首页 > 资讯新闻 > 山寨币 Sherpa 警告 Tellor Tributes (TRB) 山寨币将出现重大调整

Altcoin Sherpa Warns of a Major Correction for Tellor Tributes (TRB) Altcoin

山寨币 Sherpa 警告 Tellor Tributes (TRB) 山寨币将出现重大调整

发布: 2023/10/14 16:16 阅读: 920



Renowned and closely followed cryptocurrency analyst and trader, Altcoin Sherpa, known for his accurate predictions, revealed that Tellor Tributes (TRB), an altcoin that is not on the radar of many investors, has experienced a triple-digit increase since June and warns of a potential sharp correction in the near future. The analyst also shared his views on Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

备受关注的著名加密货币分析师和交易员山寨币夏尔巴 (Altcoin Sherpa) 以其准确的预测而闻名,他透露,Tellor Tributes (TRB) 是一种并未受到许多投资者关注的山寨币,自 6 月份以来已经经历了三位数的涨幅,并警告说近期可能出现大幅调整。这位分析师还分享了他对比特币(BTC)和狗狗币(DOGE)的看法。

“One of the Best Altcoins to Short”


Anonymous cryptocurrency analyst and trader Altcoin Sherpa believes that Tellor Tributes, a blockchain oracle project, will be one of the best altcoins to short in the coming months. He predicts a significant drop in TRB, pointing to a target price of around $14.

匿名加密货币分析师和交易员山寨币 Sherpa 认为,区块链预言机项目 Tellor Tributes 将成为未来几个月最适合做空的山寨币之一。他预计 TRB 将大幅下跌,目标价约为 14 美元。

Tellor Tributes’ TRB was trading around $9.70 on June 12th and is currently trading at $45.90, indicating a 373% increase.

Tellor Tributes 的 TRB 6 月 12 日交易价格约为 9.70 美元,目前交易价格为 45.90 美元,涨幅为 373%。

Analyst’s Bitcoin and Dogecoin Analysis


Following TRB, Altcoin Sherpa shared his views on Bitcoin, stating that the largest cryptocurrency will continue to trade without finding a clear direction in the coming months and that a significant rise will not begin until 2024-2025. He said:

继TRB之后,Altcoin Sherpa分享了他对比特币的看法,表示最大的加密货币将在未来几个月内继续交易而没有找到明确的方向,并且要到2024-2025年才会开始大幅上涨。他说:

“The way the price moves above and below the 200-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) reminds me of 2019 when it traded with strange increases everywhere. I still think 2024-2025 is when the fun will begin, so hang in there until then.”

“价格在 200 天指数移动平均线 (EMA) 上方和下方移动的方式让我想起 2019 年,当时到处都有奇怪的上涨。我仍然认为 2024-2025 年才是乐趣开始的时候,所以坚持到那时。”

The largest cryptocurrency, BTC, is currently trading at $26,928 with a 0.51% increase in the last 24 hours, just below $27,000.

最大的加密货币 BTC 目前交易价格为 26,928 美元,过去 24 小时内上涨 0.51%,略低于 27,000 美元。

Lastly, analyzing Dogecoin, the anonymous analyst stated that DOGE may retest the long-held support level but does not foresee any significant opportunity in the largest memecoin at the moment.


DOGE is currently trading at $0.05819 with a 0.73% increase in the last 24 hours.

DOGE 目前交易价格为 0.05819 美元,过去 24 小时内上涨 0.73%。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/altcoin-sherpa-warns-of-a-major-correction-for-tellor-tributes-trb-altcoin/

继续阅读:https://en.coin-turk.com/altcoin-sherpa-warns-of-a-major- Correction-for-tellor-tributes-trb-altcoin/


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