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Whales Bought $27 Million Dogecoin: How High can Doge go?

鯨魚買了 2700 萬美元的狗狗幣:Doge 能漲到多高?

發布: 2024/02/08 06:12 閱讀: 543

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG


鯨魚買了 2700 萬美元的狗狗幣:Doge 能漲到多高?

In this article, we talk about Dogecoin, a popular digital currency. We look at how big investors are putting a lot of money into Dogecoin and what that might mean for its price.


Dogecoin’s Current Market Position and Updated Status

Right now, Dogecoin’s price is $0.07908, with a small increase of 0.44% in the last day. It reached a high of $0.07923 and a low of $0.07816. With people trading 277,095,331 DOGE and spending about $21,826,840.75 on it, the market’s mood is neutral, shown by an RSI of 46. Even though Dogecoin’s price dropped a little at the start of February 2024, the strong interest from big investors suggests it might start to rise.

狗狗幣目前的市場地位和更新狀態 目前,狗狗幣的價格為 0.07908 美元,最後一天小幅上漲 0.44%。其最高價為 0.07923 美元,最低價為 0.07816 美元。人們交易了277,095,331 DOGE 並花費了約21,826,840.75 美元,市場情緒呈中性,RSI 為46。儘管狗狗幣的價格在2024 年2 月初略有下跌,但大投資者的強烈興趣表明它可能會開始下跌。上升。

Dogecoin Whales on a Buying Spree

Whales have reportedly invested $27 million in Dogecoin, buying the cryptocurrency as its price dipped. This action has helped Dogecoin maintain a relatively stable price compared to other meme coins, which have seen more significant losses. These large holders now possess over 45 billion Dogecoin, indicating their strong belief in the coin’s potential rebound.

DOGE/USDT 1D – 交易視圖 狗狗幣鯨魚瘋狂買入 據報道,鯨魚已向狗狗幣投資 2700 萬美元,在價格下跌時買入這種加密貨幣。與其他遭受更嚴重損失的迷因幣相比,這項行動幫助狗狗幣保持了相對穩定的價格。這些大持有者目前擁有超過 450 億枚狗狗幣,顯示他們對狗狗幣潛在反彈的堅定信念。

The Potential for Dogecoin’s Price Increase

The question on everyone’s mind is whether Dogecoin can break away from the current market trends and start a recovery phase. The buying spree by whales, coupled with speculative traders now betting on a price increase, suggests a growing optimism. This optimism is further supported by historical patterns where significant buying by whales has often led to price rallies.

資料來源:Santiment 狗狗幣價格上漲的潛力 每個人都關心的問題是狗狗幣能否擺脫當前的市場趨勢並開始復甦階段。鯨魚的瘋狂購買,加上現在押注價格上漲的投機交易商,顯示樂觀情緒日益增強。這種樂觀情緒得到了歷史模式的進一步支持,即鯨魚的大量購買往往會導致價格上漲。

Dogecoin’s Price Forecast

With the current market dynamics, Dogecoin faces a critical resistance level at $0.088. Overcoming this barrier could pave the way for a surge towards $0.10. However, there’s also a risk of a downturn if the price falls below $0.067, though support at $0.072 might provide a cushion.

狗狗幣的價格預測 根據當前的市場動態,狗狗幣面臨 0.088 美元的關鍵阻力位。克服這一障礙可能會為價格飆升至 0.10 美元鋪平道路。然而,如果價格跌破 0.067 美元,也存在經濟下滑的風險,儘管 0.072 美元的支撐位可能會提供緩衝。


Doge’s journey in the cryptocurrency market is closely watched by investors and enthusiasts alike. The recent investment by whales highlights a strong belief in its potential for growth. As speculative traders join the bullish outlook, the stage is set for an interesting period ahead for Dogecoin. Whether it will reach the anticipated $0.10 mark remains to be seen, but the current trends and updated market status offer a glimmer of hope for its supporters.

結論 Doge 在加密貨幣市場的歷程受到投資者和愛好者的密切關注。鯨魚最近的投資凸顯了對其成長潛力的堅定信念。隨著投機交易者加入看漲前景,狗狗幣即將迎來一個有趣的時期。它是否會達到預期的 0.10 美元大關還有待觀察,但當前的趨勢和最新的市場狀況為其支持者帶來了一線希望。

Where to Buy Doge?

Bitget stands out as a reliable crypto exchange. It provides a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both beginners and experienced traders to navigate and make transactions at the lowest fees on the market. To get started with Bitget, you need to create an account, complete the necessary KYC procedures, and then you can begin trading a variety of altcoins available on the platform.

哪裡可以買道奇? Bitget 作為可靠的加密貨幣交易所脫穎而出。它提供了一個用戶友好的介面,使初學者和經驗豐富的交易者都可以輕鬆導航並以市場上最低的費用進行交易。要開始使用 Bitget,您需要建立一個帳戶,完成必要的 KYC 程序,然後您就可以開始交易平台上提供的各種山寨幣。


—> 點此購買加密貨幣

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