首頁 > 資訊新聞 > XRP 和 DOGE 為復甦而戰——InQubeta (QUBE) 為下一個預售階段做準備,價格飆升 13%

XRP and DOGE Fight for Recovery – InQubeta (QUBE) Prepares for Next Presale Stage, a Whopping 13% Price Surge

XRP 和 DOGE 為復甦而戰——InQubeta (QUBE) 為下一個預售階段做準備,價格飆升 13%

發布: 2024/02/06 20:31 閱讀: 769

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post XRP and DOGE Fight for Recovery – InQubeta (QUBE) Prepares for Next Presale Stage, a Whopping 13% Price Surge appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

XRP 和 DOGE 為復甦而戰——InQubeta (QUBE) 為下一個預售階段做準備,價格飆升 13% 最先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞

The market downturn that followed the SEC decision on Bitcoin ETFs has seen Ripple (XRP) and Dogecoin (DOGE) dip even further. Fighting for recovery, investors have shifted their focus away from these top altcoins, with eyes peeled for more promising investment opportunities.

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 對比特幣 ETF 做出決定後市場低迷,瑞波幣 (XRP) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 進一步下跌。為了爭取經濟復甦,投資人已將注意力從這些頂級山寨幣轉移,轉而尋找更有前景的投資機會。

Meanwhile, InQubeta (QUBE), a new and promising ICO, nears the next stage of its presale—a whopping 13% rally. With further upside anticipated after its launch, it is arguably the best new crypto to invest in.

同時,InQubeta (QUBE),一個新的、有前途的 ICO,即將進入預售的下一階段——漲幅高達 13%。由於預計推出後將有進一步的上漲空間,它可以說是最值得投資的新加密貨幣。

InQubeta (QUBE): A 13% Price Increase in the Next ICO Stage

InQubeta (QUBE):下一階段 ICO 價格上漲 13%

InQubeta (QUBE) is among the most talked about in the ICO space. It stands out from most of the new ICOs in several areas, making it a favourite. Recently soaring past $8.6 million in early funding, it makes a compelling case as the best ICO. 

InQubeta (QUBE) 是 ICO 領域最受關注的議題之一。它在多個領域從大多數新的 ICO 中脫穎而出,使其成為最受歡迎的項目。最近,其早期融資額飆升至 860 萬美元,成為最佳 ICO 的有力案例。

The presale is currently in the seventh stage, and a token costs only $0.0224. With investors swarming the ICO, aiming to ride its massive bullish wave, it has been selling out really fast. Poised to enter the next stage, the price will rally to $0.0255—a whopping 13.84% increase. Simply participating in the ICO is a promising play. Meanwhile, according to experts, there will be a 60x rally after its launch.

目前預售已進入第七階段,一枚代幣僅需 0.0224 美元。隨著投資者蜂擁而至 ICO,希望能夠駕馭其巨大的看漲浪潮,它的銷售速度非常快。準備進入下一階段,價格將上漲至 0.0255 美元,漲幅高達 13.84%。僅僅參與 ICO 就是一種有前景的玩法。同時,據專家稱,推出後將出現60倍的上漲。

It aims to solve critical issues within the fast-rising AI market. By employing a fractional investment model and tokenizing real-world AI investments, it intends to solve the fundraising and accessibility challenges within the AI sector.


Ripple (XRP): Bearish Woes Continue


Ripple’s (XRP) woes continue, and an end doesn’t seem to be near—at least not yet. It recently lost the $0.5 support, with the bulls failing to muster enough strength. At the time of writing, the price continues its oscillation around this level. Token holders probably deserve better.

Ripple(XRP)的困境仍在繼續,而且似乎還沒有結束——至少現在還沒有。最近失去了 0.5 美元的支撐位,多頭未能聚集足夠的力量。截至撰寫本文時,價格繼續圍繞著該水平振盪。代幣持有者可能應該得到更好的待遇。

The decline in the price of XRP is largely due to its ongoing legal battle with the US SEC. The trajectory of the lawsuit—with the final result expected this year—will determine its next move. Till then, speculation continues, although analysts and holders remain optimistic.

XRP 價格的下跌很大程度上是由於其與美國 SEC 持續的法律鬥爭。該訴訟的軌跡——預計今年的最終結果——將決定其下一步。在此之前,儘管分析師和持有者仍保持樂觀態度,但猜測仍在繼續。

It gained slight traction of late, which many are hoping the bulls will hold. Only time will tell if XRP is a good crypto to buy at the current level. Till then, exercise caution.

它最近獲得了輕微的牽引力,許多人希望多頭能夠堅持下去。只有時間才能證明 XRP 在當前水準上是否是一個值得購買的好加密貨幣。在那之前,請保持謹慎。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Incoming Rally


Dogecoin (DOGE) is the first meme coin—the OG of memes. At least it has this to boast about, given its recent underwhelming performance. The rise in investor sentiment post BTC ETF has been unable to muster a significant rise in the price of DOGE as its struggle with bearish pressure continues.

狗狗幣(DOGE)是第一個模因幣——模因的 OG。考慮到其最近表現不佳,至少它有這一點值得誇耀。 BTC ETF 後投資者情緒的上升未能帶動 DOGE 價格大幅上漲,因為 DOGE 仍在與看跌壓力作鬥爭。

Nevertheless, the bulls are putting up a very good fight—unlike some top crypto coins. If you have been following the chart, you will notice a spike in its momentum. This has been enough to spark enthusiasm within the DOGE community.

儘管如此,與一些頂級加密貨幣不同,多頭正在進行一場非常激烈的戰鬥。如果您一直關注該圖表,您會注意到其勢頭出現峰值。這足以激發 DOGE 社區的熱情。

The coming days might be promising, that is if experts’ bullish predictions play out. Nevertheless, Dogecoin is still one of the best cryptos to buy now. Its current price is really a steal.




XRP and Dogecoin have been facing bearish pressure, with analysts and token holders hoping for a bounceback. Meanwhile, InQubeta is preparing for a cool 13% surge as the presale continues. If you wish to become an early QUBE holder, click the link below.

XRP 和狗狗幣一直面臨看跌壓力,分析師和代幣持有者希望反彈。同時,隨著預售的持續,InQubeta 正在為 13% 的強勁成長做好準備。如果您想成為 QUBE 早期持有者,請點擊下面的連結。

Visit InQubeta Presale 

訪問 InQubeta 預售

Join The InQubeta Communities

加入 InQubeta 社區


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