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Altcoins Technical Analysis for August; ADA, SOL, DOT, LUNC & DOGE


发布: 2023/07/31 15:00 阅读: 266

原文作者:CoinPedia News


8 月份山寨币后技术分析; ADA、SOL、DOT、LUNC 和 DOGE 首次出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻

The crypto space continues to remain within the same narrow region as the tokens undergo a minor upswing compared to the previous day’s close. Not much variation has been recorded since then as the star crypto continues to chop around $29,500, failing to rise above these levels. While some of the popular altcoins are displaying enough bullish momentum and appear to be waiting for the right time to trigger a breakout. 

加密货币空间继续保持在相同的狭窄区域内,因为代币与前一天的收盘价相比经历了小幅上涨。此后并没有出现太大的变化,明星加密货币继续下跌至 29,500 美元左右,未能突破这些水平。虽然一些流行的山寨币显示出足够的看涨势头,并且似乎正在等待合适的时机来触发突破。

Cardano (ADA) 


  • The Cardano price continues to maintain a choppy upswing without major price variations, indicating the bulls hold their strength until the month end
  • 卡尔达诺价格继续保持震荡上涨,没有出现重大价格变化,表明多头在月底之前保持强势

  • While the RSI is rising firmly towards overbought levels, which may lift the price towards $0.359 levels, enabling a further rise toward the first target at $0.45
  • 虽然 RSI 正在稳步上升至超买水平,这可能会将价格提升至 0.359 美元的水平,从而进一步上涨至第一个目标 0.45 美元

  • Therefore, the monthly analysis of ADA price remains bullish, while, the price could maintain a healthy upswing for the first few days of August or until the end of the week
  • 因此,ADA价格的月度分析仍然看涨,而价格可能会在8月的前几天或直到本周末保持健康的上涨

Solana (SOL)

索拉纳 (太阳)

  • After the Solana price rebounded from the lows in June, the token maintained a healthy upswing throughout July to mark the yearly high of around $32
  • Solana 价格从 6 月低点反弹后,整个 7 月保持健康上涨,创下 32 美元左右的年度高点

  • The trend has now regained within the bullish pattern and displays the probability of triggering a bullish breakout in the next few days
  • 目前趋势已恢复看涨模式,并显示未来几天触发看涨突破的可能性

  • However, the RSI and MACD continue to remain bearish which suggests, the Solana price may continue with a sideway trend for a while and with the flow of buying pressure, a decent upswing may be imminent. 
  • 然而,RSI 和 MACD 继续保持看跌,这表明 Solana 价格可能会继续横盘趋势一段时间,并且随着购买压力的流动,体面的上涨可能即将到来。

Polkadot (DOT) 


  • Polkadot price has waned its popularity in recent times despite the price maintinag acute strength by trading within an ascending triangle forming constant higher highs and lows
  • 尽管波卡价格通过在形成不断走高的高点和低点的上升三角形内交易而保持强劲势头,但近年来其受欢迎程度有所下降

  • The trading volume maintains decent levels which suggest the bulls and bears are active, compelling the price to trade within a narrow region. 
  • 交易量保持在不错的水平,这表明多头和空头都很活跃,迫使价格在狭窄的区域内交易。

  • As the RSI is trading flat MACD does not show signs of a bullish reversal due to which the DOT price may consolidate within an ascending triangle to reach the apex, which may be followed by a bullish breakout above $5.5
  • 由于 RSI 持平,MACD 没有显示出看涨反转的迹象,因此 DOT 价格可能会在上升三角形内盘整以达到顶点,随后可能会看涨突破 5.5 美元上方

Terra LUNA Classic (LUNC) 

Terra LUNA 经典 (LUNC)

  • Terra LUNA classic was gaining some traction in recent days, while the price action remained largely sluggish.
  • Terra LUNA classic 最近几天受到了一些关注,但价格走势仍然基本低迷。

  • The volume also has dried up to a large extent which is majorly dominated by the bears but the ADX indicating the strength of the rally displays a bullish divergence. Hence, the LUNC price may maintain a sideway trend until it reaches the apex and undergoes a significant price action. 
  • 成交量也在很大程度上枯竭,主要由空头主导,但表明反弹强度的 ADX 显示出看涨背离。因此,LUNC 价格可能会维持横盘趋势,直到达到顶点并经历重大价格走势。

  • While a breakout from the descending triangle results in a minor pullback, the LUNC price may marginally drop below the lower support, suggesting a correction, followed by a bullish breakout to reclaim the lost levels. 
  • 虽然突破下降三角形会导致小幅回调,但 LUNC 价格可能会小幅跌破较低的支撑位,表明会出现回调,随后会出现看涨突破,收复失地。

Dogecoin (DOGE) 

狗狗币 (DOGE)

  • Being largely diverse from the other popular tokens in the market, the Dogecoin price has manifested acute strength, breaking above the descending triangle
  • 与市场上其他流行代币有很大不同,狗狗币价格表现出强劲的势头,突破了下降三角形

  • However, after lifting the price relatively high, the bulls appear to have exhausted themselves, which is now causing the DOGE price to face a minor pullback
  • 然而,在将价格提高到相对较高的水平后,多头似乎已经筋疲力尽,这导致 DOGE 价格面临小幅回调

  • As the RSI is showing some signs of a plunge, it may drag the DOGE price lower towards the support zone which may trigger a healthy rebound towards the first target at $0.09. 
  • 由于 RSI 显示出一些暴跌的迹象,它可能会将 DOGE 价格拖向支撑区域,这可能会引发向第一个目标 0.09 美元的健康反弹。


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