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This is when XRP might breakout amid lingering SEC uncertainty

在 SEC 揮之不去的不確定性中,XRP 可能會在此時突破

發布: 2023/11/11 18:20 閱讀: 436



The value of XRP continues to trade in tandem with the broader cryptocurrency market, but the digital asset stands out as a focal point due to ongoing developments surrounding the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) case against Ripple. 

XRP 的價值繼續與更廣泛的加密貨幣市場同步交易,但由於美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 針對 Ripple 案件的持續進展,該數位資產成為焦點。

While the legal proceedings have partly catalyzed previous rallies in XRP, analysts are now focusing on the token’s historical correlation with Bitcoin (BTC), deeming it a noteworthy factor to monitor for a potential breakout.

雖然法律訴訟在一定程度上促進了 XRP 之前的上漲,但分析師現在關注的是該代幣與比特幣 (BTC) 的歷史相關性,認為這是監控潛在突破的一個值得注意的因素。

Particularly, crypto analyst Cryptoinsightuk, in an X (formerly Twitter) post on November 10, pointed to a compelling narrative for XRP’s potential breakthrough, drawing attention to its historical lag behind Bitcoin price action. 

特別是,加密貨幣分析師 Cryptoinsightuk 在 11 月 10 日的 X(前 Twitter)帖子中指出了 XRP 潛在突破的令人信服的敘述,引起人們對其歷史上落後於比特幣價格走勢的關注。

According to Cryptoinsightuk, there’s a discernible pattern where XRP breakouts gradually align with the maiden cryptocurrency’s movements.

根據 Cryptoinsightuk 的說法,XRP 的突破有一種明顯的模式,它逐漸與首次加密貨幣的走勢保持一致。



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The Analysis highlights two key instances: the initial breakout, which took 22 days, and the subsequent pump, which condensed the timeline to 13 days. Extrapolating this trend suggests a prospective breakout date of November 15, a date likely to act as a turning point for XRP. 

該分析強調了兩個關鍵實例:最初的突破需要 22 天,而隨後的上漲則將時間縮短至 13 天。推斷這一趨勢表明,預期突破日期為 11 月 15 日,這一日期可能成為 XRP 的轉捩點。

Adding another layer to the Analysis, the four-hour timeframe reveals that XRP has had the opportunity to cool off, prompting questions about whether a reversal to the upside is imminent. 

為分析添加另一層內容,四個小時的時間框架顯示 XRP 有機會降溫,引發人們對上漲趨勢是否即將逆轉的疑問。

SEC vs. Ripple

SEC 與瑞波幣

Despite the exhilarating prospects painted by the technical Analysis, there is lingering caution. The regulatory overhang, particularly the impending close of the SEC and blockchain company case. 


Notably, after Ripple’s court victory against the SEC, where Judge Analisa Torres ruled that retail XRP sales weren’t securities sales, both parties submitted to her an agreed-upon 90-day schedule for settlement discussions. 

值得注意的是,在 Ripple 在法庭上戰勝 SEC(法官 Analisa Torres 裁定零售 XRP 銷售不屬於證券銷售)後,雙方向她提交了商定的 90 天和解討論時間表。

As reported by Finbold, Ripple consented to the SEC’s proposed timeline for remedies-related discovery, with the condition that it is confined to the period preceding the lawsuit.

根據 Finbold 報導,Ripple 同意 SEC 提議的與補救措施相關的發現時間表,條件是該時間表僅限於訴訟之前的時期。

The regulator suggested 90 days for remedies-related discovery, beginning with the court’s scheduling order. The SEC aims to introduce post-complaint evidence for injunctive and monetary claims, but Ripple retains the right to oppose. If allowed, Ripple would need court permission to extend the discovery deadline.

監管機構建議,從法院的排期命令開始,與補救措施相關的發現需要 90 天的時間。 SEC 旨在引入針對禁令和金錢索賠的投訴後證據,但 Ripple 保留反對權。如果允許,Ripple 將需要法院許可才能延長發現期限。

Following the conclusion of the court case, the outstanding issue revolves around determining the damages Ripple must pay, as the judge ruled that XRP sales to institutional investors, unlike retail buyers, constituted securities sales.

法庭案件結束後,懸而未決的問題圍繞著確定 Ripple 必須支付的損害賠償金,因為法官裁定,與散戶買家不同,向機構投資者出售 XRP 構成證券銷售。

XRP price analysis


XRP was valued at $0.66 by press time, reflecting daily gains of over 1%. On the weekly chart, XRP shows an impressive increase of nearly 7%.

截至發稿時,XRP 估值為 0.66 美元,每日漲幅超過 1%。在周線圖上,XRP 顯示近 7% 的驚人漲幅。

In terms of technical analysis, bullish sentiments dominate XRP. One-day indicators from TradingView suggest a ‘buy’ sentiment at 15, with moving averages signaling a ‘strong buy’ at 13. Oscillators are neutral at 8.

技術分析方面,看漲情緒主導 XRP。 TradingView 的一日指標顯示「買入」情緒為 15,移動平均線顯示「強勁買入」為 13。振盪指標為中性,為 8。

Meanwhile, XRP is on a bullish trajectory, aiming for the $1 mark, the main resistant point. 

與此同時,XRP 正處於看漲軌道,目標是主要阻力位 1 美元大關。

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/this-is-when-xrp-might-breakout-amid-lingering-sec-uncertainty-tbt69934.html



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