首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Pushd 欲改變電子商務,XRP 飆升,Avalanche 超越狗狗幣

XRP Soars, Avalanche Overtakes Dogecoin as Pushd Set to Transform eCommerce

Pushd 欲改變電子商務,XRP 飆升,Avalanche 超越狗狗幣

發布: 2023/12/30 20:37 閱讀: 622



Pushd 欲改變電子商務,XRP 飆升,Avalanche 超越狗狗幣

December has been a bullish month for most of the cryptocurrency market. While XRP hasn’t been one of the biggest gainers, its recent break above the $0.6200 resistance could see the coin snap a 5-year losing streak.

對於大多數加密貨幣市場來說,12 月是一個看漲的月份。雖然 XRP 並不是漲幅最大的貨幣之一,但最近突破 0.6200 美元阻力位可能會結束該貨幣連續 5 年的下跌。

A major gainer from December’s uptrend, Avalanche (AVAX) has now overtaken Dogecoin (DOGE) to become the ninth-largest crypto. Meanwhile, Pushd has burst into the limelight with a new decentralized marketplace aimed at transforming eCommerce. Let’s go deeper into these trends.

Avalanche (AVAX) 是 12 月上漲趨勢中的主要贏家,現已超越狗狗幣 (DOGE),成為第九大加密貨幣。同時,Pushd 憑藉旨在改變電子商務的新去中心化市場而成為眾人矚目的焦點。讓我們更深入地了解這些趨勢。

XRP Looks Set To Snap a 5-Year Losing Streak

XRP 預計結束 5 年連續下跌

Since 2018, Ripple (XRP) has ended every December with losses. CryptoRank reported the historical bearish pattern, with the SEC lawsuit against Ripple in December 2020 playing a part in the extension of the losing streak. 

自 2018 年以來,瑞波幣 (XRP) 每年 12 月都會虧損。 CryptoRank 報告了歷史上的看跌模式,2020 年 12 月 SEC 對 Ripple 提起的訴訟在延續跌勢中發揮了作用。

However, the Ripple (XRP) coin now looks set to break this losing streak with its recent price rise. The price of XRP recently climbed above the $0.6200 resistance, better than the $0.600 level it started in December 2023 trading.

然而,隨著最近價格的上漲,瑞波幣(XRP)現在看起來將打破這種連續下跌的局面。 XRP 的價格最近攀升至 0.6200 美元阻力位上方,優於 2023 年 12 月交易時開始的 0.600 美元水準。

Despite its recent price increase, the Ripple (XRP) price has largely underperformed. Since October, Ripple XRP has increased by 24%, compared to the 61% increase of Bitcoin and over 450% of Solana. The Ripple (XRP) price predictions still remain positive, with EGRAG CRYPTO saying a price target of $27 is possible by 2025.

儘管最近價格有所上漲,但瑞波幣(XRP)的價格在很大程度上表現不佳。自 10 月以來,Ripple XRP 上漲了 24%,而比特幣上漲了 61%,Solana 上漲了 450% 以上。 Ripple (XRP) 的價格預測仍然樂觀,EGRAG CRYPTO 表示到 2025 年可能將目標價定為 27 美元。

Avalanche (AVAX) Overtakes Dogecoin 

Avalanche (AVAX) 超越狗狗幣

One of the frontliners of the recent market surge has been Avalanche (AVAX). Since October, the Avalanche crypto price has increased from $9 to $46.2 in December. This rapid increase has seen the Avalanche coin overtake Dogecoin as the ninth-largest crypto.

Avalanche (AVAX) 是近期市場飆升的前線之一。自 10 月以來,Avalanche 加密貨幣價格從 9 美元上漲到 12 月的 46.2 美元。這種快速增長使雪崩幣超越狗狗幣成為第九大加密貨幣。

AVAX now has a market capitalization of $16.9 billion, whereas Dogecoin is valued at $13.1 billion. The AVAX price has risen as the project announced that it will focus on real-world assets (RWAs) and GameFi in 2024.

AVAX 目前的市值為 169 億美元,而狗狗幣的估值為 131 億美元。隨著該項目宣布將在 2024 年專注於現實世界資產(RWA)和 GameFi,AVAX 價格有所上漲。

To achieve this aim, Avalanche has entered strategic partnerships with JPMorgan Chase and CitiBank. Both leading banks will leverage the Avalanche blockchain and its subnets to develop RWA projects.

為了實現這一目標,Avalanche 已與摩根大通和花旗銀行建立策略合作夥伴關係。兩家領先的銀行將利用 Avalanche 區塊鏈及其子網路來開發 RWA 專案。

Pushd Set To Transform the eCommerce Industry

Pushd 將改變電子商務產業

eCommerce is one of the fastest-growing industries and is set to hit $6 trillion by the end of 2024. However, several problems have made it difficult for both sellers and buyers to seamlessly operate in the industry. Pushd has leveraged the exciting blockchain technology to build the world’s first decentralized marketplace and solve many of these problems.

電子商務是成長最快的行業之一,預計到 2024 年底將達到 6 兆美元。然而,一些問題使得賣家和買家都難以在該行業無縫運作。 Pushd 利用令人興奮的區塊鏈技術建立了世界上第一個去中心化市場並解決了其中許多問題。

One major issue with eCommerce platforms is the high fees required to list products. That, in turn, affects buyers as sellers and vendors increase their prices to cover these costs. Pushd has solved this by removing product listing fees from its platform. 

電子商務平台的一個主要問題是列出產品所需的高額費用。這反過來又會影響買家,因為賣家和供應商會提高價格來支付這些成本。 Pushd 透過從其平台上取消產品清單費用來解決這個問題。

Because Pushd operates on a blockchain, transactions are fast, immutable, and transparent. Sellers and vendors no longer need to wait for long periods to get their funds, like the 90-day wait period on PayPal. 

由於 Pushd 在區塊鏈上運行,因此交易快速、不可變且透明。賣家和供應商不再需要等待很長時間才能收到資金,例如 PayPal 的 90 天等待期。

As soon as the transactions are confirmed on the blockchain, vendors can receive their payments with cryptocurrencies. It will allow them to scale their businesses on Pushd. The PUSHD token is used for transactions on the platform. 

一旦交易在區塊鏈上確認,供應商就可以用加密貨幣收到付款。這將使他們能夠在 Pushd 上擴展業務。 PUSHD 代幣用於平台上的交易。

Holders of the PUSHD can also contribute to the development of the platform by suggesting changes and voting on upcoming platform enhancements. The token is currently valued at only $0.01 in its early presale stage, but as the project gains traction, analysts have forecasted a 50x price surge in 2024.

PUSHD 的持有者還可以透過提出變更建議並對即將推出的平台增強功能進行投票,為平台的發展做出貢獻。該代幣目前在早期預售階段的價值僅為 0.01 美元,但隨著該項目的吸引力增加,分析師預測 2024 年價格將飆升 50 倍。

Final Thoughts


The crypto space faces a change of trend as XRP breaks free from its five-year losing streak and Avalanche surpasses Dogecoin. Meanwhile, Pushd’s groundbreaking platform has received massive praise from crypto industry experts. With the first-mover advantage in eCommerce, Pushd could become one of the top blue-chip projects by 2024.

隨著 XRP 擺脫五年連續下跌、Avalanche 超越狗狗幣,加密貨幣領域面臨趨勢變化。同時,Pushd 的開創性平台也得到了加密產業專家的廣泛讚譽。憑藉在電商領域的先發優勢,Pushd 預計將在 2024 年成為頂級藍籌項目之一。

For more information about the ongoing Pushd (PUSHD) Presale, please visit their website

有關正在進行的 Pushd (PUSHD) 預售的更多信息,請訪問他們的網站

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