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The Latest Updates on Dogecoin (DOGE) and its Future


發布: 2023/10/28 20:32 閱讀: 389



Dogecoin (DOGE), the largest meme coin in terms of market value, has been lacking Elon Musk’s support for a long time. The upcoming feature of transferring money to X soon and the stagnant DOGE price tell us something important. So, what is the current situation in the DOGE camp?

狗狗幣(DOGE)作為市值最大的迷因幣,長期以來一直缺乏伊隆馬斯克的支持。即將推出的將資金轉移到 X 的功能以及停滯不前的 DOGE 價格告訴我們一些重要的事情。那麼,DOGE陣營目前的情況如何呢?

Dogecoin (DOGE) News

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 新聞

According to the statements made by X officials (formerly known as Twitter), payment services will be available on the platform soon. Money transfers will be possible through X next year. However, the team, despite completing permits in many states, did not take a positive step regarding cryptocurrency support.

根據X官方(前身為Twitter)的聲明,該平台即將推出支付服務。明年將可透過 X 進行轉帳。然而,儘管該團隊在許多州獲得了許可,但並未在加密貨幣支援方面採取積極措施。

Due to regulatory pressure and uncertainty, it is not logical for Musk to bring crypto payment services to the platform at such an early stage. Moreover, even transfers in fiat currency have the potential to put Elon Musk in a difficult position, according to US politicians. This is why the DOGE price has not shown positive performance despite the confirmed payment services.

由於監管壓力和不確定性,馬斯克在如此早期階段將加密支付服務引入該平台是不合邏輯的。此外,美國政界人士表示,即使是法定貨幣轉帳也有可能讓馬斯克陷入困境。這就是為什麼儘管支付服務已確認,但 DOGE 價格並未表現出積極的表現。

On the other hand, as you may remember, the DOGE-1 space mission was expected to take place in November. The launch date of the rocket has been postponed to January 12, 2024. This has led to the postponement of the anticipated DOGE price increase. For those who do not know, the DOGE-1 mission is as follows:

另一方面,您可能還記得,DOGE-1 太空任務預計將於 11 月進行。火箭的發射日期已推遲至2024年1月12日。這導致了預期的DOGE價格上漲的延遲。對於那些不知道的人,DOGE-1 的任務如下:

“Doge-1 is one of the payloads for the nova-c IM-1 lunar mission, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying a lander with various payloads, Intuitive Machines has just received the flight manifest and is now ready for flight.”

「Doge-1 是nova-c IM-1 月球任務的有效載荷之一,是SpaceX 獵鷹9 號火箭運載的著陸器,上面裝有各種有效載荷,Intuitive Machines 剛剛收到飛行清單,現在已準備好飛行。”

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Forecast

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格預測

The postponement of the space mission caused the price to drop again below $0.072. As of the time this article was prepared, DOGE finds buyers at $0.06915 and still has the possibility of closing above the resistance zone on a weekly basis. It is important for the continuation of the uptrend to attract strong demand above this zone.

太空任務的延遲導致價格再次跌破 0.072 美元。截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 在 0.06915 美元處找到買家,並且仍有可能每週收於阻力區之上。對於持續上升趨勢來說,吸引該區域上方的強勁需求非常重要。

The resistance of the parallel channel we have been following on the daily chart since August 17 is between $0.068-69. If there are closings below this level, tests at $0.067 and $0.064 seem possible. In the event of larger sell-offs, the support area at $0.061 and $0.06 may be violated. In October, demand held the DOGE price at $0.0574 despite deeper losses.

自 8 月 17 日以來,我們一直在日線圖上追蹤的平行通道阻力位在 0.068-69 美元之間。如果收盤價低於該水平,則可能會測試 0.067 美元和 0.064 美元。如果出現更大規模的拋售,則可能會突破 0.061 美元和 0.06 美元的支撐區域。 10 月份,儘管下跌幅度更大,但需求仍將 DOGE 價格維持在 0.0574 美元。

In the worst-case scenario, a decline could continue to $0.035 after $0.055 and $0.5. In the best-case scenario, tests at $0.077 and $0.084 are possible.

在最壞的情況下,跌幅可能會在 0.055 美元和 0.5 美元之後繼續下跌至 0.035 美元。在最好的情況下,可以在 0.077 美元和 0.084 美元進行測試。

Disclaimer: The information in this article does not constitute investment advice. Investors should be aware that cryptocurrencies are highly volatile and therefore carry risks, and they should conduct their own research before making any transactions.


Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/the-latest-updates-on-dogecoin-doge-and-its-future/



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