首页 > 资讯新闻 > WazirX 交易所遭黑客攻击价值 2.35 亿美元,对印度加密货币行业产生影响

$235M WazirX Exchange Hack Has Implications For India’s Crypto Industry

WazirX 交易所遭黑客攻击价值 2.35 亿美元,对印度加密货币行业产生影响

发布: 2024/07/24 00:05 阅读: 323



WazirX 交易所遭黑客攻击价值 2.35 亿美元,对印度加密货币行业产生影响

WazirX Hack Raises Concerns About Exchange Security and India's Crypto Future

WazirX 黑客事件引发人们对交易所安全和印度加密货币未来的担忧

The massive $235M hack on Indian cryptocurrency exchange WazirX on July 18, 2024, has sparked significant questions about exchange security and the future of India's crypto industry.

2024 年 7 月 18 日,印度加密货币交易所 WazirX 遭受了价值 2.35 亿美元的大规模黑客攻击,引发了有关交易所安全和印度加密行业未来的重大问题。

The Attack


The attack unfolded with alarming speed and precision. Cyvers, a Web3 security firm, detected "multiple suspicious transactions" involving WazirX's "Safe Multisig" wallet on Ethereum.

攻击以惊人的速度和精确度展开。 Web3 安全公司 Cyvers 在以太坊上检测到涉及 WazirX 的“安全多重签名”钱包的“多笔可疑交易”。

The attacker transferred a staggering $234.9 million worth of funds to a new address, utilizing assets from cryptocurrency mixer Tornado Cash to fund each transaction. The stolen funds included various cryptocurrencies such as Tether (USDT), Pepe (PEPE), and Gala (GALA). The attacker quickly converted these assets into Ether (ETH) to obscure the trail.

攻击者利用加密货币混合器 Tornado Cash 的资产为每笔交易提供资金,将价值 2.349 亿美元的资金转移到新地址。被盗资金包括Tether(USDT)、Pepe(PEPE)和Gala(GALA)等多种加密货币。攻击者迅速将这些资产转换为以太币(ETH)以掩盖踪迹。

Response by WazirX

WazirX 的回应

In response to the breach, WazirX suspended withdrawals of cryptocurrencies and Indian rupees on the platform. The exchange announced that it was thoroughly investigating the incident.

作为对此次违规行为的回应,WazirX 暂停了平台上加密货币和印度卢比的提现。该交易所宣布正在彻底调查这一事件。

Implications for India's Crypto Sector


The hack could have substantial repercussions for India's crypto sector, which has grown despite regulatory pressure. Utkarsh Tiwari, Chief Strategy Officer for KoinBX, emphasized that such a severe security breach affects all stakeholders in the crypto ecosystem.

这次黑客攻击可能会对印度的加密货币行业产生重大影响,该行业尽管面临监管压力,但仍在增长。 KoinBX 首席战略官 Utkarsh Tiwari 强调,如此严重的安全漏洞影响到加密生态系统中的所有利益相关者。

Tiwari anticipates that Indian exchanges will invest heavily in security infrastructure to showcase the resilience and innovation of the market. India's crypto industry is also awaiting potential relief from stringent tax regulations.


Attack Vector


Meir Dolev, Co-founder of Cyvers, outlined the potential attack vector. The attacker compromised WazirX endpoints or laptops to obtain necessary signatures. They employed a malicious contract to change the implementation of the multisig wallet, allowing the attacker to execute transactions without authorization.

Cyvers 联合创始人 Meir Dolev 概述了潜在的攻击媒介。攻击者入侵 WazirX 端点或笔记本电脑以获得必要的签名。他们利用恶意合约来改变多重签名钱包的实现,使攻击者能够在未经授权的情况下执行交易。

North Korean Involvement Suspected


Analysts believe that North Korean hackers may be responsible for the incident, adding geopolitical complexity. Blockchain forensics firm Elliptic attributed the attack to North Korea based on transactional behavior and patterns.

分析人士认为,朝鲜黑客可能对这一事件负责,这增加了地缘政治的复杂性。区块链取证公司 Elliptic 根据交易行为和模式将此次攻击归咎于朝鲜。

Market Impact


The hack caused turbulence in the cryptocurrency market. The stolen SHIB tokens led to a 10% price plunge. The attacker subsequently swapped SHIB assets for ETH, selling a significant portion of the funds.

此次黑客攻击引发了加密货币市场的动荡。 SHIB 代币被盗导致价格暴跌 10%。攻击者随后将 SHIB 资产换成 ETH,并出售了很大一部分资金。

WazirX's Response

WazirX 的回应

WazirX has taken swift action to mitigate the damage and recover funds. They have filed a police complaint and initiated legal proceedings. They are also collaborating with other exchanges to block identified addresses.

WazirX 已迅速采取行动减轻损失并追回资金。他们已向警方提出申诉并提起法律诉讼。他们还与其他交易所合作来阻止已识别的地址。


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