricate qualities of both SocialFi and GameFi features to create an outstanding ecosystem known as Kangaverse, where traders will earn their living by engaging in a variety of thrilling activities. Notably, KangaMoon’s P2E games mechanism offers activities like battle-themed contests as well as speculative betting topped with special giveaways that users can take part in and win rewards in the form of KANG tokens and other valuable items.

KangaMoon 將融合 SocialFi 和 GameFi 功能的複雜品質,創造一個名為 Kangaverse 的出色生態系統,交易者將透過參與各種令人興奮的活動來謀生。值得注意的是,KangaMoon 的 P2E 遊戲機制提供了戰鬥主題競賽以及投機投注等活動,並附有特殊贈品,用戶可以參與並贏得 KANG 代幣和其他有價值物品形式的獎勵。

Currently, in the bonus stage, KangaMoon continues to enjoy massive success. KANG’s price has also surged by 400%, trading at $0.025 from its initial price of just $0.005, making it one of the best altcoins to invest in. With the BitMart listing set to happen soon, analysts believe that KangaMoon might hit the $1 mark before the end of the year.

目前,在紅利階段,KangaMoon 繼續取得巨大成功。 KANG 的價格也飆升了400%,從最初的0.005 美元交易價格到0.025 美元,使其成為最值得投資的山寨幣之一。關年底。

Being a community-driven token, KangaMoon’s ecosystem values its token holders and users’ contributions, having given them the power to participate in the decision-making process within the platform. This move has contributed to the platform’s growth, boasting over 32,000 registered members and close to 10,000 KANG holders. At such a pace, KangaMoon is set to join the top 10 altcoins list of 2024.

作為一個社群驅動的代幣,KangaMoon 的生態系統重視代幣持有者和用戶的貢獻,並賦予他們參與平台內決策過程的權力。此舉促進了該平台的發展,該平台擁有超過 32,000 名註冊會員和近 10,000 名 KANG 持有者。按照這樣的速度,KangaMoon 將躋身 2024 年山寨幣前 10 名之列。

Polkadot (DOT) Eying The $10 Mark

Polkadot (DOT) 瞄準 10 美元大關

Polkadot (DOT) has experienced a surging movement over the past weeks—something that seems to have attracted a crypto analyst known as Yapper claims that Polkadot’s price has broken out of its specific consolidation pattern and is now seeing a beautiful price retest. The analyst and also entrepreneur suggested that Polkadot’s previous resistance has turned into a support region, meaning that the altcoin can aim for a higher target.

Polkadot (DOT) 在過去幾週經歷了飆升——這似乎吸引了一位名為Yapper 的加密貨幣分析師,他聲稱Polkadot 的價格已經突破了特定的盤整模式,現在正在經歷一次美麗的價格重新測試。這位分析師兼企業家表示,Polkadot 之前的阻力區域已轉變為支撐區域,這意味著山寨幣可以瞄準更高的目標。

Another analyst, Block Diversity, also predicted a DOT price rally of around $14, provided the coin continues to trade above its major resistance levels. Moreover, Polkadot's technical indicators, including its RSI, point towards a continued surge, showcasing the coin's resilience within the altcoin market.

另一位分析師 Block Diversity 也預測,如果該代幣持續高於其主要阻力位,DOT 價格將上漲約 14 美元。此外,Polkadot 的技術指標(包括 RSI)表明其將持續飆升,展示了該代幣在山寨幣市場中的彈性。

THORChain (RUNE): A Potential 50% Surge Awaits Beyond Its Present Level

THORChain (RUNE):超越目前水準的潛在 50% 飆升等待著

THORChain (RUNE) experienced a resurgence after bottoming out from its lows near the 200-day EMA. This means that the altcoin’s broader market sentiment has significantly improved, restoring the coin’s confidence among investors propelling the crypto for further gains. The Total Value Locked for THORChain coin has also witnessed an upward trend since February 2024.

THORChain (RUNE) 在 200 日均線附近的低點觸底後經歷了復甦。這意味著山寨幣的整體市場情緒已顯著改善,恢復了投資者對加密貨幣的信心,並推動加密貨幣進一步上漲。自 2024 年 2 月以來,THORChain 幣的鎖定總價值也呈現上升趨勢。

This growth in TVL signifies a market engagement shift, rising demand for the altcoin, and growing prosperity among traders looking to maintain their investments. Moreover, RUNE seems to have completed its retest, followed by a breakout of its upper trendline resistance, indicating the end of its corrective trend. A successful break past the $7.8 resistance level might lead to a 50% gain, meaning THORChain will have reached its annual high, becoming one of the best altcoins to buy.

TVL 的成長意味著市場參與度的轉變、對山寨幣的需求不斷增長以及希望維持投資的交易者日益繁榮。此外,RUNE似乎已經完成了重新測試,隨後突破了其上方趨勢線阻力,顯示其修正趨勢的結束。成功突破 7.8 美元阻力位可能會帶來 50% 的漲幅,這意味著 THORChain 將達到年度高點,成為最值得購買的山寨幣之一。

Avalanche (AVAX) Set for Success Amid Increased Buying Interest

Avalanche (AVAX) 因購買興趣增加而取得成功

Avalanche (AVAX) has been showcasing impulsive moves, with a six-month price rally of 80.11%. While the AVAX price has been displaying some resilience compared to its altcoin peers, a closer look indicates a market grappling with conflicting signals, with a mix of cautious optimism and underlying unease. Over the past months, AVAX has been exhibiting a pattern of price spikes, which were followed by equally sharp corrections.

Avalanche (AVAX) 一直展現出脈衝走勢,六個月價格漲幅達 80.11%。儘管與其他山寨幣相比,AVAX 價格一直表現出一定的彈性,但仔細觀察就會發現,市場正在努力應對相互矛盾的信號,夾雜著謹慎樂觀和潛在的不安。在過去的幾個月裡,AVAX 一直呈現出價格飆升的模式,隨後又出現同樣劇烈的回檔。

However, if Avalanche can maintain its crucial support level, then there is a higher possibility for a continued northward trajectory, particularly if a broader bull run is able to materialize within the crypto market. With the $48 and $53 mark being the main resistance points that Avalanche has repeatedly tested and failed to surpass in recent months, a sustained breakout above these levels will signal a significant shift in Avalanche price momentum, potentially propelling the coin toward the $80 or even $100 mark by Q3 of 2024.

然而,如果 Avalanche 能夠維持其關鍵支撐位,那麼繼續向北發展的可能性就更大,特別是如果加密貨幣市場能夠實現更廣泛的牛市的話。由於48 美元和53 美元大關是Avalanche 近幾個月來多次測試但未能突破的主要阻力位,持續突破這些水平將標誌著Avalanche 價格勢頭的重大轉變,有可能推動該代幣漲向80美元甚至100 美元到 2024 年第三季為止。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Records Increased Whales Activities


Dogecoin (DOGE) whales have been busy capitalizing on the epic run that Ethereum and the crypto market in general had. Major Dogecoin investors have been stepping up their recent activities, something that could potentially mark a rebound and price recovery for Dogecoin. Recent data seems to be pointing toward the emergence of big transactions involving Dogecoin, with around 1.51 thousand large transactions of around 6.83 billion Dogecoins within the past day.

狗狗幣(DOGE)鯨魚一直忙於利用以太坊和加密貨幣市場的史詩般的運作。主要狗狗幣投資者最近一直在加強力,這可能標誌著狗狗幣的反彈和價格回升。最近的數據似乎顯示涉及狗狗幣的大筆交易正在出現,過去一天內約有 1510 筆大額交易,涉及約 68.3 億狗狗幣。

With major holders being quite instrumental in the market dynamics, Dogecoin has experienced relative stability, with the price consolidated within the key support and resistance levels. Moreover, Dogecoin RSI is at 55.83, signaling that market sentiments are almost neutral with a possibility for potential gains. Additionally, the fact that Dogecoin whales are picking cheap coins ahead of a surge in activity also signifies a general market recovery for one of the top altcoins to watch.

由於主要持有者在市場動態中發揮重要作用,狗狗幣經歷了相對穩定,價格在關鍵支撐位和阻力位內鞏固。此外,狗狗幣 RSI 為 55.83,顯示市場情緒幾乎中性,有可能上漲。此外,狗狗幣鯨魚在活動激增之前挑選廉價硬幣的事實也意味著值得關注的頂級山寨幣之一的市場整體復甦。

Is KangaMoon on the Right Trajectory for Joining Top Altcoins within the Crypto Market?

KangaMoon 是否走在加入加密貨幣市場頂級山寨幣的正確軌道上?

KangaMoon’s recent listing on CoinMarketCap and Coingecko has placed this coin in the spotlight within the altcoin market. With an imminent listing within the top-tier exchange platforms in the coming months, experts seem to have projected that KangaMoon will certainly join the top altcoins to watch, which include the likes of Polkadot, THORChain, Avalanche, and Dogecoin while offering a higher ROI to its investors.

KangaMoon 最近在 CoinMarketCap 和 Coingecko 上上市,使該代幣成為山寨幣市場的焦點。隨著未來幾個月即將在頂級交易平台上市,專家似乎預測 KangaMoon 肯定會加入頂級山寨幣的行列,包括 Polkadot、THORChain、Avalanche 和 Dogecoin 等,同時提供更高的投資回報率給其投資者。


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