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Whales Dive into Dogecoin, Accumulate Massively; Rising AI Crypto Eclipses Chainlink

鯨魚潛入狗狗幣,大量累積;崛起的人工智慧加密貨幣讓 Chainlink 黯然失色

發布: 2024/03/02 19:30 閱讀: 429



The favorable SEC decision on Bitcoin ETF applications in January led to a rise in Bitcoin’s value, which had a ripple effect on many other cryptocurrencies. Two altcoins that have been in the spotlight recently are Dogecoin (DOGE) and emerging crypto, InQubeta (QUBE). Dogecoin is seeing a surge in interest, with whales accumulating DOGE on a massive scale. Meanwhile, InQubeta is gaining traction, with many analysts saying it’s eclipsing Chainlink (LINK). Let’s take a closer look at these developments.

1 月份 SEC 對比特幣 ETF 申請做出的有利決定導致比特幣價值上漲,這對許多其他加密貨幣產生了連鎖反應。最近備受關注的兩種山寨幣是狗狗幣(DOGE)和新興加密貨幣 InQubeta(QUBE)。隨著鯨魚大規模累積狗狗幣,狗狗幣的興趣激增。同時,InQubeta 正在獲得關注,許多分析師表示它正在超越 Chainlink (LINK)。讓我們仔細看看這些進展。

Whales Make a Splash with Dogecoin Accumulation


Dogecoin, one of the best meme coins to invest in that’s taken the internet by storm, is back in the spotlight as big-time investors start accumulating DOGE. A long line of transactions among DOGE wallets was tracked by Whale Alert this February. The first whale received $44 million worth of DOGE – amounting to 515 million tokens – and sent out 512 million of these – or $43 million – to another wallet. The second wallet then moved 400 million tokens worth above $34 million to yet another newly-created wallet. While some believe these transactions represent different DOGE whales, others think it’s one whale spreading their holdings before the anticipated bull run. 

狗狗幣是最值得投資的迷因幣之一,在網路上掀起了風暴,隨著大型投資者開始累積狗狗幣,狗狗幣又重新成為人們關注的焦點。今年 2 月,Whale Alert 追蹤到了 DOGE 錢包中的一長串交易。第一頭鯨魚收到了價值 4,400 萬美元的 DOGE(總計 5.15 億個代幣),並將其中 5.12 億個(即 4,300 萬美元)發送到另一個錢包。然後,第二個錢包將價值超過 3,400 萬美元的 4 億代幣轉移到另一個新創建的錢包中。雖然有些人認為這些交易代表了不同的 DOGE 鯨魚,但其他人則認為這是一隻鯨魚在預期的牛市之前分散了其持股。

So, what’s causing this sudden surge? Upgrades and wider adoption as a legitimate payment option have made DOGE a popular choice for investors and traders once again. And with technical analysis pointing to a steady climb toward $1 by 2025, it’s safe to say that DOGE will see even more interest in the coming months.

那麼,是什麼導致了這種突然飆升呢?作為合法支付選項的升級和更廣泛的採用使 DOGE 再次成為投資者和交易者的熱門選擇。技術分析表明,到 2025 年,DOGE 的價格將穩步攀升至 1 美元,因此可以肯定地說,DOGE 在未來幾個月將會受到更多關注。

InQubeta: Revolutionizing AI Investing with Crypto Crowdfunding


Now, let’s dive deeper into the groundbreaking world of InQubeta (QUBE). This innovative blockchain ICO project isn’t just another token – it’s a catalyst for change in the realm of AI investing.

現在,讓我們更深入地了解 InQubeta (QUBE) 的開創性世界。這個創新的區塊鏈 ICO 專案不僅僅是另一個代幣,它也是人工智慧投資領域變革的催化劑。

At the heart of InQubeta’s mission lies a simple yet powerful idea: to democratize access to funding for AI startups through the transformative power of crypto crowdfunding. In a landscape dominated by traditional venture capital, InQubeta offers a refreshing alternative that puts the power back into the hands of both startups and investors.

InQubeta 使命的核心在於一個簡單而強大的想法:透過加密眾籌的變革力量,使人工智慧新創公司獲得資金的管道民主化。在傳統創投主導的環境中,InQubeta 提供了一個令人耳目一新的選擇,將權力重新交給新創公司和投資者手中。

So, how does it work? InQubeta’s platform allows AI startups to mint trending NFTs representing equity investment opportunities. These NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, serve as digital representations of ownership in the startup, providing investors with fractionalized stakes in the company.

那麼它是怎樣工作的呢? InQubeta 的平台讓人工智慧新創公司鑄造代表股權投資機會的趨勢 NFT。這些 NFT(即不可替代代幣)作為新創公司所有權的數字表示,為投資者提供了公司的分散股權。

But here’s where it gets really exciting. By leveraging blockchain technology, InQubeta (QUBE) connects startups with a global network of potential investors, breaking down geographical barriers and opening up new avenues for fundraising. This streamlined approach not only simplifies the investment process but also fosters community support and engagement.

但這才是真正令人興奮的地方。透過利用區塊鏈技術,InQubeta (QUBE) 將新創公司與全球潛在投資者網路聯繫起來,打破地理障礙並開闢新的融資途徑。這種簡化的方法不僅簡化了投資流程,也促進了社區的支持和參與。

And it’s not just about raising capital – InQubeta (QUBE) is committed to supporting AI startups every step of the way. From mentorship and guidance to access to resources and networks, InQubeta provides startups with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive landscape.

這不僅僅是籌集資金——InQubeta (QUBE) 致力於支持人工智慧新創企業的每一步。從輔導和指導到獲取資源和網絡,InQubeta 為新創公司提供了在競爭環境中蓬勃發展所需的工具。

But what about the investors? Well, they’re not left out in the cold, either. InQubeta’s native token, QUBE, offers a host of benefits designed to incentivize long-term holding and engagement. With deflationary tokenomics that include a 2% buy/sell tax contributing to a burning wallet and a 5% tax going to a rewards pool, QUBE holders stand to reap the rewards of a thriving ecosystem.

但投資者呢?好吧,他們也沒有被冷落。 InQubeta 的原生代幣 QUBE 提供了一系列旨在激勵長期持有和參與的好處。通貨緊縮的代幣經濟學包括導致錢包燒毀的 2% 買賣稅和進入獎勵池的 5% 稅,QUBE 持有者將獲得蓬勃發展的生態系統的回報。

But perhaps the most compelling aspect of this best crypto investment is its potential to drive real-world impact. By backing AI startups leading the charge in innovation, InQubeta (QUBE) isn’t just putting money into companies – it’s investing in what’s next. This vision is attracting investors, shown by the more than $10.5 million raised by InQubeta in its presale.

但也許這種最佳加密貨幣投資最引人注目的方面是它推動現實世界影響的潛力。透過支持引領創新的人工智慧新創公司,InQubeta (QUBE) 不僅是向公司投入資金,更是對未來的投資。這一願景正在吸引投資者,InQubeta 在預售中籌集了超過 1,050 萬美元。



Dogecoin is in the spotlight as whales are seemingly on the move, accumulating DOGE ahead of an expected bull run. Meanwhile, with its game-changing strategies in crypto fundraising and deflationary tokenomics, InQubeta is eclipsing Chainlink and positioning itself as the best crypto for beginners.

狗狗幣成為人們關注的焦點,因為鯨魚似乎正在移動,在預期的牛市之前累積狗狗幣。同時,憑藉其在加密籌款和通貨緊縮代幣經濟學方面改變遊戲規則的策略,InQubeta 正在超越 Chainlink,並將自己定位為最適合初學者的加密貨幣。

So what are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Visit the InQubeta website and join their Twitter community to learn more about the project and participate in its presale.

還在等什麼?不要錯過一生難得的機會。造訪 InQubeta 網站並加入他們的 Twitter 社區,了解有關該專案的更多資訊並參與其預售。

Visit InQubeta Presale  | Join The InQubeta Communities

訪問 InQubeta 預售 |加入 InQubeta 社區

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The post Whales Dive into Dogecoin, Accumulate Massively; Rising AI Crypto Eclipses Chainlink appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

鯨魚潛入狗狗幣後,大量吸收;崛起的 AI 加密貨幣讓 Chainlink 黯然失色,Chainlink 首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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