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XLM vs. DOGE: Which Coin Will Hit the $1 Mark First In the Coming Days? FIND OUT NOW..

XLM vs. DOGE:未來幾天哪種代幣會先突破 1 美元大關?馬上去查..

發布: 2023/11/07 14:30 閱讀: 690

原文作者:CryptoTicker ENG


In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, the question of which coin will hit the $1 mark is a topic of hot debate. Today, we delve into an analysis of Stellar (XLM) and Dogecoin (DOGE) to determine which has the potential to reach this milestone first. We will use live data from CoinMarketCap as of November 6, 2023, to guide our analysis. Let’s take a look at this XLM vs. DOGE article in more detail.

在充滿活力的加密貨幣世界中,哪種貨幣將突破 1 美元大關是一個熱門話題。今天,我們深入分析 Stellar (XLM) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE),以確定哪一個有潛力首先達到這一里程碑。我們將使用截至 2023 年 11 月 6 日 CoinMarketCap 的即時數據來指導我們的分析。讓我們更詳細地看一下這篇 XLM 與 DOGE 的文章。

XLM vs. DOGE: Current Market Overview

XLM 與 DOGE:當前市場概覽

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

  • Price: $0.07327
  • 價格:0.07327 美元

  • Market Cap: $10,384,066,692
  • 市值:10,384,066,692 美元

  • Circulating Supply: 141,718,506,383.70526 DOGE
  • 流通量:141,718,506,383.70526 DOGE

  • Max Supply: Infinite
  • 最大供應量:無限

  • Market Cap Rank: 9
  • 市值排名:9


—> 點此購買狗狗幣

Stellar (XLM)

恆星幣 (XLM)

  • Price: $0.13381
  • 價格:0.13381 美元

  • Market Cap: $3,736,708,172.26
  • 市值:3,736,708,172.26 美元

  • Circulating Supply: 27,923,613,481.16362 XLM
  • 流通量:27,923,613,481.16362 XLM

  • Max Supply: 50,001,806,812 XLM
  • 最大供應量:50,001,806,812 XLM

  • Market Cap Rank: 21
  • 市值排名:21


—> 點此購買 XLM 幣

XLM vs. DOGE: Price Trajectory and Historical Performance

XLM 與 DOGE:價格軌跡與歷史表現

Historically, both Stellar and Dogecoin have had their share of significant highs and lows. Dogecoin initially started as a meme, has seen a surge in popularity and price, especially during social media-fueled events. On the other hand, Stellar has been more focused on its mission to revolutionize cross-border payments, which may not have the same viral appeal but offers a solid use case. So, let’s try to analyze more in this XLM vs. DOGE comparison.

從歷史上看,恆星幣和狗狗幣都曾經歷過顯著的高點和低點。狗狗幣最初是作為一種迷因而出現的,其受歡迎程度和價格都在飆升,尤其是在社交媒體推動的活動期間。另一方面,Stellar 更專注於其徹底改變跨境支付的使命,這可能沒有相同的病毒式吸引力,但提供了可靠的用例。因此,讓我們嘗試在 XLM 與 DOGE 的比較中進行更多分析。

XLM vs. DOGE: Technical Analysis

XLM 與 DOGE:技術分析

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Dogecoin has shown resilience and loyal community backing. However, its infinite supply poses a challenge to its value appreciation. For DOGE to reach $1, it would require a market cap of approximately $141.7 billion, a significant leap from its current market cap. This would require substantial investor interest and a broader market rally.

狗狗幣展現了韌性和忠誠的社群支持。然而,其無限的供應對其升值提出了挑戰。 DOGE 要達到 1 美元,需要約 1,417 億美元的市值,比目前的市值有顯著飛躍。這需要投資者的巨大興趣和更廣泛的市場反彈。

Stellar (XLM)

恆星幣 (XLM)

Stellar’s price is closer to the $1 mark than Dogecoin’s. With a max supply cap, it has a deflationary aspect that could potentially drive up its price. To reach $1, Stellar’s market cap would need to be around $50 billion, which is a smaller gap to bridge compared to Dogecoin.

Stellar 的價格比狗狗幣更接近 1 美元。由於存在最大供應上限,它具有通貨緊縮的一面,可能會推高其價格。要達到 1 美元,Stellar 的市值需要達到 500 億美元左右,與狗狗幣相比,這個差距要小一些。

XLM vs. DOGE: Fundamental Analysis

XLM 與 DOGE:基本面分析

Dogecoin (DOGE)

狗狗幣 (DOGE)

Dogecoin’s main appeal is its brand and the community behind it. While it has been adopted for tipping and small transactions, it lacks the institutional backing and use case that typically drives long-term value.


Stellar (XLM)

恆星幣 (XLM)

Stellar’s network is designed for enterprise use and has partnerships with established companies. Its protocol for cross-border transactions and micro-transactions positions it well for adoption in the financial sector.

Stellar 的網路專為企業使用而設計,並與知名公司建立了合作夥伴關係。其跨境交易和小額交易協議非常適合在金融領域採用。

XLM vs. DOGE: The Path to $1

XLM 與 DOGE:通往 1 美元之路

Considering the technical and fundamental factors, Stellar appears to have a more structured path to reaching the $1 mark. Its lower required market cap increase, combined with a max supply limit and solid use case, gives it an edge over Dogecoin.

考慮到技術和基本面因素,Stellar 似乎有一條更結構化的路徑來達到 1 美元大關。其較低的市值成長要求,加上最大供應限制和可靠的用例,使其比狗狗幣更具優勢。

Potential Catalysts


For Stellar, further adoption by financial institutions and expansion of its payment network could serve as catalysts for price increases. For Dogecoin, celebrity endorsements or large-scale retail adoption could spur rapid price movements.




While both cryptocurrencies have unique advantages, Stellar’s (XLM) current market position, finite supply, and use case provide a more realistic foundation for it to reach $1 before Dogecoin. However, in the volatile and unpredictable crypto market, external factors such as regulatory changes, market sentiment, and technological developments could sway the odds in favor of either cryptocurrency. Investors should conduct their research and consider the risks before investing, as the crypto market is known for its volatility and unpredictability.

雖然這兩種加密貨幣都具有獨特的優勢,但 Stellar (XLM) 目前的市場地位、有限的供應和用例為其先於狗狗幣達到 1 美元提供了更現實的基礎。然而,在波動且不可預測的加密貨幣市場中,監管變化、市場情緒和技術發展等外部因素可能會影響任何一種加密貨幣的勝算。投資者在投資前應進行研究並考慮風險,因為加密貨幣市場以其波動性和不可預測性而聞名。

How to Buy Cryptocurrencies?


For those looking to buy cryptos, Bitget is an excellent platform to consider. Known for its low transaction fees and user-friendly interface, Bitget facilitates an easy and efficient process for buying and selling cryptocurrencies. Given the current positive trend in crypto prices and the optimistic outlook of the cryptocurrency market, now might be a strategic time to consider adding cryptocurrencies to your investment portfolio.

對於想要購買加密貨幣的人來說,Bitget 是一個值得考慮的絕佳平台。 Bitget 以其低廉的交易費用和用戶友好的介面而聞名,它促進了簡單高效的加密貨幣買賣流程。鑑於當前加密貨幣價格的積極趨勢以及加密貨幣市場的樂觀前景,現在可能是考慮將加密貨幣添加到您的投資組合中的策略時機。


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