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Twitter’s Bold Move: Daily DM Limits For Unverified Users Spark Controversy


發布: 2023/07/22 12:30 閱讀: 503



Twitter, the social media giant, is gearing up to introduce a significant change that has stirred up both curiosity and concern among its users.

社群媒體巨頭 Twitter 正準備推出一項重大變革,這項變革激起了用戶的好奇和擔憂。

In a recent tweet on July 21, Twitter Support announced its plans to implement new measures aimed at reducing spam in Direct Messages (DMs). The most notable change is the introduction of daily DM limits for unverified accounts.

在 7 月 21 日的最新推文中,Twitter 支持宣布計劃實施旨在減少私訊 (DM) 中垃圾郵件的新措施。最顯著的變化是對未經驗證的帳戶引入每日 DM 限額。

While Twitter has not yet specified the exact daily limits for unverified users, the announcement has already sparked a wave of reactions and discussions across the platform. Verified and unverified users alike have voiced their opinions, with some expressing skepticism about the effectiveness of these limits and others raising questions about the platform’s underlying motives.

雖然 Twitter 尚未具體說明未經驗證的用戶的具體每日限額,但該公告已經在整個平台上引發了一波反應和討論。經過驗證和未經驗證的用戶都表達了他們的意見,有些人對這些限制的有效性表示懷疑,有些人則對該平台的潛在動機提出質疑。

Critics argue that limiting DMs for unverified accounts may not necessarily curb spam, as verified accounts could still potentially engage in spamming activities. Some users have even gone a step further, suggesting that Twitter’s motive behind this move is to incentivize users to pay for verification, generating revenue that could help cover the platform’s operational costs.

批評者認為,限制未經驗證的帳戶的私訊不一定能遏制垃圾郵件,因為經過驗證的帳戶仍然可能參與垃圾郵件活動。一些用戶甚至更進一步,暗示 Twitter 此舉背後的動機是為了激勵用戶為驗證付費,從而產生收入來幫助支付平台的營運成本。

This upcoming change is just one in a series of radical shifts that Twitter has undergone since Elon Musk’s involvement with the platform. On July 1, Twitter implemented rate limits on the number of daily posts users could view, an effort to combat data scraping and system manipulation.

自從馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 參與 Twitter 平台以來,即將發生的變化只是 Twitter 所經歷的一系列根本轉變之一。 7 月 1 日,Twitter 對用戶每天可以查看的貼文數量實施了速率限制,以打擊資料抓取和系統操縱。

Despite Twitter’s ongoing efforts to tackle scams and bad actors, such issues persist. Recently, members of Crypto Twitter detected and warned against a scam promoted through the compromised account of Uniswap founder Hayden Adams. The scam falsely claimed that the platform’s Permit2 contract had been exploited, tricking users into clicking on a malicious link.

儘管 Twitter 不斷努力解決詐騙和不良行為,但此類問題仍然存在。最近,Crypto Twitter 成員發現並警告提防透過 Uniswap 創始人 Hayden Adams 的受感染帳戶推廣的騙局。該騙局謊稱該平台的 Permit2 合約已被利用,誘騙用戶點擊惡意連結。

Moreover, Elon Musk’s tweets continue to wield significant influence over cryptocurrency markets, particularly when it comes to Dogecoin. A recent tweet featuring the cartoon character Scooby-Doo led to a surge in Dogecoin’s value. This market sway has even resulted in a class-action lawsuit against Musk, with plaintiffs alleging that his tweets and comments related to Dogecoin amount to market manipulation.


As Twitter embarks on these changes and addresses various challenges, the platform remains under scrutiny. Users are keen to see how these new DM limits will impact spam and whether they will succeed in achieving the platform’s goal of reducing unwanted messages. Amid the ongoing debates, the social media giant must navigate the delicate balance between enhancing user experience, combating fraudulent activities, and preserving the spirit of open communication that has defined Twitter for years.

隨著 Twitter 著手進行這些變革並解決各種挑戰,該平台仍受到密切關注。使用者渴望了解這些新的 DM 限制將如何影響垃圾郵件,以及它們是否能夠成功實現平台減少不必要的訊息的目標。在持續不斷的爭論中,這家社群媒體巨頭必須在增強用戶體驗、打擊詐騙活動和維護 Twitter 多年來定義的開放溝通精神之間找到微妙的平衡。

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