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Whales Influence SHIB and PEPE Markets

鯨魚影響 SHIB 和 PEPE 市場

發布: 2024/06/25 16:03 閱讀: 389

原文作者:BH NEWS


鯨魚影響 SHIB 和 PEPE 市場

Whales Impact SHIB and PEPE Markets

鯨魚影響 SHIB 和 PEPE 市場



In the volatile cryptocurrency industry, substantial movements by large investors, or "whales," have sparked interest among market observers. Recent activities involving SHIB and PEPE on the Binance exchange have garnered attention.

在動盪的加密貨幣行業中,大型投資者或「鯨魚」的大幅舉動引起了市場觀察人士的興趣。最近幣安交易所涉及 SHIB 和 PEPE 的活動引起了關注。

Whale Activity in SHIB

SHIB 的鯨魚活動

A whale associated with address 0x42a deposited a significant amount of 1.088 trillion SHIB ($18.12 million) into Binance approximately 14 hours ago. This whale had acquired SHIB during the market downturn in November-December 2023, resulting in a 79% profit or estimated $8 million gain upon selling.

大約 14 小時前,與地址 0x42a 相關的鯨魚向幣安存入了大量 1.088 萬億個 SHIB(1812 萬美元)。這頭鯨魚在 2023 年 11 月至 12 月市場低迷期間收購了 SHIB,出售後獲得了 79% 的利潤或估計 800 萬美元的收益。

Whale Investment in PEPE


In contrast, whale 0x837 invested 700 billion PEPE ($7.83 million) into Binance just three hours ago. However, the whale retained 800 billion PEPE ($9.22 million). Unlike the SHIB investor, this whale faces an estimated loss of around $3.47 million or 15%.

相較之下,鯨魚0x837僅在三個小時前就向幣安投資了7000億PEPE(783萬美元)。然而,鯨魚保留了 8,000 億 PEPE(922 萬美元)。與 SHIB 投資者不同,這隻鯨魚預計面臨 347 萬美元或 15% 的損失。

Insights from Whale Movements


  • Whale transactions involving exchanges may indicate potential selling and price dips.
  • Entering the market during lows can yield significant profits.
  • Monitoring whale activity provides valuable insights into market trends.
  • Variation in investment outcomes emphasizes the importance of strategic entry points.



Recent whale activities in SHIB and PEPE demonstrate the profound impact of timing in the cryptocurrency market. While one whale profited by purchasing at a low, the other incurred losses due to a less favorable entry point. These actions may signal potential bearish trends and underscore the significance of strategic market entry for investors.

最近在 SHIB 和 PEPE 中的鯨魚活動證明了時機對加密貨幣市場的深遠影響。一隻鯨魚透過低價買入獲利,而另一隻鯨魚則因入場點不利而蒙受損失。這些行動可能預示著潛在的看跌趨勢,並強調了策略性市場進入對投資者的重要性。


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