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Unlimited Supply Tokens: The Hidden Danger of Crypto Inflation


發布: 2023/09/09 02:30 閱讀: 283



Cryptocurrencies are digital forms of money that use cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. They have become a popular topic in recent years, as more people are curious about their potential, challenges, and implications for the future of finance.


One of the key features of cryptocurrencies is their supply, or the total number of tokens or coins that can exist in the market. Some cryptocurrencies have a fixed supply, meaning that there is a lifetime cap on how many tokens or coins can be mined or created. This makes them deflationary, as their value tends to increase over time due to scarcity. Bitcoin, for example, has a fixed supply of 21 million BTC.

加密貨幣的主要特徵之一是其供應量,或市場上可以存在的代幣或硬幣的總數。一些加密貨幣具有固定的供應量,這意味著可以開採或創建的代幣或硬幣的數量存在生命週期上限。這使得它們出現通貨緊縮,因為它們的價值由於稀缺性而往往會隨著時間的推移而增加。以比特幣為例,其固定供應量為 2,100 萬比特幣。

Other cryptocurrencies have an unlimited supply, meaning that there is no limit on how many tokens or coins can be mined or created. This makes them inflationary, as their value tends to decrease over time due to oversupply. Ethereum, for example, has an unlimited supply of ETH, although it has a fixed annual issuance rate of 18 million ETH.

其他加密貨幣的供應量是無限的,這意味著可以開採或創建的代幣或硬幣的數量沒有限制。這使得它們容易通貨膨脹,因為由於供應過剩,它們的價值往往會隨著時間的推移而下降。例如,以太坊的 ETH 供應量是無限的,儘管它的年發行量固定為 1800 萬枚。

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tokens with unlimited supply? What are some of the largest and most popular tokens with unlimited supply? How can investors and users make informed decisions about these tokens? In this article, we will explore these questions and more.


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The Pros and Cons of Tokens with Unlimited Supply

訂閱與我們一起展示加密貨幣革命,一次一份時事通訊。立即訂閱,將每日新聞和市場更新直接發送到您的收件匣,以及我們數百萬其他訂閱者(沒錯,數百萬人愛我們!) - 您還在等什麼?無限供應代幣的優點和缺點

Tokens with unlimited supply have both benefits and drawbacks, depending on their design, use case, and market conditions. Here are some of the main pros and cons of these tokens:


  • Pro: Flexibility and adaptability. Tokens with unlimited supply can adjust their supply according to the demand and needs of the network. For example, Ethereum can increase its supply to incentivize miners and validators to secure the network, or to fund its development and innovation. This can also help prevent network congestion and high fees, as more tokens can be used for transactions.
  • 優點:靈活性和適應性。供應量無限的代幣可以根據網路的需求和需求調整其供應量。例如,以太坊可以增加其供應量,以激勵礦工和驗證者確保網路安全,或為其開發和創新提供資金。這也有助於防止網路擁塞和高額費用,因為可以使用更多代幣進行交易。

  • Pro: Stability and accessibility. Tokens with unlimited supply can also provide stability and accessibility for users and investors. For example, USD Coin (USDC) is a stablecoin that is backed by US dollars and has an unlimited supply. This means that users can always exchange USDC tokens for dollars at any time, and enjoy the benefits of a stable and widely accepted currency. Similarly, Dogecoin (DOGE) is a cryptocurrency that is based on a meme and has an unlimited supply. This means that users can easily acquire and use DOGE for fun and social purposes, without worrying about its price fluctuations.
  • 優點:穩定性和可訪問性。無限供應的代幣還可以為用戶和投資者提供穩定性和可訪問性。例如,美元幣(USDC)是一種以美元為支撐、供應量無限的穩定幣。這意味著用戶可以隨時將 USDC 代幣兌換成美元,並享受穩定且被廣泛接受的貨幣帶來的好處。同樣,狗狗幣(DOGE)是一種基於模因且供應無限的加密貨幣。這意味著用戶可以輕鬆取得和使用 DOGE 來實現娛樂和社交目的,而無需擔心其價格波動。

  • Con: Dilution and devaluation. Tokens with unlimited supply can also suffer from dilution and devaluation, as more tokens enter the market and reduce their scarcity and demand. For example, Dai (DAI) is a decentralized stablecoin that is backed by collateral and has an unlimited supply. This means that users can create new DAI tokens by locking up their assets in smart contracts. However, this also means that the value of DAI can be affected by the fluctuations of the collateral assets, as well as the risk of undercollateralization and liquidation.
  • 缺點:稀釋和貶值。隨著更多代幣進入市場並減少其稀缺性和需求,無限供應的代幣也可能遭受稀釋和貶值。例如,Dai(DAI)是一種去中心化的穩定幣,有抵押品支持,供應量無限。這意味著用戶可以透過將資產鎖定在智能合約中來創建新的 DAI 代幣。然而,這也意味著 DAI 的價值可能會受到抵押資產波動以及抵押不足和清算風險的影響。

  • Con: Inflation and uncertainty. Tokens with unlimited supply can also face inflation and uncertainty, as their supply growth rate and monetary policy are not predictable or transparent. For example, Ethereum does not have a clear long-term plan for its supply management, as it is undergoing a major transition from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. This means that investors and users do not know how the supply of ETH will change in the future, or how it will affect its value and security.
  • 缺點:通貨膨脹和不確定性。無限供應的代幣也可能面臨通貨膨脹和不確定性,因為它們的供應成長率和貨幣政策不可預測或透明。例如,以太坊對其供應管理沒有明確的長期計劃,因為它正在經歷從工作量證明到權益證明共識機制的重大轉變。這意味著投資者和用戶不知道未來ETH的供應量將如何變化,或將如何影響其價值和安全性。

The Top Tokens with Unlimited Supply


Here are some of the largest and most popular tokens with unlimited supply:


  • Ethereum (ETH). Ethereum is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, after Bitcoin. It is also a platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps), which enable users to create and use various kinds of digital services on the blockchain. Ethereum has an unlimited supply of ETH, but it has a fixed annual issuance rate of 18 million ETH. However, this rate may change in the future, as Ethereum is transitioning from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which will introduce new mechanisms such as burning and staking for ETH supply management.
  • 以太坊(ETH)。以太坊是市值第二大的加密貨幣,僅次於比特幣。它也是一個智慧合約和去中心化應用程式(DApps)的平台,使用戶能夠在區塊鏈上創建和使用各種數位服務。以太坊的 ETH 供應量無限,但每年發行量固定為 1800 萬枚 ETH。然而,這個比率未來可能會發生變化,因為以太坊正在從工作證明共識機制過渡到股權證明共識機制,這將為 ETH 供應管理引入新的機制,例如銷毀和質押。

  • USD Coin (USDC). USD Coin is a stablecoin that is backed by US dollars and issued by Circle and Coinbase, two of the largest cryptocurrency companies in the world. USD Coin has an unlimited supply, as new USDC tokens can be minted and redeemed at any time, according to the demand and supply of the market. USD Coin aims to provide a stable, secure, and transparent alternative to fiat currencies, as well as a bridge between the traditional and the crypto economy.
  • 美元硬幣(USDC)。 USD Coin 是一種以美元為支撐的穩定幣,由全球最大的兩家加密貨幣公司 Circle 和 Coinbase 發行。 USD Coin 的供應量是無限的,因為新的 USDC 代幣可以根據市場的需求和供應隨時鑄造和贖回。 USD Coin 旨在提供穩定、安全、透明的法定貨幣替代品,以及傳統經濟和加密經濟之間的橋樑。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE). Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that is based on a meme and was created as a joke, but has gained popularity and support from celebrities like Elon Musk and Snoop Dogg. Dogecoin has an unlimited supply of DOGE, as it has no cap on its mining or creation. Dogecoin aims to be a fun and friendly currency that can be used for tipping, social media, and online communities.
  • 狗狗幣(DOGE)。狗狗幣是一種基於迷因的加密貨幣,最初是作為一個笑話而創建的,但它獲得了伊隆馬斯克和史努比狗狗等名人的歡迎和支持。狗狗幣的 DOGE 供應量是無限的,因為它的開採或創造沒有上限。狗狗幣旨在成為一種有趣且友善的貨幣,可用於小費、社交媒體和線上社群。

  • Dai (DAI). Dai is a decentralized stablecoin that is backed by collateral and governed by a community of token holders. Dai has an unlimited supply, as new DAI tokens can be created by locking up various assets in smart contracts, such as ETH, USDC, or WBTC. Dai aims to provide a stable and resilient currency that can be used for global payments, savings, and lending.
  • 戴(DAI)。 Dai 是一種去中心化的穩定幣,由抵押品支持並由代幣持有者社群管理。 Dai 的供應量是無限的,因為可以透過在智能合約中鎖定各種資產(例如 ETH、USDC 或 WBTC)來創建新的 DAI 代幣。 Dai 旨在提供一種穩定且有彈性的貨幣,可用於全球支付、儲蓄和貸款。

The Bottom Line


Tokens with unlimited supply are a diverse and dynamic category of cryptocurrencies that have different advantages and disadvantages, depending on their design, use case, and market conditions. They can offer flexibility, stability, and accessibility, but they can also face dilution, devaluation, inflation, and uncertainty. Investors and users should be aware of these factors and make informed decisions about these tokens.


無限供應代幣:加密貨幣通貨膨脹的隱患首先出現在 CryptoMesh 上。


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