首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 水價預測:Pepe Unchained ICO 籌資突破 100 萬美元,水價暴跌 23%

Water Price Prediction: WATER Plummets 23% As The Pepe Unchained ICO Rockets Past $1 Million Raised

水價預測:Pepe Unchained ICO 籌資突破 100 萬美元,水價暴跌 23%

發布: 2024/06/28 00:04 閱讀: 322

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


水價預測:Pepe Unchained ICO 籌資突破 100 萬美元,水價暴跌 23%

WATER Price Rebounds on Double Bottom Pattern


Despite a 23% decline in water price and a 17% plunge in trading volume over the last 24 hours, the token is currently trading at $0.002124 as of 7:15 a.m. EST.

儘管過去 24 小時內水價下跌 23%,交易量暴跌 17%,但截至美國東部時間上午 7:15,該代幣目前的交易價格為 0.002124 美元。

Double Bottom Pattern Suggests Bullish Momentum


WATER's price has been consolidating within a narrow range, finding support at $0.001731, forming a double bottom pattern. This signals a potential reversal in the downward trend.

WATER 價格一直在窄幅區間內盤整,在 0.001731 美元處找到支撐,形成雙底形態。這標誌著下降趨勢可能出現逆轉。

Bulls Regain Control


The double bottom support has bolstered bulls, pushing the price up to the $0.002366 resistance level. Bulls aim for higher highs, indicating a potential continuation of the uptrend.

雙底支撐支撐了多頭,將價格推升至 0.002366 美元的阻力位。多頭的目標是更高的高點,表明上升趨勢可能會持續。

Technical Indicators Point to Bullish Sentiment


  • The price is trading above both the 50 simple moving averages (SMA), supporting WATER's upward momentum.
  • The MACD average line has crossed above the signal line, with positive green histogram bars indicating increased investor interest.
  • The Relative Strength Index (RSI) has recovered from oversold levels, reaching 60 and approaching overbought territory, signaling intense buying pressure.

Bulls Targeting New Highs

價格交投於50 條簡單移動平均線(SMA) 之上,支撐了WATER 的上行勢頭。 RSI) 已恢復從超賣水平,達到60並接近超買區域,預示著巨大的買壓。

If WATER maintains its upward trajectory, it could rally back to its previous resistance level at $0.003545. If sustained, this suggests potential for WATER to reach its all-time high of $0.004958 in the coming weeks.

如果水價保持上漲軌跡,則可能反彈至先前的阻力位在 0.003545 美元。如果持續下去,這表明 WATER 有可能在未來幾週內達到 0.004958 美元的歷史高點。

Support and Resistance Levels


However, if WATER faces strong selling pressure, it could encounter key support at $0.001946. This level will be crucial in determining whether WATER continues to stabilize or experiences further decline.

然而,如果 WATER 面臨強勁的拋售壓力,它可能會在 0.001946 美元處遇到關鍵支撐。這一水平對於確定水是否繼續穩定或進一步下降至關重要。


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