首页 > 资讯新闻 > 人工智能合并激发了投资者的兴趣——必须有山寨币才能从中受益

AI Merger Fuels Investor Interest - Must Have Altcoins To Benefit From It


发布: 2024/06/08 19:03 阅读: 972




Top Altcoins to Consider in 2024: A Deeper Dive

2024 年值得考虑的顶级山寨币:深入探讨

The recent merger between SingularityNET (NET) and Fetch.ai (FET) has ignited significant investor interest, shifting attention towards other promising cryptocurrencies in the altcoin market. This article explores some of the top altcoins that are garnering considerable buyer interest in 2024: Ripple (XRP), Polygon (MATIC), The Sandbox (SAND), and a new market entrant, Angry Pepe Fork (APORK).

SingularityNET (NET) 和 Fetch.ai (FET) 最近的合并激发了投资者的巨大兴趣,将注意力转向山寨币市场中其他有前途的加密货币。本文探讨了 2024 年吸引大量买家兴趣的一些顶级山寨币:Ripple (XRP)、Polygon (MATIC)、The Sandbox (SAND) 以及新的市场进入者 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)。

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK): A Unique "Conquer-to-Earn" Meme Coin with Explosive Growth Potential


The Solana network is set to welcome a new meme coin sensation, Angry Pepe Fork (APORK), which is currently in its presale phase. This project may appeal to those who missed out on the early success of Pepe Coin.

Solana 网络即将迎来一款引起轰动的新模因币 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK),目前正处于预售阶段。这个项目可能会吸引那些错过了 Pepe Coin 早期成功的人。

As a fork of PEPE Coin, APORK has already garnered significant interest from industry experts, who predict a potential 200% surge in its price by the end of the presale and a possible 350% increase once listed on major exchanges. This prediction is supported by APORK's unique "Conquer-to-Earn" system, which allows users to earn token rewards by collaborating to surpass underperforming meme coins in the market.

作为 PEPE Coin 的一个分叉,APORK 已经引起了行业专家的极大兴趣,他们预测,到预售结束时,APORK 的价格可能会飙升 200%,一旦在主要交易所上市,其价格可能会上涨 350%。这一预测得到了APORK独特的“征服赚取”系统的支持,该系统允许用户通过合作超越市场上表现不佳的模因币来获得代币奖励。

This innovative approach is expected to set APORK apart from other meme coins and potentially drive its growth. Additionally, the token's staking system, with varying lock-up periods for higher rewards, is another attractive feature. APORK is also planning partnerships with institutions to incentivize token earning opportunities.

这种创新方法预计将使 APORK 与其他模因币区分开来,并有可能推动其增长。此外,代币的质押系统具有不同的锁定期以获得更高的奖励,这是另一个有吸引力的功能。 APORK 还计划与机构建立合作伙伴关系,以激励代币赚取机会。

Assuring trust, the token has undergone a security audit by SOLIDProof for its smart contract. While currently priced at $0.014 in the initial presale stage, the APORK token has the potential to soar meteorically during this year's bull market, solidifying its position as one of the best altcoins to invest in now.

为了确保信任,该代币的智能合约已接受 SOLIDProof 的安全审核。虽然目前在初始预售阶段的价格为 0.014 美元,但 APORK 代币有可能在今年的牛市中飙升,巩固其作为目前最佳投资山寨币之一的地位。

Ripple (XRP): A Potential Bull Run on the Horizon


Ripple (XRP) has emerged as a popular altcoin choice for investors seeking diversification in their portfolios during this altseason. Analyzing CoinMarketCap data, the Ripple price pattern mirrors its growth trend in 2023, suggesting the possibility of another bull run, potentially reaching the $1 mark by the end of the year.

对于在这个山寨季节寻求投资组合多元化的投资者来说,瑞波币(XRP)已成为一种流行的山寨币选择。分析 CoinMarketCap 数据,Ripple 价格模式反映了 2023 年的增长趋势,表明可能会出现另一场牛市,并可能在年底达到 1 美元大关。

Recent price movements indicate bullish signals, with a 3% increase over the past week. If this trend continues, as predicted by EGRAG CRYPTO, Ripple's price could reach $1.5 in the coming weeks.

最近的价格走势表明看涨信号,过去一周上涨了 3%。如果这种趋势持续下去,正如 EGRAG CRYPTO 预测的那样,Ripple 的价格可能在未来几周内达到 1.5 美元。

Technical analysis also supports this, as Ripple trades above its 200-day exponential moving average (EMA) with positive indicators. Experts forecast a potential surge to $0.71 within Q2 of 2024.

技术分析也支持这一点,因为瑞波币交易价格高于 200 天指数移动平均线 (EMA),且指标积极。专家预测 2024 年第二季度可能飙升至 0.71 美元。

The Sandbox (SAND): Empowering the Community, Fueling Growth

沙盒 (SAND):赋予社区权力,促进增长

The Sandbox (SAND) project has recently launched its decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), empowering members to participate in key decision-making processes for platform development. This initiative allows SAND token holders and metaverse asset owners to vote on proposals, shaping the ecosystem's future.

沙箱(SAND)项目最近推出了去中心化自治组织(DAO),使成员能够参与平台开发的关键决策过程。这一举措允许 SAND 代币持有者和 Metaverse 资产所有者对提案进行投票,从而塑造生态系统的未来。

The announcement on The Sandbox's official X account highlights the significance of this development, enabling community members to directly contribute to the platform's direction.

The Sandbox 官方 X 帐户上的公告强调了这一开发的重要性,使社区成员能够直接为平台的方向做出贡献。

With growing community involvement, analysts expect this latest development to positively impact the SAND token's price trajectory, potentially ranking it among the top cryptocurrencies for meteoric gains. Experts predict that increasing trading volume could drive its price towards the $1 mark in June.

随着社区参与度的不断提高,分析师预计这一最新进展将对 SAND 代币的价格轨迹产生积极影响,有可能使其跻身涨幅最大的加密货币之列。专家预测,交易量的增加可能会将其价格推向 6 月份的 1 美元大关。

SingularityNET (AGIX): AI Powerhouse on the Rise

SingularityNET (AGIX):崛起中的人工智能强国

SingularityNET (AGIX) has also become a favorite among traders seeking portfolio diversification. The SingularityNET coin has surged over 200% in the past year, currently trading above its 100 and 200-day EMAs, with positive technical indicators.

SingularityNET (AGIX) 也成为寻求投资组合多元化的交易者的最爱。 SingularityNET 代币在过去一年中飙升了 200% 以上,目前交易价格高于 100 日和 200 日均线,技术指标积极。

Market analysts remain optimistic about its future performance, predicting it will reach $1.33 by the end of Q2 2024. The recent merger between Fetch.ai, Ocean Protocol, and SingularityNET, to be finalized on June 13, marks a significant milestone in decentralized AI development.

市场分析师对其未来表现保持乐观,预计到 2024 年第二季度末将达到 1.33 美元。最近 Fetch.ai、Ocean Protocol 和 SingularityNET 之间的合并将于 6 月 13 日完成,标志着去中心化人工智能开发的一个重要里程碑。

This alliance aims to create a robust, decentralized AI infrastructure, challenging the dominance of Big Tech companies in AI. Overall, the recent performance and upcoming merger make SingularityNET coin an attractive investment opportunity for those looking to capitalize on the growing AI trend.

该联盟旨在创建一个强大的、去中心化的人工智能基础设施,挑战大型科技公司在人工智能领域的主导地位。总体而言,最近的表现和即将到来的合并使 SingularityNET 硬币对于那些希望利用不断增长的人工智能趋势的人来说是一个有吸引力的投资机会。

Polygon (MATIC): Bullish Momentum Despite YTD Dip

Polygon (MATIC):尽管年初至今下跌,但看涨势头

While Polygon (MATIC) has experienced a 20% drop on the year-to-date chart, analyst Crypto Patel remains optimistic about its future performance. In his X post, Patel suggests a potential bullish pennant breakout, which could lead to a significant price increase.

尽管 Polygon (MATIC) 今年迄今已下跌 20%,但分析师 Crypto Patel 对其未来表现仍持乐观态度。帕特尔在他的 X 帖子中表示,潜在的看涨三角旗突破可能会导致价格大幅上涨。

Technical analysis indicates bullish signs, with 13 buy indicators, suggesting favorable market sentiment. Market analysts predict a potential surge to $1.04 for Polygon within Q2 of 2024, indicating a positive outlook for this altcoin.

技术分析显示看涨迹象,有 13 个买入指标,表明市场情绪良好。市场分析师预测 Polygon 在 2024 年第二季度可能会飙升至 1.04 美元,这表明这种山寨币的前景乐观。

Why Choose APORK Over Other Altcoins Like MATIC, AGIX, XRP, and SAND?

为什么选择 APORK 而不是 MATIC、AGIX、XRP 和 SAND 等其他山寨币?

While XRP, SAND, NET, and MATIC show promise, their growth may be limited. APORK stands out with its unique "Conquer-to-Earn" concept within the meme coin market. Its potential for significant gains has captured attention.

虽然 XRP、SAND、NET 和 MATIC 显示出前景,但它们的增长可能有限。 APORK以其独特的“征服赚钱”理念在模因币市场中脱颖而出。其巨大收益的潜力引起了人们的关注。

For those looking to benefit from the ongoing bull run, investing in APORK could be a more strategic move, considering its backing and innovative approach. This altcoin is a top contender among its peers due to its unique value proposition.

对于那些希望从持续牛市中受益的人来说,考虑到 APORK 的支持和创新方法,投资 APORK 可能是一个更具战略意义的举措。由于其独特的价值主张,这种山寨币是同类货币中的顶级竞争者。

Acquire Angry Pepe Fork Before Its Price Skyrockets

在 Angry Pepe Fork 价格暴涨之前购买它


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