首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 1,900 多個 XRP 百萬富翁錢包適應市場變化,價格做出反應

1,900+ XRP Millionaire Wallets Adapt Amid Market Shifts, Price Responds

1,900 多個 XRP 百萬富翁錢包適應市場變化,價格做出反應

發布: 2023/11/26 09:58 閱讀: 317

原文作者:Crypto News Land


1,900 多個 XRP 百萬富翁錢包適應市場變化,價格做出反應

  • Over 1,900 XRP wallets maintain holdings of over one million XRP despite a decline, indicating sustained interest in the asset.
  • 儘管 XRP 有所下降,但仍有超過 1,900 個 XRP 錢包持有超過 100 萬個 XRP,這表明對該資產的持續興趣。

  • Reduction in the millionaire addresses signals selling pressure, yet accumulation is observed in certain investor categories.
  • 百萬富翁地址的減少表明拋售壓力,但在某些投資者類別中觀察到了累積。

  • XRP price is predicted to rise by 32.23% to reach $0.823460 by November 30, 2023.
  • 到 2023 年 11 月 30 日,XRP 價格預計將上漲 32.23%,達到 0.823460 美元。

The XRP Ledger (XRPL) has experienced a discernible decrease in addresses classified as XRP millionaires, a move attributed to intensifying selling pressure within the market. However, within this fluctuation, an interesting trend emerges as specific investor categories showcase a penchant for accumulation despite the overarching reduction in millionaire addresses.

XRP Ledger (XRPL) 中被歸類為 XRP 百萬富翁的地址明顯減少,此舉歸因於市場內拋售壓力的加劇。然而,在這種波動中,出現了一個有趣的趨勢,儘管百萬富翁地址大幅減少,但特定投資者類別卻表現出累積的傾向。

Rich-list.info, a community-driven resource tracking XRPL-based wallet data, highlighted a decline in the number of addresses holding at least one million XRP from its previous count. This decline, from 1,994 to 1,961, implies a decrease of 33 addresses losing their millionaire status due to reduced balances. The majority of this reduction primarily affected accounts holding between one million and five million XRP, indicating a strategic shift in holdings within this tier.

Rich-list.info 是一個社區驅動的資源追蹤基於 XRPL 的錢包數據,它強調持有至少 100 萬 XRP 的地址數量較之前的統計有所下降。從 1,994 個下降到 1,961 個,意味著由於餘額減少而失去百萬富翁地位的地址減少了 33 個。此次減少的大部分主要影響了持有 100 萬至 500 萬 XRP 的帳戶,顯示這一級別的持有量發生了策略轉變。

Interestingly, while the segment of addresses holding between five million and ten million XRP also saw a reduction from 157 to 150 and a decrease in cumulative balances, addresses possessing 10 to 20 million XRP experienced growth. The number of wallets within this category expanded from 154 to 159, concurrently witnessing an increase in the total balance held—an intriguing development amid the overall landscape of reduced millionaire addresses.

有趣的是,雖然持有 500 萬至 1000 萬 XRP 的地址段也從 157 個減少到 150 個,並且累計餘額也減少,但持有 10 至 2000 萬個 XRP 的地址卻出現了增長。該類別的錢包數量從 154 個增加到 159 個,同時持有的總餘額也有所增加——在百萬富翁地址減少的整體格局中,這是一個有趣的發展。

Moreover, the outlook for XRP appears positive according to CoinCodex’s prediction, forecasting a promising 32.23% price surge, envisioning XRP reaching $0.823460 by November 30, 2023. These projections align with bullish sentiment in the market, accentuating the potential for growth despite recent fluctuations and showcasing a favorable time frame for considering investment in XRP.

此外,根據CoinCodex 的預測,XRP 的前景似乎很樂觀,預計XRP 的價格將上漲32.23%,預計到2023 年11 月30 日將達到0.823460 美元。這些預測與市場的看漲情緒相一致,凸顯了儘管近期波動和波動,但其成長潛力。顯示了考慮投資 XRP 的有利時間框架。

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The post 1,900+ XRP Millionaire Wallets Adapt Amid Market Shifts, Price Responds appeared first on Crypto News Land.

1,900+ XRP 百萬富翁錢包適應市場變化、價格反應的帖子首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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