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XRP’s Surging Bullish Chart Signals Potential Rally to $1.5

XRP 飆升的看漲圖表預示著其可能反彈至 1.5 美元

發布: 2023/10/17 12:15 閱讀: 900

原文作者:Crypto News Land


  • XRP is predicted to surge to $1.5 based on a bullish pattern in the weekly chart.
  • 根據週線圖的看漲模式,XRP 預計將飆升至 1.5 美元。

  • XRP’s strength is highlighted by its contrast with Bitcoin’s weakening trend in 2018.
  • XRP 的強勢與 2018 年比特幣的疲軟趨勢形成鮮明對比。

  • Compared to other assets, XRP shows strength, while Dogecoin reflects buyer exhaustion.
  • 與其他資產相比,XRP 顯示出實力,而狗狗幣則反映出買家的疲憊。

Crypto enthusiasts are closely watching XRP as the digital asset’s price chart reveals a bullish pattern that could lead to a significant surge. Sistine Research, a crypto market analysis platform, has made a bold prediction that XRP may reach an impressive price of $1.5.

加密貨幣愛好者正在密切關注 XRP,因為該數位資產的價格圖表顯示出可能導致價格大幅上漲的看漲模式。加密貨幣市場分析平台Sistine Research做出了大膽預測,XRP可能會達到令人印象深刻的1.5美元價格。

This optimistic outlook is based on a detailed analysis of XRP’s weekly chart, which has been forming a broadening pattern since May 2022. What’s particularly intriguing is that XRP broke above a multi-year descending trendline during a rally in July. Even during a subsequent correction, the asset managed to stay above this critical trendline, signifying resilience against potential drops.

這種樂觀的前景是基於對XRP 週線圖的詳細分析,該週線圖自2022 年5 月以來一直在形成擴大格局。特別有趣的是,XRP 在7 月的反彈中突破了多年下降趨勢線。即使在隨後的調整期間,該資產仍設法保持在這一關鍵趨勢線之上,這表明對潛在下跌的抵禦能力。

Sistine Research’s projections suggest that XRP might see further declines before embarking on a rapid ascent. The target price of $1.5 represents a staggering 204% increase from its current value of $0.4928.

西斯汀研究公司的預測表明,XRP 在開始快速上漲之前可能會進一步下跌。 1.5 美元的目標價較目前的 0.4928 美元上漲了 204%。

What sets XRP apart is its strength when compared to Bitcoin’s performance in 2018. Unlike Bitcoin, which saw lower highs and an overall weakening trend, XRP’s broadening wedge formation indicates an upward accumulation pattern. This pattern reflects an increasing willingness among buyers to invest at higher prices, which is pivotal for any asset’s growth.

與比特幣 2018 年的表現相比,XRP 的與眾不同之處在於它的優勢。與比特幣的高點較低和整體走弱趨勢不同,XRP 不斷擴大的楔形結構表明了向上的積累模式。這種模式反映出買家越來越願意以更高的價格進行投資,這對任何資產的成長都至關重要。

Moreover, when contrasting XRP with other cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin, the difference is striking. XRP showcases a bullish chart, while Dogecoin’s chart hints at buyer exhaustion.

此外,將瑞波幣與狗狗幣等其他加密貨幣進行對比時,差異是驚人的。 XRP 呈現出看漲的圖表,而狗狗幣的圖表則暗示買家已經筋疲力盡。

While some within the crypto community remain skeptical of these bullish predictions, the data-backed analysis from Sistine Research suggests that XRP’s chart is a beacon of hope in an otherwise turbulent market. 

儘管加密社群中的一些人仍然對這些看漲預測持懷疑態度,但西斯汀研究公司的數據支援分析表明,XRP 的圖表是動盪市場中的希望燈塔。

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The post XRP’s Surging Bullish Chart Signals Potential Rally to $1.5 appeared first on Crypto News Land.

XRP 飆升的看漲圖表預示著潛在反彈至 1.5 美元的消息首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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