首页 > 资讯新闻 > 本周值得关注的山寨币:ADA、XRP、DOGE、SOL 和新加密货币

Altcoins To Watch This Week: ADA, XRP, DOGE, SOL and New Crypto

本周值得关注的山寨币:ADA、XRP、DOGE、SOL 和新加密货币

发布: 2023/12/09 14:36 阅读: 810



The cryptocurrency market is experiencing a significant surge, with Bitcoin (BTC) reaching $44K, a level not seen since May 2022. This upward trend is not just limited to Bitcoin; altcoins like Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), Ripple (XRP), Dogecoin (DOGE), and the emerging ScapesMania are also showing remarkable performance. The total crypto market cap has increased by $60 billion overnight, indicating a robust bullish sentiment across the market. This growth is particularly noteworthy for altcoins, as they often mirror Bitcoin's movements but with amplified intensity.

加密货币市场正在经历大幅飙升,比特币 (BTC) 达到 4.4 万美元,这是自 2022 年 5 月以来的最高水平。这种上升趋势不仅限于比特币;还有比特币。 Solana (SOL)、Cardano (ADA)、Ripple (XRP)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 等山寨币以及新兴的 ScapesMania 也表现出了出色的表现。加密货币总市值一夜之间增加了 600 亿美元,表明整个市场的看涨情绪强劲。对于山寨币来说,这种增长尤其值得注意,因为它们通常反映了比特币的走势,但强度更大。

According to expert opinions, the above-mentioned coins can show exceptionally high returns for investors this week. That is why we analyzed the available data and news to bring you a brief snapshot of all the altcoins set to stun this week.




  • ScapesMania: Notable for its presale phase and gaming industry integration.
  • ScapesMania:以其预售阶段和游戏行业整合而闻名。

  • Cardano (ADA): Shows breakout potential following a significant wallet update.
  • 卡尔达诺(ADA):在重大钱包更新后显示出突破潜力。

  • Ripple (XRP): Close to surpassing BNB in market cap, indicating bullish trend.
  • Ripple(XRP):市值接近超越BNB,显示看涨趋势。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE): Experiences a surge in open futures and price, reflecting investor interest.
  • 狗狗币(DOGE):未平仓期货和价格飙升,反映了投资者的兴趣。

ScapesMania: A Rising Star in the Crypto Universe


Many crypto experts pick ScapesMania as the best new project of 2023 and beyond. It manages to separate itself from the competition by offering holders a multitude of revenue streams and high potential ROIs during presale. 

许多加密货币专家将 ScapesMania 选为 2023 年及以后的最佳新项目。它通过在预售期间为持有者提供多种收入来源和高潜在投资回报率,成功地从竞争中脱颖而出。

Companies and individual crypto traders looking for fast potential gains should definitely look into ScapesMania's proposition. Once the presale finishes, the price will soar, securing possible returns in the range of 400-500%. Right now, there's an active discount of close to 70% , but it won't last forever - the clock is ticking and all interested in leveraging this offer need to act fast .

寻求快速潜在收益的公司和个人加密货币交易者绝对应该考虑 ScapesMania 的主张。一旦预售完成,价格将会飙升,确保可能的回报在 400-500% 范围内。目前,有接近 70% 的主动折扣,但它不会永远持续 - 时间在流逝,所有有兴趣利用此优惠的人都需要快速行动。

When dissecting the tokenomics and other features of ScapesMania, it becomes clear that it's the best altcoin to hold now. The innovative gaming-related core idea, impressive presale numbers, $150,000 giveaway , undying social media hype , and other positive aspects can guarantee that ScapesMania will continue on its winning journey , so it makes sense to get involved as soon as possible.

当剖析 ScapesMania 的代币经济学和其他特征时,很明显它是现在最好持有的山寨币。创新的游戏相关核心理念、令人印象深刻的预售数字、15万美元的赠品、持续不断的社交媒体炒作以及其他积极方面可以保证ScapesMania继续其获胜之旅,因此尽快参与是有意义的。

>>> Join Presale at a Discount on the Official Site <<<

>>> 参加官方网站折扣预售

Secure higher gains by grabbing a sizable bonus of 10% on ScapesMania! Use code QRE833 at checkout in a special textbox for an even better deal on a cryptocurrency that is set to make you the envy of the entire crypto community. Act fast - the offer is valid for a limited time only.

在 ScapesMania 上获得 10% 的巨额奖金,确保获得更高收益!在特殊文本框中结账时使用代码 QRE833,即可获得更优惠的加密货币交易,这将使您成为整个加密货币社区羡慕的对象。快速行动 - 优惠仅在有限时间内有效。

Cardano (ADA): A New Chapter in Decentralized Applications


Cardano (ADA) recently introduced a significant update to its wallet, Eternl v1.11.17, marking a crucial development in its ecosystem. This update enhances the wallet's functionality, particularly in terms of collateral handling, which is vital for transactions and staking processes.

Cardano (ADA) 最近对其钱包进行了重大更新,Eternl v1.11.17,标志着其生态系统的重要发展。此更新增强了钱包的功能,特别是在抵押品处理方面,这对于交易和质押流程至关重要。

Cardano (ADA) price action is mirroring its historical pattern observed between 2018 and 2020, suggesting a potential breakout following a period of consolidation. This pattern indicates a bullish sentiment among investors and traders.

卡尔达诺 (ADA) 的价格走势反映了 2018 年至 2020 年期间观察到的历史模式,表明经过一段时间的盘整后可能会出现突破。这种模式表明投资者和交易者的看涨情绪。

Considering the latest wallet update and historical price patterns, Cardano (ADA) is poised for a potential breakout. However, the success of this breakout will depend on broader market trends and investor confidence in Cardano (ADA) long-term value proposition.


Ripple (XRP): On the Verge of a Major Market Shift


Ripple (XRP) token is experiencing a bullish trend, with its price increasing by 3% in the last 24 hours. This growth brings Ripple (XRP) close to surpassing BNB in market capitalization, a significant milestone for the cryptocurrency.

Ripple (XRP) 代币正在经历看涨趋势,其价格在过去 24 小时内上涨了 3%。这一增长使 Ripple (XRP) 的市值接近超越 BNB,这是加密货币的一个重要里程碑。

The current price of Ripple (XRP), trading at $0.6449, is testing the resistance level of $0.6448. If this level is successfully breached and becomes a support floor, it could propel the token towards the $0.7000 mark.

Ripple (XRP) 当前价格为 0.6449 美元,正在测试 0.6448 美元的阻力位。如果成功突破该水平并成为支撑位,则可能会将代币推向 0.7000 美元大关。

Ripple (XRP) recent performance, combined with the positive outcome of its lawsuit with the SEC, sets a strong foundation for future growth. However, any sudden surge in interest or market volatility could impact its price trajectory.

Ripple (XRP) 最近的表现,加上其与 SEC 诉讼的积极结果,为未来的增长奠定了坚实的基础。然而,任何兴趣的突然激增或市场波动都可能影响其价格轨迹。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Riding the Wave of Meme Coin Popularity


Dogecoin (DOGE) has seen over $600 million locked in open futures, reaching an 8-month high. This surge in open interest alongside a rise in price confirms an uptrend for the meme coin.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 的未平仓合约锁定金额已超过 6 亿美元,达到 8 个月来的新高。未平仓合约的激增以及价格的上涨证实了 meme 代币的上涨趋势。

Dogecoin (DOGE) price has increased by 58% to $625 million in one week, indicating strong investor confidence and bullish sentiment.

狗狗币(DOGE)价格一周内上涨 58% 至 6.25 亿美元,表明投资者信心强劲和看涨情绪。

While Dogecoin (DOGE) current surge is impressive, investors should be cautious of potential speculative froth, which is often observed at the tail end of marketwide bullish trends.


Solana (SOL): A Beacon of Innovation in DeFi

Solana (SOL):DeFi 创新的灯塔

Solana (SOL) token has more than tripled since mid-October, driven by DeFi traders returning to its ecosystem for on-chain trading, borrowing, lending, and yield-generating projects.

自 10 月中旬以来,Solana (SOL) 代币价格上涨了两倍多,原因是 DeFi 交易者重返其生态系统进行链上交易、借贷和产生收益的项目。

The significant growth in Solana (SOL) value is a testament to the strength and appeal of Solana (SOL) DeFi offerings, particularly the Kamino protocol.

Solana (SOL) 价值的显着增长证明了 Solana (SOL) DeFi 产品的实力和吸引力,特别是 Kamino 协议。

With the upcoming points program and potential token airdrop, Solana (SOL) ecosystem is likely to see further growth. However, the success of these initiatives will depend on continued investor interest and market stability.

随着即将推出的积分计划和潜在的代币空投,Solana (SOL) 生态系统可能会进一步增长。然而,这些举措的成功将取决于投资者的持续兴趣和市场稳定。



The cryptocurrency market is witnessing a robust bullish wave, led by Bitcoin's significant rise. This positive momentum is cascading to altcoins, each displaying unique strengths and potential for growth. ScapesMania's innovative approach , Cardano (ADA) wallet update, Ripple (XRP) market position, Dogecoin (DOGE) meme coin popularity, and Solana (SOL) DeFi advancements are key factors contributing to their respective uptrends. 

在比特币大幅上涨的带动下,加密货币市场正在经历强劲的看涨浪潮。这种积极的势头正在蔓延到山寨币上,每种山寨币都展现出独特的优势和增长潜力。 ScapesMania 的创新方法、Cardano (ADA) 钱包更新、Ripple (XRP) 市场地位、Dogecoin (DOGE) meme 币受欢迎程度以及 Solana (SOL) DeFi 进步是促成各自上涨趋势的关键因素。

As the market evolves, it will become more obvious which project was the better pick . At the time of writing, it seems like ScapesMania is the one to watch out for with its impressive presale numbers and explosive growth potential .

随着市场的发展,哪个项目是更好的选择将变得更加明显。在撰写本文时,ScapesMania 似乎因其令人印象深刻的预售数量和爆炸性增长潜力而值得关注。

Site: https://scapesmania.io/


Source: https://thebittimes.com/altcoins-to-watch-this-week-ada-xrp-doge-sol-and-new-crypto-tbt73068.html



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