首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Twitter (X) 確認即將推出支付選項 – 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 會成為該平台的原生貨幣嗎?

Twitter (X) Confirms Payment Option Launch Soon – Will Dogecoin (DOGE) Be the Native Currency of the Platform?

Twitter (X) 確認即將推出支付選項 – 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 會成為該平台的原生貨幣嗎?

發布: 2024/06/19 04:07 閱讀: 998

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


X Unveils Plans for Peer-to-Peer Payments, Hints at Cryptocurrency Integration

X 公佈點對點支付計劃,暗示加密貨幣整合

X, formerly Twitter, is nearing the launch of a peer-to-peer payment feature, solidifying its vision of becoming an "everything app." Initially, X intends to integrate fiat currencies, but its platform suggests the potential for future cryptocurrency integration.

X(前身為 Twitter)即將推出點對點支付功能,鞏固其成為「一切應用程式」的願景。最初,X 打算整合法定貨幣,但其平台顯示了未來加密貨幣整合的潛力。

X CEO's Vision: X as the Ultimate "Everything App"

X CEO 的願景:X 成為終極“萬物應用”

X CEO Linda Yaccarino has announced the upcoming peer-to-peer payment functionality. Speaking at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Yaccarino emphasized the company's significant advancements in user utility under her leadership, echoing Elon Musk's vision since acquiring the platform in late 2022.

X 執行長 Linda Yaccarino 宣布即將推出點對點支付功能。亞卡里諾在坎城國際創意節上發表演說時強調,在她的領導下,該公司在用戶效用方面取得了顯著進步,這與伊隆馬斯克自2022 年底收購該平台以來的願景相呼應。

Foundation for Payments: Licenses and Ambitions


In mid-2023, X acquired multiple licenses to operate as a payment facilitator in the United States, laying the groundwork for its payment system. Yaccarino noted that this move will enhance user experiences on the platform.

2023 年年中,X 獲得了在美國作為支付服務商運營的多個許可證,為其支付系統奠定了基礎。亞卡里諾指出,此舉將增強該平台的使用者體驗。

Beyond Social Media: The "Everything App" Concept


The "everything app" concept extends beyond social networking. While X will initially support fiat currencies, its system is designed with future crypto payments in mind.

「一切應用程式」的概念超越了社群網路。雖然 X 最初將支援法定貨幣,但其係統的設計考慮到了未來的加密支付。

Dogecoin Enthusiasm Sparks Hope for Integration


The announcement of X's peer-to-peer functionality has fueled optimism among Dogecoin enthusiasts, hinting at a future integration of Dogecoin payments. Tesla, owned by X CEO Elon Musk, has played a significant role in boosting DOGE's traction as a payment method.

X 點對點功能的發布激發了狗狗幣愛好者的樂觀情緒,暗示著狗狗幣支付的未來整合。 X 執行長 Elon Musk 旗下的特斯拉在提升 DOGE 作為支付方式的吸引力方面發揮了重要作用。

Speculations and Potential Surge


If X were to adopt Dogecoin as its native payment method, the cryptocurrency could potentially experience a surge due to X's vast user base. Dogecoin's potential as a payment option on the platform suggests its potential to gain further adoption and value.

如果 X 採用狗狗幣作為原生支付方式,由於 X 龐大的用戶群,加密貨幣可能會激增。狗狗幣作為平台上的支付選項的潛力表明它有進一步採用和價值的潛力。

Elon Musk's Support Bolsters Expectations


Musk's advocacy for Dogecoin and his acknowledgment of holding DOGE have raised expectations that the meme coin may find utility as a payment method on X.

馬斯克對狗狗幣的倡導以及他對持有狗狗幣的承認,提高了人們的預期,即這種迷因幣可能會在 X 上作為一種支付方式發揮作用。



Neither X nor Elon Musk has confirmed the integration of DOGE or any other cryptocurrency as the platform's native currency. However, Musk's strong support for Dogecoin suggests a higher likelihood of its adoption.

X 和馬斯克都沒有確認將 DOGE 或任何其他加密貨幣整合為該平台的原生貨幣。然而,馬斯克對狗狗幣的大力支持表明其採用的可能性更高。


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