The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)'s approval of spot cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) is anticipated to be delayed until after the inauguration of a new president.
Although the SEC has received several applications, analysts believe approval is unlikely until the agency's leadership is finalized.
Bloomberg Intelligence ETF analyst James Seyffart expressed doubt about early approvals, stating, "I would be very surprised if they approve any of these filings before Paul Atkins's confirmation. We assume anything that can be delayed will be delayed until Atkins formally joins the SEC."
彭博情報ETF分析師詹姆斯·塞夫特(James Seyffart)對早期批准表示懷疑,他說:“如果他們在保羅·阿特金斯(Paul Atkins)的確認之前批准了這些文件,我會感到非常驚訝。我們假設任何可以延遲的東西都會延遲到阿特金斯正式加入SEC。”
A source familiar with the situation echoed this sentiment, suggesting early approval is improbable despite the current administration's demonstrated willingness to overturn precedents. The source added, "I would be surprised if it came, but you never know."
熟悉這種情況的消息人士回應了這種情緒,這表明儘管當前政府表現出了推翻先例的意願,但不可能提前批准。 消息人士補充說:“如果來的話,我會感到驚訝,但你永遠不會知道。”
The delays coincide with a leadership transition at the SEC. Following former Chairman Gary Gensler's January resignation, President nominated Paul Atkins, former SEC Commissioner and CEO of Patomak Global Partners, to lead the agency. Mr. Atkins' confirmation hearing remains unscheduled.
延誤與在SEC的領導層過渡一致。 在前董事長加里·加斯勒(Gary Gensler)的一月份辭職之後,總統提名保羅·阿特金斯(Paul Atkins),前美國證券交易委員會(Patomak)全球合作夥伴的首席執行官兼首席執行官保羅·阿特金斯(Paul Atkins)領導該機構。 阿特金斯先生的確認聽證會仍然不習慣。
The SEC recently postponed decisions on several altcoin ETFs, including those linked to XRP, Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Litecoin (LTC). While unexpected, this postponement wasn't surprising to industry observers, according to Seyffart.
SEC最近推遲了幾個Altcoin ETF的決定,包括與XRP,Solana(Sol),Dogecoin(Doge)和Litecoin(LTC)相關的決定。 據Seyffart稱,雖然出乎意料的是,這種推遲對行業觀察員來說並不奇怪。
However, Seyffart and his colleagues estimate a 65% or higher probability of altcoin ETF approvals by the end of 2025. Decisions on applications from May and June may have improved odds, contingent on the new SEC chair's confirmation.
但是,Seyffart及其同事估計,到2025年底,Altcoin ETF批准的可能性為65%或更高。從5月和6月開始的申請的決定可能提高了機率,這取決於新的SEC主席確認。
*This is not investment advice.
Continue Reading: When Could XRP, Solana, Dogecoin and Litecoin Spot ETFs Be Approved? Insider Source Provides Information
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