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3 Altcoins Still Riding Bitcoin’s Surge


发布: 2023/12/12 20:04 阅读: 829

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


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2023 has been nothing short of a captivating journey. Bitcoin ($BTC) has taken center stage, surging to an impressive $44,000 (despite retracing a bit over the weekend, back towards $42K) and attracting the keen interest of institutional investors. Amidst this overall upward momentum, memecoins have claimed their spotlight. Two of the best-known canine-themed cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin ($DOGE) and Floki Inu ($FLOKI), are leading the pack. There’s also a new player on the scene, Galaxy Fox, offering an intriguing combination of crypto gaming and investment opportunities during its presale stage. These three are among the best cheap crypto to buy right now for many investors and traders. 

2023 年无疑是一次迷人的旅程。比特币 ($BTC) 占据了舞台中心,飙升至令人印象深刻的 44,000 美元(尽管周末略有回落,回到 42,000 美元),并吸引了机构投资者的浓厚兴趣。在这种整体上升势头中,模因币引起了人们的关注。两种最著名的以犬类为主题的加密货币,狗狗币 ($DOGE) 和 Floki Inu ($FLOKI) 处于领先地位。还有一个新玩家 Galaxy Fox,在预售阶段提供了加密货币游戏和投资机会的有趣组合。对于许多投资者和交易者来说,这三种是目前最便宜的加密货币之一。

Galaxy Fox: Rising Star in the Crypto Galaxy

Galaxy Fox:加密银河系的后起之秀

Galaxy Fox is a rising star that’s not just riding Bitcoin’s surge but also carving its own path. This crypto doesn’t just boast of an accessible price tag, but an entire ecosystem that’s capturing the imagination of investors. Proof of this is the fact that Galaxy Fox has reached a milestone of $850K in its presale, and it’s expected to hit the $1 million mark very soon. 

Galaxy Fox 是一颗冉冉升起的新星,它不仅顺应了比特币的飙升,而且还开辟了自己的道路。这种加密货币不仅拥有可承受的价格标签,而且拥有一个吸引投资者想象力的整个生态系统。 Galaxy Fox 预售已达到 85 万美元的里程碑,预计很快将突破 100 万美元大关,这一事实就是证明。

As of December 9, the $GFOX presale is in Stage 3, with each token priced at $0.001122. Things are heating up fast, with over 1 billion tokens already in the hands of early investors. The next stage promises an 18% jump, so getting in now is a smart move to secure substantial returns.

截至 12 月 9 日,GFOX 预售已进入第三阶段,每个代币价格为 0.001122 美元。事情正在迅速升温,早期投资者手中已经有超过 10 亿枚代币。下一阶段承诺增长 18%,因此现在进入是确保可观回报的明智之举。

Staking rewards offer residual income, and the token burn ensures stakers earn a yield on a deflationary asset. The Galaxy Fox Treasury adds another layer, earning revenue from real-world merchandise sales and capturing a flywheel effect that brings in more users.

质押奖励提供剩余收入,代币销毁可确保质押者从通货紧缩资产中获得收益。 Galaxy Fox Treasury 又增加了一层,从现实世界的商品销售中赚取收入,并利用飞轮效应吸引更多用户。

Within the Galaxy Fox ecosystem lies an engaging web3 runner game that adds a new dimension to crypto entertainment. Players earn $GFOX tokens based on their in-game performance, and NFTs offer strategic advantages. It’s not just gaming but also an ecosystem that offers significant financial rewards.

Galaxy Fox 生态系统中有一款引人入胜的 web3 跑步游戏,为加密娱乐增添了新的维度。玩家根据他们在游戏中的表现赚取 GFOX 代币,而 NFT 则具有战略优势。这不仅仅是游戏,也是一个提供丰厚经济回报的生态系统。

The upcoming release of 3,000 unique NFTs during the presale adds another layer of excitement. These NFTs – featuring characters from the Galaxy Fox world – will be tradable on platforms like OpenSea, creating a dynamic marketplace that complements the gaming experience.

即将在预售期间发布的 3,000 个独特的 NFT 又增添了一层兴奋感。这些以 Galaxy Fox 世界中的角色为特色的 NFT 将可以在 OpenSea 等平台上进行交易,从而创建一个补充游戏体验的动态市场。

As one of the best cheap crypto to buy right now, Galaxy Fox ensures loyalty doesn’t go unnoticed. With 2% of each transaction added to the Galaxy Fox Stargate, faithful holders earn a proportional share of rewards over time.

作为目前最便宜的加密货币之一,Galaxy Fox 确保忠诚度不会被忽视。每笔交易的 2% 都会添加到 Galaxy Fox Stargate,忠实的持有者会随着时间的推移获得一定比例的奖励。

Dogecoin: The Unstoppable Canine


Since mid-November, Dogecoin ($DOGE) has been on its journey, eyeing that elusive $0.1 resistance level. It’s hovering around the $0.09 mark, showcasing an impressive 16% surge in the first week of December and a jaw-dropping 31% gain over the last month.

自 11 月中旬以来,狗狗币 ($DOGE) 一直在寻找难以捉摸的 0.1 美元阻力位。它徘徊在 0.09 美元大关附近,12 月第一周飙升 16%,较上个月惊人上涨 31%。

Analysts closely monitor the Relative Strength Index (RSI) at 76.6961, which signals a bullish advantage. However, caution flags are up as the Commodity Channel Index (20) issues sell signals. It’s a delicate dance, and traders need to be nimble.

分析师密切关注相对强弱指数(RSI)76.6961,该指数表明看涨优势。然而,随着商品通道指数 (20) 发出卖出信号,谨慎信号有所上升。这是一场微妙的舞蹈,交易者需要保持灵活性。

The moving averages tell a bullish tale across the board. The 10-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) and Simple Moving Average (SMA) are strong, and the 100-day EMA and SMA indicate a sustained upward momentum. Dogecoin isn’t just a meme coin but a serious player in the crypto game.

移动平均线全面讲述了一个看涨的故事。 10日指数移动平均线(EMA)和简单移动平均线(SMA)强劲,100日EMA和SMA显示持续上涨势头。狗狗币不仅仅是一种模因币,而且是加密货币游戏中的重要参与者。

Floki Inu: A Bark That’s Worth More Than a Bite

Floki Inu:比一口更值得的树皮

Floki Inu ($FLOKI) is another good crypto to buy that’s been riding Bitcoin’s surge since mid-October. Hovering around the $0.00004 mark, $FLOKI has gained a substantial 26% in the first week of December and an impressive 32% over the month. It’s not reaching for the moon yet, but it’s aiming high.

Floki Inu ($FLOKI) 是另一种值得购买的优质加密货币,自 10 月中旬以来一直伴随着比特币的飙升。 $FLOKI 徘徊在 0.00004 美元大关附近,在 12 月第一周大幅上涨 26%,当月涨幅高达 32%,令人印象深刻。虽然它还没有到达月球,但它的目标很高。

The technical indicators send mixed signals, with RSI and Stochastic suggesting neutrality. Momentum leans towards sell signals, but the moving averages tell a bullish story. It’s a coin with short-term and long-term indicators pointing towards a favourable trend.

技术指标发出混合信号,RSI 和随机指标显示中性。势头倾向于卖出信号,但移动平均线讲述了一个看涨的故事。这是一种短期和长期指标都指向有利趋势的代币。

Conclusion: Join the Galaxy Fox Community

结论:加入 Galaxy Fox 社区

As you navigate the top ICO list, Galaxy Fox emerges as a compelling investment prospect, being one of the best cheap crypto to buy right now. To learn more about this project and buy $GFOX tokens, visit their website. Join their Telegram community, too, to be part of the conversation and stay updated on the latest developments. Don’t miss out—plunge into the Galaxy Fox universe today!

当你浏览顶级 ICO 列表时,Galaxy Fox 成为一个引人注目的投资前景,是目前最便宜的加密货币之一。要了解有关该项目的更多信息并购买 $GFOX 代币,请访问他们的网站。也可以加入他们的 Telegram 社区,参与对话并了解最新动态。不要错过——今天就进入 Galaxy Fox 宇宙吧!

Learn more about $GFOX here:

在此处了解有关 $GFOX 的更多信息:

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join the Community

访问 Galaxy Fox 预售 |加入社区


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