Whale Transaction Alert: Nascent Swaps $3.41 Million Worth of MKR for PEPE and LDO
Whale 交易警報:Nascent 將價值 341 萬美元的 MKR 換成 PEPE 和 LDO
Nascent recently deposited 1,215 MKR tokens, valued at $3.41 million, into Binance. Subsequently, they withdrew 141.23 billion Pepe memecoins worth $1.57 million and 281,000 LDO tokens worth $503,000. Nascent also withdrew 3.4 million USDT from Binance.
Nascent 最近向幣安存入了 1,215 枚 MKR 代幣,價值 341 萬美元。隨後,他們撤回了價值 157 萬美元的 1,412.3 億個 Pepe memecoin 和價值 503,000 美元的 281,000 個 LDO 代幣。 Nascent 也從幣安提取了 340 萬 USDT。
According to reports, Nascent currently holds 608.85 billion Pepe tokens, with an estimated value of $7.5 million.
據報道,Nascent 目前持有 6,088.5 億個 Pepe 代幣,估計價值 750 萬美元。