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XRP and Dogecoin (DOGE) Holders Benefit from Coin98's Latest Integration

XRP 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 持有者受益於 Coin98 的最新整合

發布: 2023/11/28 20:15 閱讀: 682



XRP 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 持有者受益於 Coin98 的最新整合

Coin98, a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, made significant strides today with two key announcements, shaping a more inclusive landscape for cryptocurrency users. 

去中心化金融 (DeFi) 平台 Coin98 今天取得了重大進展,發布了兩項重要公告,為加密貨幣用戶塑造了一個更具包容性的格局。

The focal point is the integration of XRP Ledger and Dogecoin into the latest versions of Coin98 Super Wallet and Coin98 Extension, bringing tangible benefits to holders of these digital assets.

重點是將 XRP Ledger 和 Dogecoin 整合到最新版本的 Coin98 超級錢包和 Coin98 擴充功能中,為這些數位資產的持有者帶來切實的好處。

The first announcement brings XRP Ledger (XRPL), an open-source Layer-1 blockchain renowned for its native asset, XRP. With a global community of businesses and developers, XRPL has become a hub for innovative projects spanning payments, tokenization, gaming, asset custody, NFTs and DeFi. 

第一個公告帶來了 XRP Ledger (XRPL),這是一個以其原生資產 XRP 聞名的開源 Layer-1 區塊鏈。憑藉全球企業和開發者社區,XRPL 已成為涵蓋支付、代幣化、遊戲、資產託管、NFT 和 DeFi 等創新項目的中心。

Coin98 users can now seamlessly manage their XRPL assets through the user-friendly interface of Coin98 Super Wallet and gain access to a plethora of XRP Ledger-supported decentralized applications via the built-in dApp browser.

Coin98 用戶現在可以透過 Coin98 超級錢包的用戶友好介面無縫管理其 XRPL 資產,並透過內建 dApp 瀏覽器存取大量 XRP Ledger 支援的去中心化應用程式。

In a parallel move, Coin98 has integrated Dogecoin into its Super Wallet and Extension. Dogecoin, recognized for its emphasis on utility and inclusion, and of course DOGE token, finds a home within Coin98's user-friendly environment. Leveraging proof-of-work technology, Dogecoin offers faster transaction speeds and enhanced consumer friendliness, contributing to Coin98's multichain capabilities.

同時,Coin98 已將狗狗幣整合到其超級錢包和擴充中。狗狗幣因其強調實用性和包容性而聞名,當然還有 DOGE 代幣,它在 Coin98 的用戶友好環境中找到了歸宿。利用工作量證明技術,狗狗幣提供更快的交易速度並增強消費者友善性,為 Coin98 的多鏈功能做出貢獻。

The integration of XRP Ledger and Dogecoin enables Coin98 users and DOGE and XRP holders to easily explore the unique features and benefits of these networks within the convenience of the Super Wallet. 

XRP Ledger 和 Dogecoin 的整合使 Coin98 用戶以及 DOGE 和 XRP 持有者能夠在超級錢包的便利下輕鬆探索這些網路的獨特功能和優勢。

This development marks a pragmatic step forward in Coin98's role as a facilitator of cross-chain interactions, providing users with more options and flexibility in managing their crypto assets.



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