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XRP price spikes after fake BlackRock ETF filing

假 BlackRock ETF 備案後 XRP 價格飆漲

發布: 2023/11/28 20:59 閱讀: 781



After news of BlackRock’s exchange-traded fund (ETF) filling broke out, XRP‘s (XRP) value spiked by 10%, albeit shortly, before returning to its previous valuation.

在貝萊德交易所交易基金 (ETF) 充值的消息傳出後,XRP (XRP) 的價值飆升了 10%,儘管時間很短,但隨後又回到了先前的估值。

It turned out that the filing of iShares ETF initially believed to be by BlackRock, was fake, with a submission made to the Delaware Divisions of Corporations and published on their website.

事實證明,最初被認為是貝萊德提交的 iShares ETF 的申請是假的,該申請已提交給特拉華州公司分部並發佈在其網站上。

The fake filing included information consistent with the company’s previous filings, such as the registered agent’s name and address. While resembling earlier ETF filings for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), this one specifically mentioned XRP.

虛假文件包含與該公司先前提交的文件一致的信息,例如註冊代理人的姓名和地址。雖然與先前針對比特幣 (BTC) 和以太坊 (ETH) 的 ETF 申請類似,但這份申請特別提到了 XRP。

Questions emerged regarding the iShares XRP Trust filing, as it remained actively listed on the ICIS Delaware website. 

關於 iShares XRP Trust 備案的問題出現了,因為它仍然活躍地列在 ICIS 特拉華州網站上。



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The listing raised doubts about claims of its falsity, as one would expect a fraudulent filing to have been removed promptly.


Moreover, the application process for such filings demands stringent verification protocols. This includes the requirement of two notarized witnesses and the obligatory signature of the Grantor on the documents. 


Additionally, registered agents are mandated to verify the client’s identity thoroughly before agreeing to represent them in the filing process. These rigorous procedures initially blended weight to the argument favoring the filing’s authenticity.


Yet, these claims were disputed by BlackRock to ETF analyst for Bloomberg Eric Balchunas on November 13.

然而,貝萊德於 11 月 13 日向彭博社 ETF 分析師 Eric Balchunas 提出了質疑。

After users on X first noticed the filing, there was a subsequent 12% increase in the price of XRP. However, once it was confirmed that the filing was fraudulent, the price retreated to its previous level of $0.66.

X 上的用戶首次注意到申請後,XRP 的價格隨後上漲了 12%。然而,一旦確認申請有詐欺行為,價格就回落至先前的 0.66 美元水準。

Community reaction to the news


The news of fake filling sent ripples all over the crypto community, which in turn caused the spike and eventual retracement in the price of XRP. Leading journalists in the space to remind traders about the consequences of trading based on speculation.

假充值的消息在整個加密社區引起了軒然大波,進而導致 XRP 價格飆升並最終回落。該領域的主要記者提醒交易者基於投機進行交易的後果。

A similar event occurred a month ago when Cointelegraph falsely reported news of the Securities Exchange Commission’s (SEC) approval of BlackRock’s iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF.

一個月前也發生過類似事件,當時 Cointelegraph 錯誤報導了美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 批准貝萊德 iShares 比特幣信託 ETF 的訊息。

XRP price analysis


At the time of press, XRP was trading at $0.65, experiencing a downturn in value of -0.11% in the previous 24 hours, which comes after a negative change of -4.88% in a 7-day period, contrary to the gains made over the 30 days period that amounted to 34.19%.

截至發稿時,XRP 的交易價格為 0.65 美元,在過去 24 小時內經歷了 -0.11% 的下跌,此前 7 天內出現了 -4.88% 的負變化,與之前的漲幅相反30天期間達34.19%。

These value changes can largely be attributed to the attention to the ongoing developments surrounding the Ripple vs. SEC case and the eagerness of investors to find out what impact its resolution will have on this crypto.

這些價值變化很大程度上歸因於人們對 Ripple v. SEC 案件持續進展的關注,以及投資者渴望了解其解決方案將對這種加密貨幣產生什麼影響。

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/xrp-price-spikes-after-fake-blackrock-etf-filing-tbt70212.html



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